Panel 220. GSA-WIF (Women in French) Joint Panel : "Literature, Gender, and the Press: Beyond and Around George Sand" - Friday, 6 January, 10:15-11:30 a.m., Aspen, Sheraton
Chair, Catherine Nesci, UC Santa Barbara
1) Marie-Eve Thérenty, Université de Montpellier III : « Après George Sand. Etre une femme journaliste dans la presse d’opinion. »
2) Charlene Avallone, Independent Scholar: “ ‘my twin sister’: George Sand, Lydia Maria Child, and the Epistolary Journalistic Essay”
3) Susan Hiner, Vassar College: “Mother and Daughter: Le Journal des Demoiselles and the Fashioning of Female Accomplishment”
4) Cheryl A. Morgan, Hamilton College: “Writing on Writing: Book Reviews in Women’s Periodicals of the Early July Monarchy".
(click here for abstracts) (click here for bibliography for this panel)
Chair, Catherine Nesci, UC Santa Barbara
1) Marie-Eve Thérenty, Université de Montpellier III : « Après George Sand. Etre une femme journaliste dans la presse d’opinion. »
2) Charlene Avallone, Independent Scholar: “ ‘my twin sister’: George Sand, Lydia Maria Child, and the Epistolary Journalistic Essay”
3) Susan Hiner, Vassar College: “Mother and Daughter: Le Journal des Demoiselles and the Fashioning of Female Accomplishment”
4) Cheryl A. Morgan, Hamilton College: “Writing on Writing: Book Reviews in Women’s Periodicals of the Early July Monarchy".
(click here for abstracts) (click here for bibliography for this panel)