


2017-02-28 14:21:14 | 日常

Japan is facing a social-welfare crisis.
And I explain why I think this way.
Firstly, the debt of the government has been increasing.
Nonetheless, the government is planning to spend money to invest in military things, such as arms.
If the military cost increases as well as the debt of the government, the social welfare system in Japan won't be sustainable.
Secondly, the government already set up the plan to cut cost of some social-welfare services.
On the other hand, people who need to be given welfare services are going to inflate.
This is because politics have harassed people at work with low-income.
For these reasons, in Japan, a social-welfare crisis are going to be realistic today.


I think that digital technology has changed the art world for the better.
And I represent two reasons to support my opinion.
Firstly, digital technology can be fitted with the art world.
Originally, the art world is often abstract.
For example, the computer language is based on using only two types of the letters.
In short, digital technology expresses the world with such an amazing method as well as the art does.
Secondly, people often feel the digital technology cold.
But, people have once noticed that the digital technology can inspire people to imagine things specifically.
So, it will be the vibrant world as the art.
For these reasons, I believe that the digital technology will progress as one of the art expression.


I disagree with the idea that it is too late to protect the world's oceans from overfishing.
And I explain why I think this.
Firstly, the idea that to stop overfishing is too late is hopeless.
People should not throw away the hope.
They need to find out the solution which can protect the world's oceans from overfishing.
Overfishing has hurt the environment ever.
Nonetheless, most of the consumers have not noticed this yet.
If consumers get the knowledge about the influence of overfishing on the world's oceans, it can be solved.
Secondly, most of the fishermen stand by the protection the environment.
I guess that they never support overfishing.
In short, not fishermen caused the crisis but fish companies did it.
Fish companies should correct their attitude which places the most importance on money.
For these reasons, I believe that people can protect the world's oceans from overfishing.


The society doesn't make full use of the talents of senior citizens.
And I give two reasons why I think this.
Firstly, more and more citizens of senior age have come to take part in social activities.
But, they almost engage to sweep or to control traffic.
They seem to have to work anyway without being paid attention.
If the society would have made their talents more useful, their jobs must have been extended.
Secondly, I hardly see senior people communicate with young people.
Senior people almost acquire the way to make themselves relaxed.
For example, while young people favour the higher efficiency,
they often say that hasty lives have less happiness.
I hope young people to learn senior people's wisdom.
For these reasons, I think that the society doesn't utilize senior people's talents enough.


Women's rights don't get enough attention.
And I explain why I think this way.
To begin with, some of male people often misunderstand female expression.
For example, some of male bosses or teachers take it for granted that they can decide her destination.
At work, they tend to reject or to forgo her proposal about where the company will go.
At class, some teacher of men touch female student’s bodies with forcing them to obey.
Thus, some of men neglect female opinion.
Secondly, female workers get less opportunities of the promotion than male workers.
For instance, a fresh worker of men are given more important tasks than female workers having rich experiences.
Then, women are going to get much trouble for the tasks which male workers have done.
It's unfair.
For these reasons, women's rights are likely to be ignored even in the modern society.


It's necessary rather to pursue about the piracy than to fight it, on the open sea.
And I explain two reasons to support my opinion.
First, to fight piracy is army's activities.
Some people are afraid of piracy.
But, others worry that military actions stimulate hostile countries, and destroy the environment.
So, the international society should consider it hasty to fight such illegal boats, before they do more investigation.
Second, it's supposed that illegal boats have the background.
People in rich and peaceful countries never do piracy.
Such illegal activities on the open seas mean the international problem which can't be solved by fight.
For these reasons, the international society should consider fighting, with more study of solutions.


I think that people today are not so much reliant on prescription drugs as some people say.
I explain my opinion with two factors.
First, people are given too much pressure by modern society.
For example, there is less natural environment than it was in the past.
If people would like to ease their tension, they have no choice but to buy things or to pay for services.
It is difficult to be comfortable without purchasing.
So, people are boosted to earn more income every time.
Second, prescription drugs are necessary for people having diseases.
Once people get a illness, prescription drugs really support them.
If people try to recover their health naturally, some of them will be worse.
For these reasons, I think that people having a disease need some prescription drugs for keeping their body.


I agree with the idea that enough importance is not given to the study of history.
And I explain why I think this way.
First, these days, most of the young people don't know the anniversary of the end of Pacific War.
If they would have acquired the knowledge of war, the voting rate must have been higher than it is.
A lack of historical knowledge leads to indifference to the politics.
Young people need to learn the history of their own country, Japan.
Otherwise, they have no choice but to be vulnerable to the government.
Second, when young people image human being, they have to study the history of civilization and culture.
The history refers to people's feelings in old eras. In short, people learn the history in order to reflect themselves.
For these reasons, I believe that studying the history should be given more importance.


Japan's low birthrate should be considered a national crisis.
And I give two reasons why I think this.
Firstly, if birthrate is decreasing, the workforce in the future will be diminishing.
Then, it will be difficult that the government get enough revenue by taxing the workforce.
At that time, it will result that less children have to take care of more people who are aging.
Young people are going to suffer from such a situation.
Secondly, elder people have proficient skills of traditional manufacture and knowledge of agriculture.
When Japan's birthrate becomes lower, their skills can't be succeeded by offspring.
Because young people who learn skills and knowledge become less.
For these reasons, I believe that Japanese people need to consider the low birthrate as a national crisis.


I think that more security cameras will be set up in public places.
I represent two reasons to support my opinion.
First, most of the developed countries are afraid of terrorism.
Actually, in France, in Canada, and in other nations more incidents by terrorist occurred.
So, I take it for granted that common people require more security cameras in public spaces, such as shops, and stations.
Second, in a term of economy, people are looking forward to the Olympic events in the capital city, Tokyo.
When such events that people gather from abroad are held, the government will to make public spaces safer than it has ever been.
Some people worry that their right of privacy would be impaired.
However, the government is willing to prevent the Olympic events from terrorism.
For these reasons, I expect there will be more security cameras around the public spaces.


I think that public opinion can influence decisions made by the government.
And I explain two reasons to support my opinion.
To begin with, after the objective vision against the nuclear power system has grown, most of the nuclear power plants have been stopping, in Japan.
This is also the result that the accidents of nuclear power plant in Fukushima area.
But, if the public were indifferent about it, the government would have been exerting these electric station still now.
Secondly, female workers are increasing in the society.
The public has boosted their voice.
So, the government has begun to promise the promotion of women’s status, as their policy.
For these instances, I believe that the government can be influenced by public opinion, when they decide to do something.


I think that crime is greater threat to society than environmental pollution.
And I give two reasons to support my opinion.
Firstly, serious environmental pollution made by human activities, such as mining is included in crime.
Actually, some companies hurting nature were prosecuted as criminals in the past.
Since a certain company who had polluted the environment was judged as an illegal firm in court, the government enacted some laws that protect the environment from being damaged.
Secondly, criminals often mean to kill, and to slaughter.
Depriving lives from people is the worst threat to society.
Terrorism people is an instance to kill on purpose.
For these reasons, it's supposed that our society recognizes crime as a greater threat than environmental pollution.


The peace in the Middle East can't be achieved, as it is.
I represent why I think this way.
Firstly, developed nations have interfered in problems in the Middle East for several decades. The government of the nation having super power always declares that the war can be justified when it brings peace to the world.
This conception is inviting more war to the Middle East.
As long as the nation having super power doesn't throw away this thinking, conflicts in the Middle East will continue.
Secondly, there are various religions in the Middle East.
Also, these religions are divisive each other.

The nations in this area should more open to the democratic policy rather than without enhancing their army.
For these two reasons, I think it difficult for nations in the Middle East to achieve peace, as they are.


Raising the consumption tax will hinder economic growth rather than help it.
I explain two reasons to support my opinion.
First, it’s supposed that consumers make economic growth.
Then, raising the consumption tax is going to damage their will to buy things.
For example, most of the prosperous people will tend not to do big purchases before the economy turns around.
This is because they need not being hasty to do it.
Second, raising the consumption tax definitely annoys poor people. They will even save money to receive necessary treatment at the hospitals, after the consumption tax is more raised.
This is going to result that more and more people live on welfare.
Consequently, raising consumption tax will lead to more cost for the government.
For these reasons, I expect that raising the consumption tax impede the economy from growth.


I disagree with the idea that modern agriculture puts too much pressure on the environment.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.
Firstly, modern agriculture doesn't cause so much damage to the environment as modern manufacture and mining do.
Since the construction of power plants has already destroyed the natural environment, ecological system has become more fragile today.
Mining natural resources, such as metals and fossil fuels, also ruined it.
In short, modern agriculture influences on this situation as if it is the biggest reason.
Secondly, modern agriculture is making a greater effort for the environment.
Some farmers have improved their farming skills without chemical things that hurt the environment, for example.
For these reasons, I think modern agriculture helps the environment regain eco-systems rather than puts pressure on it.


I disagree with the idea that legalized gambling has positive effect on the country's economy.
And I explain why I think this way.
To begin with, gamble can't be healthy. This is because gamble make people lose composure and conscience.
If gambling is legalized, the government should limit for people to participate with their grade of income or prosperity.
Poor people must not be involved in gamble, anyway.
Secondly, gamble benefits only the side of promotion.
This is because just only promoter can initiate the gamble.
None can inspect which the gamble is fair or not.
In short, others can't be guaranteed even their safety.
For these reasons, I expect that legalized gambling will have just only negative effect on a country's economy.


I think that military dictatorships can't be justified.
And I give two reasons to support my opinion.
Firstly, military dictatorships led to the failure in World War 2.
At that time, Germany, Italy, and Japan were dominated by military dictatorships.
As a result, Germany has being required to reflect it. Japan also have been holding some negative issues related with Pacific War.
Secondly, military dictatorships enhance people's hostile feelings.
They will persuade people to boost the government who is willing to benefit from other countries by the threat of army.
As they are, peace has never come to be realized worldwide truly.
In short, military dictatorships can only destroy the world.
For these reasons, I believe that military dictatorships can be just only devil.

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Congratulations!! ―「月鞠」第17号と。

2017-02-15 15:14:06 | 月鞠の会


Consequently, the literary magazine “Gekkyu Vol.17” has published in February 12, 2017.

Mr. Shinji Yoshida is the newest and youngest member, but he has already had the second child.
He and his family moved from Tokyo to Hokkaido recently so as to grow their children cheerfully.
He is describing his first son and their hope against thick snow.
Before his new family member was born, I had finished all editing tasks.
So, this is the first time that I say congratulations on the birth of his baby.

Ms. Namiko Makari is a member in this literary group for years.
She is bravely pouring love feelings to her darling in her 20 tanka works entitled “Daria” with creditable rhetoric.

Furthermore, this booklet is featuring that Mr. Motonori Sato and I deepen the famous classical literature “Kokin-wakashu” in each way.
Mr. Sato wrote a essay about it.
His analysis is a greater help for me.
And I freely interpreted 101 waka poems in both English and Japanese from among the classical literature.

However, my English skill is not well yet.
Because I have taught it myself for just a few years.
Originally, I did not so much like to study foreign languages, though, the inception which I began to study another language was my remote mother's illness and my close son's disorder.
At that time, I had no choice but to pray for her recovery and I mostly nursed for him.
When I started studying English, I thought it the cause to make myself released from feeling these hurdles.
So I began to view children who have difficulties in bad circumstances around the world.
While my struggling, I have come to realize that my wish is to face our problems and to share the painful mind with my beloved.

In other words, reading and writing in foreign language let me open to things worldwide.

――――――――――――――――― 「月鞠」第17号

百首歌 「そらとうみ」、古典研究 「Natural Beauty 古今和歌集101首鑑賞」……辰巳泰子
Art Gallery「秋→移住→冬」 ……吉田慎司



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2017-02-14 11:46:00 | 日常

The Internet has made people's working lives easier.
I explain why I think this way.

First, working at home has become possible by the Internet.
For example, when working, women who have a child needed childcare services in the past.
But, the Internet allows them to have a job without commuting.
Also, elderly or handicapped people need not a trouble of transportation as well.
The Internet opened various people to employment.
Second, companies can benefit from the Internet, too.
They can take advantage of saving money that they have been paying for commute.
In addition, to use e-mails is less expensive than other services, such as the post, or a phone.

For these two reasons, I believe that people have become at work easier by using the Internet.

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2017-02-13 14:15:51 | 日常

The right to freedom of speech has been limited by the Constitution of Japan.
It says that the public welfare can not be hurt by any individual rights.
Except for this rule, there should not be any limits on the right to freedom of speech.
I give two reasons to support my opinion.

First, the right to freedom of speech is the most important for people to establish the democratic society.
If it were limited by additional laws, people would have difficulties to keep their social lives.
Second, most people hope that hate speeches should be banned.
In that case, the Constitution of Japan is effective.
In short, the rule that newly confines the right to freedom of speech is not necessary.

For these reasons, I believe that the right to freedom of speech should be guaranteed.

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2017-02-12 12:24:30 | 日常

Privacy seems to be lost in modern societies.
But many people are fond of exposing themselves.

First, participating the activities online lead to a loss privacy.
If people are willing to prevent themselves from it, they must not take part in activities on the Internet, such as social networking sites.
Otherwise, they should do that as anonymous one completely.

Second, when people like to do something online, they want to make friends or to buy things on the websites.
With behaving as anonymous persons, they can not do both of them.
So people need to inform their individual posts to others.
In short, people rather choose the situation that their privacy is likely to be leaked than they can avoid a loss of it.

For these reasons, a loss privacy is inevitable in modern people's preference.

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2017-02-11 14:14:05 | 日常

Environmentalism and big businesses are often divisive.
But people should find out the solution to sustain both of them.
So I represent my opinion with following the two reasons.

First, people should place more importance on the idea of natural value.
Most big businesses choose the destruction of nature without considering enough about the environment.
If more and more companies support the natural capital that refers to the efficiency of keeping nature intact, they can establish the solution to have capitalism correspond with environmentalism.

Second, nowadays, artificial intelligence has a greater development.
Human workers will be required by delicate tasks that machines can not do.
As big companies will more promote their machinery, they will have to consider human nature and the influences on the environment.

For these reasons, I believe that environmentalism and big businesses have the possibility they redeem each other.

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2017-02-10 14:15:36 | 日常

Social networking site is not so much harmful than it is not on the Internet.
And I give two reasons for my opinion.

First, the merits of SNS are obvious for business people.
To improve their relationship with their customers more and more businesses have begun to use SNS.
Also, most companies must be feeling that using SNS is effective for them to cut cost.
Second, some people state that SNS will tend to become the nests of criminals, such as phony advertisement or temptation of illegal drugs.
But, people can prevent themselves from criminal problems by abstaining the use of curiosity.

For these reasons, I disagree with the idea that SNS do more harm than good.

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2017-02-10 13:39:12 | 日常

The advantages of legalized gamble are less than the disadvantages of it.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

First, the government should cut their illegal cost.
It is the most shameful issue that some politicians profit their families with spending official money.
Without the investigation about such falseness, the government will just fail to legalize gamble.
In short, politicians need to improve their attitude before they enact it.

Second, most people expect that legalized gamble will devastate the society.
If only the government could have dealt with official money properly, people could make sure the advantages of legalized gamble.
But, people think it uncreditable.

For these reasons, I disagree with the idea the advantages of legalized gamble outweigh the disadvantages.

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2017-02-09 19:06:47 | 日常

Japanese agriculture can survive in globalized economy.
I represent my opinion for following two reasons.
First, Japanese agriculture can establish the highest quality of products in the modern society.

If the economy is more globalized, Japanese agriculture are more able to get the customers who can want to eat more tasty food.
In that case, their prices will be higher, too.

Second, these days, Japanese farmers come to be allowed to sell their products in their own ways.
When the government or a certain nation having superpower wouldn't force them to limit their markets, farmers would benefit from customers abroad rather than inside the country.

For these two reasons, I expect that agriculture will be able to get more chance in globalized economy nowadays.

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2017-02-08 17:24:30 | 日常

I doubt that the promotion of hiring system in the developing world is proper.
So I think that enough is not being done to stop exploitation of workers in the developing countries.
I now explain why I think this.

First, the slavement seems to be hidden in the developing countries.
People in rural areas are likely to be vulnerable.
For example, the industry of mining often disguise their slaves as the legal employees.
Before stopping the exploitation, the international society should do more investigation about such unfairness of employment.

Second, the international society needs to make sure that people in the developing countries will be sustainable.
Otherwise, many rural areas must be going to be deserted with the natural environment just hurt by the exploitation.

For these two reasons, I believe that more should be done to stop exploitation of workers in the developing world.

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