I was impressed more than ever before when I heard the renowned Miyazawa Kenji 's "Amenimomakezu", which was changed yesterday, and I thought that I wanted to become such a person.
「雨ニモマケズ」 宮沢賢治 in English. Rain, I Will Not Be Defeated, Miyazawa Kenji (MLS)
Rain, I Will Not Be Defeated By Kenji Miyazawa
Rain, I will not be defeated by you
Wind,I will not be defeated by you
Snow, nor the summer heat,I will not be defeated
I want to remain healthy and strong
Free from greed and anger
Always smiling quietly
In a day, I eat
Four bowls of brown rice Miso and some vegetables
In all matters, at all times
I will never be selfish or put myself first
Look carefully, listen closely and understand fully
Always keep these things at heart
A small house with a thatched roof,
Hidden in the shadows of pine trees,
That is where I live
To the east I will go
If a sick child need be nursed
To the west I will go
If a tired mother needs help carrying a bundle of rice
To the south I will go
If a dying man needs comforting, for he need not be scared
To the north I will go
If there are fights and grievances to bring to an end