2015.1 10(土)本年発舞台!!
[市川消防 出初め式]
110 2015. Saturday beginning of this year scenes!
[Ichikawa New Year's parade of fire brigades]
We have Ichikawa City Fire Department call out to us and really thank them .
The band member participated for the first time this Year, too.
I feel that you can look to local all of you with the thing that we are thankful for in this way.
Ichikawa Subaru high school wind emsemble does its best this year.

パーカションは、音楽隊の衣装きます。帽子かっこいいですね。The percussion instrument part borrows the clothes of Ichikawa-city firefighting musical. A hat is cool.帽子はいつか揃えたいですね。The hat wants to prepare it sometime.

Toyoda and my student.
He makes graduation from high school and contributes to the area as a firefighting official. He receives training for the firefighting official at the time that is vacant with work particularly. And I rush to the fire spot when a fire occurs. Very splendid

Thank you for having you arrange the opportunity when it was wonderful, everyone, of the Ichikawa-city firefighting musical band. We had a good experience with all members.
[市川消防 出初め式]
110 2015. Saturday beginning of this year scenes!
[Ichikawa New Year's parade of fire brigades]
We have Ichikawa City Fire Department call out to us and really thank them .
The band member participated for the first time this Year, too.
I feel that you can look to local all of you with the thing that we are thankful for in this way.
Ichikawa Subaru high school wind emsemble does its best this year.

パーカションは、音楽隊の衣装きます。帽子かっこいいですね。The percussion instrument part borrows the clothes of Ichikawa-city firefighting musical. A hat is cool.帽子はいつか揃えたいですね。The hat wants to prepare it sometime.

Toyoda and my student.
He makes graduation from high school and contributes to the area as a firefighting official. He receives training for the firefighting official at the time that is vacant with work particularly. And I rush to the fire spot when a fire occurs. Very splendid

Thank you for having you arrange the opportunity when it was wonderful, everyone, of the Ichikawa-city firefighting musical band. We had a good experience with all members.