Stanley 125 Years (PART 1 OF 3)


Lions Gate Bridge in 1938

Stanley Park in 1905


I love forest bathing!
Sat., 2013 August 13 7:07 PM
(Pacific Daylight Saving Time)
Hi Kato,
My smiling Bohemian writer & bon vivant.
Thanks so much for the following article:

■“Asexual Thought”
I think it was one of your best ones ever.
I enjoyed it all so much and watched the entire Pride Festival submission.
I hadn't seen all those Jamaican & African dancers, so that was great.
I was actually in the parade myself but I guess you never saw me.
I was with the Anglican contingent and we were right behind the AIDS float with Sybil Trasher.
She's a black gospel, rock singer who is very popular here in Vancouver.

The Vancouver Pride Parade 2013
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Sybil belted out a number of songs, but the one she kept going back to was "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH, I FEEL good!"
It put us all in a good mood as well and worked up the crowds that's for sure.
Immediately behind us were a Gay Hockey Team with scantily clad young men.
So we were VERY well positioned.
Lotsa fun.
Thanks also for the clip from "Henry & June."

Henry & June (Trailer)
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I just received a call from a friend of mine and I asked him if he ever saw the movie.
He had and thought it was great even though the relationships between the four of them (I thought there were only three, but he remembers them as two couples) were a bit more than a little twisted.
As soon as I finish this, I'm going to reserve it.
Oh, it looks and sounds fascinating.
Interesting also about the asexual thing.
I read about that recently and how the writers claimed that as a sexual orientation in and of itself.
I'm doubtful.
I have a friend, for instance, who eats to live.
Most of us seem to live to eat and spend much time and effort in gathering, preparing, eating and sharing food and drink.
It seems to me that asexual people have shut down feelings for some reason or another and think it's a choice; it may just be a numbing of their senses and doesn't seem to me to be a healthy outcome by any means.
But I could be wrong.
Just like my friend who doesn't enjoy eating, it just seems something is amiss there.
Guess it would take a good shrink to figure it all out.
Certainly interesting, though, Kato, and thanks for forwarding it.
I miss seeing you at the library, but hope to see your smiling face very soon, kiddo,
Love from your non-asexual friend,

Ciao, Diane ~
Gotta love that forest bathing ... "shin rin yoku" if my memory serves me.


Diane, your memory serves you correctly. Yeeessss! It is "shin rin yoku"---森林浴, which literally means "forest bathing."

So, that's the reason you're talking about the Vancouver’s crown jewel---Stanley Park's 125-year-old birthday, isn't it?
You're telling me, Diane. We're really living in the mecca of forest bathing. No place is better suited for forest bathing than Stanley Park. Don't you think so?
You're absolutely right, Kato.
Although Vancouverits are preparing for a massive 125th birthday party bash on August 24 and 25, some people are already celebrating the park's 125th anniversary.
Summer Live at Brockton Point
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(To be followed)