
梵名のマンジュシュリー(Maijusri) を音写して 文殊師利、さらに略して文殊といいます。獅子に 乗じて、普賢菩薩とともに釈迦如来の脇侍をつと めます。
文殊は智慧第一の菩薩として、「維摩経」をは じめ、大乗仏典の中でたびたび重要な役柄として 登場します。
文殊菩薩は、その真言の数によって、五字文殊、 一字文殊、六字文殊、八字文殊などがあり、また、 それらの頭上の雪によって、五菩文殊、一善文殊 などとも呼ばれています。「ア・ラ・ハ・シャ・ ノウ」という五字の真言が大日如来の五つの智慧 をあらわしているところから、五字文殊を文殊菩 薩の本体とします。 卯年生まれの人の守り本尊とされています。
The Sanskrit name Maijusri is transliterated and called Monju Shiri, or Monju for short. Riding a lion, he joins Fugen Bodhisattva as an attendant to Shaka Nyorai.
Monju is the bodhisattva of wisdom first, and the 'Yima Sutra', including him, often appears as an important role in the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures.
Depending on the number of mantras, Manjusatsu Bodhisattvas are called Five-character Monju, One-character Monju, Six-character Monju, Eight-character Monju, etc., and are also called Five Bodhisattvas, Ichizen Monju, etc., depending on the snow on their heads. Since the five-letter mantra “a-la-ha-sha-nou” represents the five wisdoms of Dainichi Nyorai, five-letter Monju is the main body of Monju Bodhisattva. He is considered the guardian deity of people born in the year of the rabbit.
Monju Bodhisattva
A bodhisattva famous as the god of learning who controls wisdom
What is Monju Bosatsu?
The official name is Monju Shiri Bosatsu. As the proverb says, "Three people bring the wisdom of Monju," it is a bodhisattva famous for praying for academic improvement and passing exams as the god of wisdom. There is a person who became a model for him, and it is said that he was a member of the Brahmin class of Shaekoku, the capital of Kosala in ancient India. It is said that he was involved in the process of compiling Buddhist scriptures into books. However, originally it is Kokuzo Bosatsu that controls wisdom such as learning, and Monju Bosatsu controls 'wisdom', which means the ability to correctly assess the way things are and the ability to make judgments.
As the left side samurai of Shaka Nyorai, he is often lined up with Fugen Bodhisattva as a triad, but sometimes he is enshrined alone.
It is said that there is a benefit of clear wisdom and academic achievement. It is also the guardian deity of the year of the rabbit. He is said to help people born in the year of the rabbit bring good luck, ward off evil, and fulfill their prayers.
Statue of Monju Bosatsu
He holds a sword in his left hand and a sutra scroll in his right hand, and is typically seated on a lotus pedestal resting on a lion. He sometimes carries a bonsai, a lotus stand with a vajra pestle, and so on.
famous temples and statues
・Nara Prefecture: Abe Monjuin Temple
The mantra of Monju Bosatsu
On Arahsha Know