文殊は智慧第一の菩薩として、「維摩1 」をはじめ、大乗仏典の中でたびたび重要な役柄として登場します。
三昧耶形は青蓮華(青い熱帯睡蓮の花)、利剣、梵篋(椰子の葉に書かれた経典)など。種字はマン (मँ maṃ) 。
Monji Yubasatsu
Manjushri Bodhisattva
Manjushri (Manju5rD is transcribed and called Manjushri, or more abbreviated as Manjushri.
By multiplying, he will serve as a side samurai of Shaka Nyorai with Samantabhadra.
Bunshu, as the first bodhisattva of wisdom, often appears as an important role in the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, including "Ima 1".
Bunshu Bodhisattva is a five-character Bunshu, depending on the number of mantras.
There are one-character manjushri, six-character manjushri, eight-character manjushri, etc., and depending on the hair above them, five-haired manjushri, one-haired manjushri, etc.
It is also called. Since the five-character mantra "Arahashanow" expresses the five wisdoms of Dainichi Nyorai, the five-character Bunshu is the main body of the Bunshu Bosatsu.
He is considered to be the guardian deity of people born in the year of the Rabbit.
His Sanskrit is a blue lotus flower (blue tropical water lily flower), a sword, and a suitcase (a scripture written on a palm leaf). He has a man (मँ maṃ).