Asexual Thought (PART 1 OF 3)



Enjoy the fireworks later this evening!
Sat., 2013 July 31 8:05 PM
(Pacific Daylight Saving Time)
Hi Kato,
Thanks for the following interesting article.


■"A Second World"
I appreciate those thoughts on ballroom dancing.
In any case, it's nice to hear from you.
... hope you get to enjoy the fireworks later this evening.

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I have been quite busy so haven't made it to any yoga classes lately, although I continue to do my own yoga class, as it were, every morning.
I will add on classes soon as the fall rolls around.
Kato, are you having lotsa fun this summer?
Are you chasing lotsa women?


I hope so ... but don't fool around with those gals.
Although I was quite busy, I spent a few days on Harrison Lake camping with my gym buddies.


Harrison Lake, BC Canada
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We had a great time.
I hope you'll also enjoy and love this warm summer weather.

Ciao, Diane ~

So, Diane, you had a great time on Harrison Lake, eh?

You're telling me, Kato.
Tell me, Diane, what's so great about camping up there?
Well ... Kato, do you remember the following mail I sent you last year?

Subj:I'm fascinated by
forest bathing.
Date: Wed, May 23, 2012 7:53 pm
Pacific Daylight Saving Time

Hi Kato,
I was glad to see you as well.
I thought when I didn't see you at your usual terminal that perhaps you had gone back to Japan for a visit.
By the way, speaking of Japan, there's a highly recommended Japanese restaurant on Robson Street (almost across from the Whole Foods Market) called "Hokaido."

My piano teacher told me they have the very best ramen he has ever tasted in his life (and he's supposedly had lots of ramen in his time).
I don't know if you've tried the place or not.
I'll be going there this Friday so I'll see firsthand and report back to you, if you'd like.
I read the above article.
Thanks for your story, which is quite humourous and fascinating as usual, kiddo.
Oddly enough, I too saw that newspaper article in the Metro about Symonds and her supposedly hot love affair with Chef Gordon Ramsey.
The newspaper story is quite intriguing of course.
I saved it to show my boyfriend this weekend, especially the Top 10 Cheating Neighbourhoods of which his, Kitsilano, is at the very top of the list!
Well, I'm not worried about my boyfriend because he says I'm the best thing that ever happened to him and he doesn't know what he'd do without me, AND he's so loving and thoughtful I just have to believe him.
The point I was making is that sometimes it's better to have one person who loves you, wants to know how your day is going, one person to go to movies & plays & events with, someone to hold hands with, cook with and stuff then it is for thousands to adore you from afar.
But we're all different as the wise old sages are found of saying "follow your bliss".


Nevertheless, Kato, I'm still keeping my eye out for you.
It won't be a biker chick, I don't think, but what the heck ... we're not biker material ourselves, true?
By the way, I read the following newspaper story:
For those of us lucky enough to grow up riding bicycles on country roads and catching frogs in ponds, today’s ‘nature as medicine’ approach is a sad comment on how divorced we’ve become from our environment.
But before we get too down on ourselves, check out what’s going on in highly urbanized Japan.
That’s where ‘forest bathing’ (shinrinyoku) is being promoted for health.

A study by Yoshifumi Miyazaki, director of the Centre for Environment Health and Field Sciences at Chiba University, observed 288 volunteers at 24 different sites who merely sat down and enjoyed the forest view.
When their blood samples were compared to an urban control group, researchers found a 13-per-cent decrease in the stress hormone cortisol, six-per-cent decrease in heart rates and a two-per-cent decrease in blood pressure.
Being serious about their relaxation, Miyazaki says reporters want him to describe the “correct” principals of natural therapy.
“Also, I am often asked to answer the question of which type of forest is better conifer or broad-leaved.
Based on the results of our indoor studies, I can only say that the relaxation effects may differ due to the individual tastes and values of the volunteers.”
SOURCE: "To Your Health"
Posted by: Erin Ellis, Vancouver Sun
PICTURE: from Denman Library
As a nature-lover, I'm fascinated by "forest bathing."
Kato, have you ever enjoyed bathing in the woods?
Anyway, so good to hear from you,

Love, Diane ~
SOURCE:"Forest Bathing"
(June 7, 2012)
(To be followed)