

An Atom(補足記事)

2022-09-21 12:26:18 | 短歌(旧ホームページから移転の過去記事)
An Atom  原子

by Yasuko Tatsumi 辰巳泰子
English translation by Hideaki Matsuoka & Jack Galmitz
/英訳 松岡秀明 & ジャック・ガルミッツ

At the peak of labor pains
I cursed;
all men should die
at war.

おとこらは みな せんそうに しねよとて じんつうの きわみ われは にくみいき

At noon
simmering a pinch of rice
Rain starts pouring
more silently than
babys breathing.

Turns over
in his sleep showing Mongolian spot
in blue;
The baby has back
though it is small….

What was smaller than breast
was babys head.
his wrist was thinner
than his fathers thumb.

The darkness
seems clinging
to his soul;
my infant closes his eyes
biting a nipple.

quickly and strongly
as my two breast are hurting
as if they were competing with each other
in this midnight.

I had recognized myself
as drunken mud;
Why did they let me bear
a flower
in the heaven?

ひとつまみの こくにて まひる くらみゆき この ねいきより かそかなる

もうこはん あおきを みせて ねがえれば ちいさきながら せなかを もてり

ちぶさより ちいさかりしは その あたま ととの おやゆびの ふとさに てくび

ひったりと やみが あうらを すうらしく ちくび かむ こは めを つぶり おり

はよう ちち すえ もっと ちち すえ きそうごと つのる ふかよの いたみ ふたふさ

みずからを えいたる どろと しりこしに なぜ てんじょうの はなを あれしむ

In the wind
I am remembering a woman
in atomic bomb record
who gave her skin-lost breasts
to her suckling!

Under the mid-day sun
lattice doors
make endless shadows
All of sudden
I remember The Death March.

I put a summer hat
down over the eyes of my baby
since in this world
there only exit things
that I dont want to let my baby see.

Air force plane
in a picture book
and burns out
the forest of a sleepig child.

ひばくきろくに ひふなき それを あたうる ありと ちのみご だきて かぜの なか おもう

えんちゅうに つづく こうしの かげもよう しの こうしんを ふとも おもえり

なつぼうし まぶかく あこに かぶらしむ このよ みせたく なきもの ばかり

えほんに ありし ぐんようき ゆき おさなごの ひるの うまいの もりを やきつくす

The freezing night
what God bestowed on me
was not you
but sad and painful sentiment
about you.

In the dawn
I cannot sleep thinking of Somalia.
My existence is heavy
and also…

かの とうや かみの たびしは きみならず きみの めぐりの せつなさばかり

ソマリアを おもう あかとき ねむられぬ わが そんざいも おもたく はかな

A day in which humans are killing each other
there is a swallow
crossing over a sea
dont look down!

にんげんら ほふりあう ひも うみわたる つばくらめ あり ちを みずに とべ

On the street
oranges are piled
over a family
asid rain.

Without recognizing night and day
I stay guarding a child
who stretches arms and feet
as if these were
drooping flowers.

There is fliyng
the fluff of a dandelion
I cannot stop
loving you.

When you grown up
with heavy bones
and thick chest
let me hold you
like this way.

おうらいは みかん つみおり ひとかぞく つつめるごとく ふる さんせいう

あいするほか あらざりしかば たんぽぽの わたげの たびを めに うつしやる

ほね ふとく むね たくましく そだつとも かく いだかせよ わが しの きわに

The place of feces,
urine,wound and blood
from where life comes
where a boy
does not know.

ふんにょうと きずと ちと いのちの ひとところ とわに しること なき おのこなり

I cant stop
imaging distant war
in red
At the end of mother and child
there should be mothers milk.

Evening glow
is red
because the pain of earth
is reviving;
War I learned is what I cannnot teach.

あかあかと とおき せんそう おもわれぬ ははこの いまわ ちちが あるべし

ちの いたみ かえるがに あかき ゆうやけよ おそわりて おしええざる せんそう

Neither sweet fruit nor flower,
boys are competig with each other
over their height
they are annual plants.

あまき じつ かおる はなより たけ きそう げに おのことは いちねんそうか

I lost my life without a child
I have a child…
like loose bag
that carries sadness.

つらぬきて こを もたぬ せい もはや なく だぶだぶと せつなさの ふくろの ごとき こ






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Zeami Said

2018-12-01 11:31:35 | 短歌(旧ホームページから移転の過去記事)
Imagine something beautiful.

So, I imagine a flower which is swinging by the wind of autumn.
Zeami said that the most beautiful thing is secret.
He gave a mask which the role's feeling was symbolized to each actor.
By this way, actors necessarily showed their nature.

On the other hand, Basho MATUO said the most beautiful thing is simple and undecorated--wabi, sabi.
It's clear that Basho is one of successors of Zeami's concept about beauty.

What do you think a secret, simple, and undecorated thing is?

Secret things are two types.
One is the case that what people much want to see is simply unseen, they feel it secret by themselves.
It is another case that someone makes a certain thing unseen on purpose.

I think Zeami mostly mentioned the former.
Because the later is not essentially beautiful.
Zeami frequently suggested young actors to do better craft, though, the thing which concealed by someone is generally related with human's desire and fault.

We are unable to create more beautiful things than nature.
Our crafts that get something charming should be as natural as possible.

In other words, pursuit of the beauty needs understanding to nature.

Basho MATSUO traveled into all around of Japan in order to witness the natural beauty.
This is the reason that his work has been one of the top level of art even now.
Of course, his works described his images blended the real view.
But, to witness the natural beauty brought the guarantee and the confidence to his works.
In this way, most of the creative works of art has various crafts which understand natural beauty--including human's feelings.

Basho also advocated the mind of simple and undecorated description called wabi and sabi.
What is wabi and sabi -- simple and undecorated mind?

It is far distance from the natural beauty if people make human's desire and fault concealed by a egoistic reason.
But when we try to face and be going to look at these, we must deal with negative feelings that boiled by witness.
These nagative feelings are the very natural for human's lives.
In short, people never live without dealing with their negative feelings.
At that time, I recall Basho's mention--wabi and sabi.

I assume that Basho was concious of his former person called SEN no Rikyu.
Rikyu also had elaborate a plan of the tea room.

Rikyu said.
The best room is simple and undecorated apart from some little crafts for expression of the welcome mind.
The area need not to be wide.
It enables a guest and a host to have some conversation in order to share their true mind.
The lights there also need not to be bright.
It should be natural and it has just the degree which enable a guest and a host to understand their feelings each other.

In conclusion, I think a beautiful thing often seems a secret as if it's why a flower is blooming with bending by the wind.

The why must be simple, undecorated, and necessarily -- honest.

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An Atom

2018-09-02 17:08:53 | 短歌(旧ホームページから移転の過去記事)

An Atom  原子

by Yasuko Tatsumi 辰巳泰子
English translation by Hideaki Matsuoka & Jack Galmitz
/英訳 松岡秀明 & ジャック・ガルミッツ

At the peak of labor pains
I cursed;
all men should die
at war.


At noon
simmering a pinch of rice
Rain starts pouring
more silently than
babys breathing.

Turns over
in his sleep showing Mongolian spot
in blue;
The baby has back
though it is small….

What was smaller than breast
was babys head.
his wrist was thinner
than his fathers thumb.

The darkness
seems clinging
to his soul;
my infant closes his eyes
biting a nipple.

quickly and strongly
as my two breast are hurting
as if they were competing with each other
in this midnight.

I had recognized myself
as drunken mud;
Why did they let me bear
a flower
in the heaven?



乳房より小さかりしはその頭 ととの親指の太さに手首




In the wind
I am remembering a woman
in atomic bomb record
who gave her skin-lost breasts
to her suckling!

Under the mid-day sun
lattice doors
make endless shadows
All of sudden
I remember The Death March.

I put a summer hat
down over the eyes of my baby
since in this world
there only exit things
that I dont want to let my baby see.

Air force plane
in a picture book
and burns out
the forest of a sleepig child.





The freezing night
what God bestowed on me
was not you
but sad and painful sentiment
about you.

In the dawn
I cannot sleep thinking of Somalia.
My existence is heavy
and also…



A day in which humans are killing each other
there is a swallow
crossing over a sea
dont look down!


On the street
oranges are piled
over a family
asid rain.

Without recognizing night and day
I stay guarding a child
who stretches arms and feet
as if these were
drooping flowers.

There is fliyng
the fluff of a dandelion
I cannot stop
loving you.

When you grown up
with heavy bones
and thick chest
let me hold you
like this way.




The place of feces,
urine,wound and blood
from where life comes
where a boy
does not know.


I cant stop
imaging distant war
in red
At the end of mother and child
there should be mothers milk.

Evening glow
is red
because the pain of earth
is reviving;
War I learned is what I cannnot teach.



Neither sweet fruit nor flower,
boys are competig with each other
over their height
they are annual plants.

あまき実かをる花より丈きそふ げに男(おのこ)とは一年草か

I lost my life without a child
I have a child…
like loose bag
that carries sadness.





世界中の詩人たちが集まるイベントなのだから、世界中の詩人たちと共有できる主題を押し出そう。そして、日本の詩人にしかできないことをしよう。自作の「原子 An Atom」を、母国語である日本語で朗読します。さらに、原爆を落とした国の言語で朗読します。そして、日本の兵士が苦しめた国の詩歌にリメイクします。少なくとも自分の持ち時間15分において、この三つを成り立たせるのでなければ、わたしは、自分が日本の詩人であることに、魂を失います。

わたしが生まれる前に亡くなった母方の祖父は、官僚でした。母方は官僚の家系で、先祖は、御所に女官として仕えていたといいます。祖父は、日中戦争に従軍してて、母は自分の父から聞いた中国を確かめるために、中国語を学んだのです。母方に口伝の中国は、現代、いえ現在の日本の、左翼と呼ばれる人々のいう中国とも、右翼と呼ばれる人々のいう中国とも違っていました。もっと私的な、なつかしいあたたかい、祖父の生の記憶にまつわります。ひとえにそこは、敵兵だった祖父を、助けてくれた人のあった国でした。思想や国を問うに、おのれの力ははるか及ばないが、自分の祖父を助けてくれた人のあった国に、礼を払わずにいられません。だから、「原子 An Atom」の本意を、自作の漢詩で表現することを思いつきました。







逸話もあります。イベント初日の前夜、新井高子さんの導きで、米国の詩人、レイチェル・ルヴィッツキーさんのトークを、日本橋のギャルリー東京ユマニテまで聴きにゆきました。そのときの感想を、なんとか自分の言葉で伝えたくて、英作文の手紙を書いたりしましたが、あたまで考えたことは、伝わったふうではありませんでした。あきらめたくなくて、お別れパーティーのとき、ようやく一言、「Your poem……like a virgin」とのみ伝えたときの、レイチェルさんの表情が忘れられません。心は伝わる。そう思いました。


Thank you very much. 再見!


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