[0072] FIGS. 1-4 depict an exemplary insulating device 10 that can be configured to keep desired contents stored cool or warm for an extended period of time.
The insulating device can generally include an outer shell 501, a closure 301, an insulating layer 502, and an inner liner 500.
The cold retention time of the insulating device can be approximately 11 to 20 hours.
However, in one example the cold retention time can be 11 to 15 hours. In another example the cold retention time can be approximately 12.24 hours.
The heat gain rate of the insulating device can be approximately 1 to 1.5 degF/hr, and, in one particular example, the heat gain rate can be approximately 1.4 degF/hr.
The storage compartment can be configured to maintain a liquid therein while inverted for greater than 15 minutes.
In one particular example, the storage compartment can be configured to maintain the liquid for a period of greater than 30 minutes therein when inverted and a half of a volume of the storage compartment is filled with the liquid.
[0027] As shown in FIGURE l, the delivery vehicle can include: a chassis; a drive system (e.g., including two driven center wheels, and one or two 36o°-swivel castors at each end);
a cargo hold configured to hold one or more discrete payloads (e.g., multiple individually-packaged goods, multiple grocery bags containing multiple grocery items, or boxes containing one or more items) in a heated, cooled, or unconditioned volume;
a set of sensors configured to collect information about the delivery vehicle's environment;
and a controller configured to transform sensor streams output by the set of sensors into a crossing confidence score and to navigate the delivery vehicle over a pedestrian walkway or bike lane based on crossing confidence scores calculated over time.
In another embodiment of the invention, the present method may further include adding an additive in adhesive contact to the surface of the deposited composition to yield a functional coating thereon.
The additive may be selected to produce physiological effects and/or sensations in humans and may be administered through contact with tissue such as, for example, the skin or mucosal membranes.
The additive may be selected from fragrances, flavorants, warming agents, cooling agents (e.g., methyl salicylate), and the like.
[00437] The operability of the EXO50 process by different users at different research sites, using different qPCR analysis reagents was compared in an on-site experiment in order to assess the ease of usability of the EXO50 process and the reproducibility of the results.
The sample used in this experiment comprised a pool of plasma from 900 single blood draws.
The sample was shipped on dry-ice to 8 different labs, some on different continents.
[00219] In the ultracentrifugation method, one 1 mL aliquots of plasma from four subjects were transferred to a 5mL polyallomer tube (Beckman-Coulter, Miami, FL, USA) containing 8 RNasin Plus (40 U/μΙ, Promega, Madison, Wi., USA) RNase inhibitor, and incubated for 5 minutes at room temp.
超遠心分離法において、8μLのRNasin Plus(40U/μl、Promega社、マジソン、ウィスコンシン州、米国)RNase阻害剤を含む5mLのポリアロマーチューブ(ベックマン・コールター社、マイアミ、フロリダ州、米国)に4人の対象に由来する血漿の1本の1mLのアリコットを移し、室温で5分間保温した。
Following incubation, the plasma was diluted in 1 mL PBS (lOmM Sodium phosphate, 2mM Potassium phosphate, 2.7mM KC1, 137mM NaCl, pH 7.4).
Microvesicles were pelleted by ultracentrifugation at 120,000g for 80 minutes at 8°C.
The microvesicle pellet was washed in 42 μΐ ^ PBS and 8 μΐ, RNasin Plus, and incubated for 20 minutes at room temp.
その微細小胞ペレットを42μLのPBSと8μLのRNasin Plusの中で洗浄し、室温で20分間保温した。
The microvesicle pellet was lysed in 700ul Qiazol Reagent (Qiagen, Valencia, Ca., USA).
[0004] It has been proposed in the prior art, and particularly in U.S. Pat. No. 4,974,419, to use storage cabinets equipped with devices for both heating and refrigeration, enabling the foods they contain to be kept hot or cold, respectively, prior to being distributed to the beneficiaries.
Thus, systems have been proposed comprising, for example, an electrical resistance to provide the necessary calories for maintaining products that must be served hot at the correct temperature along with, for example, a compressor device for providing the frigories required to maintain at temperature products that must be served cold.