Inner World (PART 1 OF 4)

Subj:Your peppermint-flavored
coffee & yoga makes you
keep in a good shape.

Date: Monday, July 18, 2011 3:10:37 PM
Pacific Daylight Saving Time

Hi, Diane.
How's it going?
Not many people are constantly working on the Net.
But you're one of the few people I know who come to the computer in the library at a pre-booked time almost everyday---except for church-going days.

Well, I'm one of the few, but I'm also one of infamous Japanese workaholics.
So, nobody looks at me with a stange flabbergasted gaze.
However, your semi-addicted work habit might cause an ordinary Canadian to get startled.
But, the steadfastness is way better than the laziness in some Canadians.
I'm pretty sure your peppermint-flavored coffee makes it possible for you to work on the computer with loyal attachment.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
Keep up the good work!
And enjoy your yoga class and keep in a good shape.
As usual, I've written an article about the net idol.
Click the following link:

■"Net Début"
Monday, July 18, 2011
Get a healthy suntan as well if possible!

Have a nice day!
Ciao with a lot of love.


Subj:Wet, wet, wet, ...
Summer is somewhere
above the clouds!

Date: Tue, Jul 19, 2011 4:40 pm.
Pacific Daylight Saving Time

Thanks for the interesting article, Kato.
I've read it with a touch of fascination.
You're amazing.
It certainly looks like you're reaching a lot of people.
Communication is SO very important and can only help with our relationships with others.
Of course, virtual communication is one thing, face-to-face another.
Some folks would argue the latter is the best, but it's an individual thing, I'm sure.
Thanks again, kiddo.
By the way, we're having wet days, haven't we?
I can hardly get a healthy suntan these days.
What a pity!
Anyway, I hope we'll have some sunshine soon and skip along the seawall in Stanley Park.

Keep up the good work.

Love, Diane ~

So,'re a workaholic, aren't you?

Yes, I am. But you also look like a well-deciplined computer nerd.
You know what?...I was working for the government for quite some time, and sticking to a fixed schedule has become my second nature. :)
Oh, really? What a coincidence! I was also working for the goverment.
Where is it?
In Yellowknife.

Center of Yellowknife
About 20,000 people live.
Capital of Northwest Territories
■"Madame Taliesin (タリアセン夫人)"
(Tuesday, March 9, 2010)

Whats did you do up there?

I was working as a computer programmer for the Department of Finance.
How come you went up there?
Well, ... I was curious about the far north, and wanted to see Northern lights.

So, did you enjoy the life in the cold world?

Oh,'re telling me. So many interesting and fun-loving people lived up there. I really enjoyed it to the bone. Ha, ha, ha, ha ...
How long did you stay up there?
For no more than two years.
Too cold in the winter, you know. So, I quit the work and came down here to Vancouver.
I see. So, Kato, you're talking about an inner world today, aren't you? I don't think the inner world is the cold world up there. What on earth is the inner world you're talking about?
Well...I've been reading two books.
Oh...? What are the titles of those books?
One is "The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album."
(To be continued)