
Mind Feeling0711-1 土曜日夕方時

2009年07月11日 16時52分33秒 | 急行特急TH発2007年→2019年5月1日AM11:59
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )

Train talk0711-1 This local train will run as the"25th-H" limited express tonight.

2009年07月11日 14時13分33秒 | 急行特急TH発2007年→2019年5月1日AM11:59
It's going to run "DARUMA limited express -DARUMA TOKKYU-" tonight.
As you know the 67th local train is going to change the 25th-H express and limited express.
I want to ride but it can't.I think that I will be able to ride however there is a problem.
The 67th local train is not always run the car which is 800th-type.If 1500th type or DEHA 1000 KEI trains is going to run,it is going to be nightmare or unfortune.
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )