

Look at Lady Hugo

2023-07-24 05:05:29 | 英語・英会話

Look at Lady Hugo






Kato, who is Lady Hugo?


Diane, have you ever heard of Victor Hugo?

Yes, of course I have... He is one of the world-famous French writers, isn't he?

So, you know about him, don't you?... Actually, I've written an article about him and his famous novel.




『パリの日本人』(A Japanese in Paris)

It is written in Japanese... So, unfortunately, you cannot read it... Anyway, in the above article I talked about his famous novel---"The Hunchback of Notre Dame."  Diane, have you read the novel?

Yes, I read it a long time ago.

By the way, Diane, have you watched the following movie?

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Trailer (1939)



No, I haven't, but I viewed the following musical:




So, Diane, you like musicals, eh?

Yes, I do... Talking about Victor Hugo, is he famous even in Japan?

Oh, yes!  When I was a kid, I read a story about the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean.




Did you like it?

I didn't like it too much, but one scene was clearly implanted into my mind.

What kind of scene is that?

Well... Valjean, using the alias Monsieur Madeleine, has become a wealthy factory owner and is appointed mayor of a certain town. Walking down the street, he sees a man named Fauchelevent pinned under the wheels of a cart. When no one volunteers to lift the cart, even for pay, he decides to rescue Fauchelevent himself. He crawls underneath the cart, manages to lift it, and frees him.




The town's police inspector, Inspector Javert, who was an adjutant guard at the Bagne of Toulon during Valjean's incarceration, becomes suspicious of the mayor after witnessing this remarkable feat of strength. He has known only one other man, a convict named Jean Valjean, who could accomplish it.




How old were you when you read it for the first time.

I was ten or eleven years old, I suppose.

So, you were an avid reader, eh?

No, not really... in those days, the story of Jean Valjean was quite popular among the children of my age... so, naturally it interested me to a great extent.

Kato, have you watched the movie lately?

Not recently, but I watched it a few years ago.



"Actual Page"


So, you watched it on April 8, 2016, huh? ... How did you like it?



I wasn't impressed so much as I read the original story.

Talking about Lady Hugo, is she related to Victor Hugo?

Yes, of course, she is the youngest daughter of Victor Hugo.


Adèle Hugo


(28 July 1830 - 21 April 1915)


Adèle Hugo was the fifth and youngest child of French writer Victor Hugo.
She is remembered for developing schizophrenia as a young woman, which led to a romantic obsession with a British military officer who rejected her.
Her story has been retold in film and books, such as "The Story of Adele H."


Adèle Hugo was raised in a cultured, affluent home in Paris, the youngest child of Adèle (née Foucher) and Victor Hugo, France's most famous writer.


Adèle Foucher

Adèle enjoyed playing the piano, and was known for her beauty and long dark hair.
She sat for portraits by several well-known Parisian artists.

In 1851, the Hugo family moved to the island of Jersey, after Victor Hugo was forced into political exile.
The family remained on the Channel Islands until 1870.
It was in Jersey that Adèle met Albert Pinson, the object of her obsession.


Illness and pursuit of Albert Pinson

Signs of mental illness became apparent in Adèle in 1856.
Adèle became romantically involved with a British army officer, Albert Pinson.

Pinson proposed marriage to Adèle in 1855, but she rejected the proposal.
Adèle had a change of heart, wanting to reconcile with Pinson, but he refused to be involved any further with Adèle.

Pinson continued his military career, being sent to the Sixteenth Foot Regiment in Bedfordshire in 1856, where he seldom saw Adèle.
Pinson then went to Ireland in 1858, upon promotion to lieutenant, where he was stationed until 1861.

Despite Pinson's rejection, she continued pursuing him.
Pinson developed a reputation for living a "life of debauchery".

Adèle followed him when he was stationed to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1863.
Adèle's family worried for her well-being, and tried to track her whereabouts by letters.

In 1866, Pinson was stationed to Barbados, the British colonial center in the Caribbean region.
He completely abandoned Adèle when he left Barbados in 1869.
Adèle did not find her way back to France until 1872, and in the interim, the Hugo family was unable to track her activities.

The mystery of Adèle's life in Barbados may have been revealed in an anonymous letter to the editor—signed only "P"—published in the New-York Tribune on May 27, 1885.

The head of the Catholic mission in Trinidad, Cathonoy, gave a similar account of Adèle's wretched situation in Barbados in a letter dated September 8, 1885.
He relates an incident where he met a Barbadian woman of African descent, named Madame Céline Alvarez Baa, who requested that a mass be said for Victor Hugo after news of the author's death.

Curious to know the reason for Madame Baa's interest in Victor Hugo, Cathonoy asked questions, and learned that Madame Baa had given Adèle shelter when she was abandoned on Barbados, where she was known as "Madame Pinson".

Adèle had been found wandering the streets, talking to herself, detached from her surroundings.
Madame Baa took the initiative to take Adèle to her family in Paris.
Adèle was then left in medical care.
A grateful Victor Hugo reimbursed Madame Baa for her expenses.



Adèle's obsession was a manifestation of erotomania.
Along with her other symptoms of mental illness, including hallucinations, Adèle's condition indicates schizophrenia.

The illness appeared in other members of the Hugo family.
Victor Hugo's brother Eugène was also schizophrenic.

She was ultimately sent to live in a mental institution for the affluent outside Paris.
She remained there until her death.
Out of Victor Hugo's five children, Adele was the only one who outlived him.

Much of what is known about Adèle's life and her pursuit of Pinson comes from her diaries and letters.
Adèle kept a journal while she lived on Jersey and Guernsey, which she titled Journal de l'Exil (Diary of the Exile).
She stopped keeping a diary by the time she landed in Barbados, due to her mental deterioration.

SOURCES: "Adèle Hugo"
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


How come you picked up Adele Hugo all of a sudden?

Well. . . I viewed the film: "The Story of Adele H." a few years ago.



"Actual List"


So you'd watched 1,636 movies by May 2017, hadn't you?

Yes, I had.

So, Kato, you're a flick maniac, huh?

You're telling me... Look at Number 1624 in the above list.

So you watched "The Story of Adele H" on May 1, 2017, huh?... How did you like it?

I loved viewing it, which is a quite amazing movie.



"Actual Page"



Kato's Comment


This is a 1975 French historical docudrama directed by François Truffaut, based on Adèle Hugo's diaries.

It shows the life of Adèle Hugo, the daughter of world-famous Victor Hugo, whose obsessive unrequited love for a military officer leads to her downfall and insanity.


Her father places her in an asylum in Saint-Mandé, where she lives for the next forty years.

She gardens, plays the piano and writes in her journal.

Adèle Hugo died in Paris in 1915 at the age of 85.

Although it is an heartbreaking drama, the film almost appears like a dramedy when Adèle views the show of a greedy hypnotizer.

At the time I laughed my head off to death.

Superb is the performance of 20-year-old Isabelle Adjani as Adèle Hugo.


Did you really laugh your head off to death?

Well... of course, I exaggerated a bit, but the scene appeared quite hilarious... You should view the movie.

I think I'm gonna book the DVD.

You'd better hurry... Four people are still waiting...



【Himiko's Monologue】


Well..., have you ever watched the movie of the Jean Valjean story?

If you speak Japanese, there is a Japanese version.

Here it is.

The following movie was made in 1950.


Jean Valjean is played by Sessue Hayakawa (早川 雪洲 1889-1973) who starred in Japanese, American, French, German, and British films.

Hayakawa was one of the biggest stars in Hollywood during the silent era of the 1910s and 1920s.

He was the first actor of Asian descent to find stardom as a leading man in the United States and Europe.


His broodingly handsome good looks and typecasting as a sexually dominant villain made him a heartthrob among American women during a time of racial discrimination, and he became one of the first male sex symbols of Hollywood.

During those years, Hayakawa was as well-known and popular as Charlie Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks, although today his name is largely unknown to the public.

In any case, I expect Kato will write another interesting article soon.

So please come back to see me.

Have a nice day!

Bye bye ...



If you've got some time,

Please read one of the following articles:


Ramen Boom

from Korea


Crocodile Meat

Killer Floods

Climate of Doubt

Glory of Death

Big Mystery

Hitler and Trump

Hot October

2018 BC Ballot

Bach Collegium Japan


Dolly the Sheep

Golden Shower


Strange Love


Unknown Tragedy

World War B.C.

Mystery of Dimension

Call Girl Mystery

Typhoon & Emperor



Richard III

Savage vs. Civilized

Submerging Island



Hi, I'm June Adams.

Kato is a real movie lover, who tries to watch 1001 movies.

As a matter of fact, he has already accomplished his goal.



『Actual List』



Kato watched "The Arabian Nights" or "One Thousand and One Nights" as his 1001th movie.

You might just as well want to view it.





The stories in "the Arabian Nights" were collected over many centuries by various authors, translators, and scholars across West, Central, and South Asia and North Africa.

The tales themselves trace their roots back to ancient and medieval Arabic, Persian, Indian, Egyptian and Mesopotamian folklore and literature.

In particular, many tales were originally folk stories from the Caliphate era, while others, especially the frame story, are most probably drawn from the Pahlavi Persian work Hazār Afsān which in turn relied partly on Indian elements.

What is common throughout all the editions of the Nights is the initial frame story of the ruler Shahryār and his wife Scheherazade and the framing device incorporated throughout the tales themselves.

The stories proceed from this original tale.

Some are framed within other tales, while others begin and end of their own accord.

Some editions contain only a few hundred nights, while others include 1,001 or more.






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2023-07-24 03:01:44 | 日本人・日本文化・文学論・日本語








デンマンさん。。。 蕎麦屋と忠臣蔵が関係あるのでござ~♪~ますか?


あれっ。。。 卑弥子さんは「忠臣蔵」を映画で観たことがないのですか?

もちろん、観たことがありますわよう。 テレビでしたけれど。。。 うふふふふふ。。。



ありましたよ! 。。。 じゃあ、卑弥子さんのために『忠臣藏 花の卷・雪の卷』(予告篇) を貼り付けるから、ここでじっくりと観てくださいねぇ。



あらっ。。。 世界のネット市民の皆様が解るように英語の解説が流れていますわねぇ~。。。


あたくしは、これでも英語を勉強してきましたわ。 バンクーバーにも出かけて実地に英語会話を身につけましたァ。


あらっ。。。 お蕎麦屋さんのシーンがありましたかしら?

あのねぇ~、この上のYouTubeのクリップは、せいぜい5分にも満たない予告編なのですよ。 だから蕎麦屋だと、すぐに判る場面は出てこないのです。 でもねぇ~、よ~く見れば赤穂浪士の47人のメンバーが集まっているシーン出てくるのですよ。





その通りですよ。 僕はそのシーンをソフトカメラで撮って貼り付けたのです。


もちろんですよ。 バンクーバー市立図書館でDVDを借りて観たのですよ。 その証拠にちゃんと観た後でコメントを書き込みました。






そのような事はどうでもよろしゅうござ~ますわ。 それよりも、デンマンさんは日本語が解るネット市民の皆様のために日本語まで書き入れたのでござ~ますわねぇ?


でも、この映画は1962年に作られたのでしょう!? もっと新しい映画があるではござ~ませんか!

あのねぇ~、この映画に出演している俳優さんを見てくださいよ。 これだけの豪華キャストの映画はもう日本では見れませんよう。

あらっ。。。 それほど素晴らしい俳優さんたちが出ているかしらァ~?

やだなあああァ~。。。 もう一度上の予告編を見てくださいよ。 原節子さんも出ているのです。




大石 内蔵助(くらのすけ)の妻(りく)を演じているのが原節子さんですよ。


あのねぇ~、1962年当時、原さんは42歳の熟女だったのですよ。 この映画が最後の出演で、それ以来、銀幕から姿を忽然と消してしまった。 いわば、この映画は原さんの最後を飾る映画だったのですよ。






だってぇ~、原節子さんは僕のアイドルなのですよう。 うししししし。。。


ん。。。? やだなあああァ~。。。 僕は戦後生まれですよう!





あのねぇ~、卑弥子さん。。。 今日は蕎麦屋と『忠臣蔵』の話なのですよう。 どうして卑弥子さんは下着姿の自分の写真を持ち出してくるのですか!?

だってぇ~、あたくしの立場も考えてくださいましなァ。 戦前生まれの女優さんの写真を持ち出されれば、あたくしだって戦後生まれの女性として対抗意識が出てくるのでござ~ますわァ。

分かりました。 この話はまた記事を改めて話すとして、そろそろ本題に入らないと記事が長くなりすぎて、退屈してネット市民の皆様が他のブログへ飛んでしまいますよ。

デンマンさんが戦前の女優さんのことを持ち出すから、こうなってしまったのですわ。。。 それでぇ、どのような訳でお蕎麦屋さんを取り上げたのでござ~ますか?


ええっ。。。? 赤穂浪士の皆様方は、お蕎麦屋さんの2階に集まったのではないのでござ~ますか? 。。。でも映画では、お蕎麦屋さんの2階に赤穂浪士の面々が集まるシーンがあるのでしょう!?

確かに、そのようなシーンが出てくる。 でもねぇ~、文献を紐解(ひもと)くと赤穂浪士の討ち入りが行われた元禄15年旧暦12月14日(新暦では1703年1月30日)には、赤穂浪士47人が集まれるような2階を持つ蕎麦屋は江戸中を捜してもなかったのですよ。






チャリン…… という名場面。



で、寛文で8文の値が元禄では7文、需要がふえて値を引き下げたことがわかる。 (略) 忠臣蔵の元禄15年当時は俗に夜鷹そば、つまり振り分け屋台のそば屋で、担いでいって町なかで商いをするのがほとんどで、店舗を構えたそば屋なんか寥々たるものであった。

(注: 赤字はデンマンが強調。

201-202ページ 『ぶらり日本史散策』
著者: 半藤一利
2010年4月15日 第1刷発行
発行所: 株式会社 文藝春秋


でも、デンマンさん。。。 赤穂浪士47人が眠る、あの有名な泉岳寺の近くにはお蕎麦屋さんがあって、ちゃんと「討ち入りそば」を売っていますわよう。






あのねぇ~、赤穂浪士47人が蕎麦を食べたとしてもそれは本所ですよ。 泉岳寺の近くの蕎麦屋じゃない。 つまり、泉岳寺の近くの蕎麦屋さんは『忠臣蔵』ブームに乗って「討ち入りそば」を作って950円で売っているのですよ。 場所も蕎麦も全く違うものですよ。


普通の旅籠ですよ。 本所にある大きな2階建ての旅館ということでしょうね。 やはり、大きな店構えの蕎麦屋はなかった。 実際、『真説 赤穂銘々伝』の中には赤穂浪士の一人・杉野十平次が「夜鳴きそば屋」になって情報を集めている話が出てくる。








(注: 赤字はデンマンが強調。

219ページ 『真説 赤穂銘々伝』
著者: 童門冬二
1999年11月17日 初版第1刷発行
発行所: 株式会社 平凡社








確かに、あったのです。 でもねぇ~、浮世絵で見ると小さなものですよ。





よく見ると橋の袂(たもと)に「二八そば」という看板が出ているのですよ。 この絵は歌川広重(安藤広重)の「東海道五十三次」の保土ヶ谷宿の場面です。 この絵が描かれたのが1833年ですからね。


そうです。 つまり、広重は討ち入りから 130年後に上の絵を描いたのですよ。 その時でさえ、この蕎麦屋さんは小さな藁葺(わらぶ)き屋根の平屋の店ですからね。 保土ヶ谷と言えば今では横浜の賑(にぎ)やかな場所ですよ。






違うのですよ。 「ウソ」は、そればかりじゃなくて堀部安兵衛は「呑んべえ安さん」で有名だけれど、実は、安さんは酒呑みではなかった。


そうです。 『真説 赤穂銘々伝』にはそう書いてあります。 高田馬場の有名な敵討ちの日、安さんは酔っ払って寝込み、目が覚めた時にはすでに高田の馬場で菅野が討たれていたというのも真っ赤な嘘だと言うのですよ。


そうです。 素面(しらふ)だったのですよ。 安さんは菅野と高田馬場へ同行している。 村上側は3人で、安さん側は二人。 戦闘では助太刀であった中津川と言う薙刀(なぎなた)の名人と、村上の弟・三郎右衛門がきたない真似をしようとしたので、「卑怯!」と叫んで、安さんが二人の助太刀を切り倒した。 平和な元禄時代だったので、『忠臣蔵』と同じように、この事件はたちまち有名になってしまった。 


その通りですよ。 こういう事はよくあるのです。 例えば、あの有名な遠山の金さんねぇ。。。


そうです。 桜吹雪(さくらふぶき)の刺青(いれずみ)をしているということも、どうやら真っ赤な嘘らしい。 当時の東京地方裁判所の所長のような人がヤクザでもないのに、もろ肌になって「これが見えねえかァ~!」なんて啖呵(たんか)をきるようなことは絶対なかったらしい。


それに、あの水戸黄門さんねぇ~。。。 あの人も諸国を歩き回ることなんて一度もなかったらしい。 今で言えば、セキュリティの問題があるから副将軍である水戸黄門様は諸国を歩き回るようなことは絶対に許されないのですよ。


あのねぇ~、遠山の金さんにしろ、水戸黄門さんにしろ、そんな風に振るまわさせたのは勧善懲悪を望んでいる庶民が「スーパースター」を求めていたからです。 その気分に便乗して作られた話が『忠臣蔵』、『安さんの高田馬場の決闘』、『桜吹雪の刺青の遠山の金さん』、『水戸黄門様の諸国漫遊』の話なのですよ。

初出: 2013年3月9日





ええっ。。。? 「それはデンマンがでっち上げた御伽噺」だとおっしゃるのですか?






この地図の Deer Lake (鹿の湖)の畔(ほとり)に私が借りていた“山の家”が会ったのですわ。









DNA に“海外飛躍遺伝子”が焼きついているのですってぇ。
デンマンさんと同じようにして、その DNAの飛躍遺伝子が1400年の眠りから覚めて、私は館林から佐野を経由してカナダのバーナビーに渡ったのです。











■ 『ちょっと変わった 新しい古代日本史』

■ 『面白くて楽しいレンゲ物語』


■ 『カナダのバーナビーと軽井沢に別荘を持つことを


■ 『今すぐに役立つホットな情報』

■ 『 ○ 笑う者には福が来る ○ 』

















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