梵名サマンタバドラ(Samanta bhadra)の「サマ ンタ」は「普く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。
「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か ら起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず遍在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。
で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。
六牙の白象に り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。文殊菩薩の智慧に対して、 慈悲(の行)をつかさどります。
なお、密教では、堅固不壊の菩提心を象徴する 金剛薩埵と同体とします。 辰年 と巳年生まれの人の守り本尊とされていま
Sanskrit name Samanta bhadra translates as ``samanta'' and ``bhadra'' as ``wise''.
"Ken" specifically means "the desire and deeds that arise from the desire to attain enlightenment." This bodhisattva symbolizes that he is omnipresent, regardless of time and place.
Therefore, he is also capable of always protecting those who practice the bodhisattva practice.
He rides on a six-tusked white elephant and serves as a side attendant of Shakyamuni Buddha with Monju Bodhisattva. He presides over the wisdom of Manjushri.
In esoteric Buddhism, it is regarded as one with Vajra Buddha, which symbolizes the firm and indestructible Bodhicitta. It is considered a guardian deity for those born in the year of the dragon and the year of the snake.
Fugen Bodhisattva
A bodhisattva who appears everywhere and controls mercy to save all living beings.
What is Fugen Bosatsu?
Fugen is a bodhisattva who appears everywhere and has the power to save living beings.
Along with Monju Bodhisattva, he is often seen as the right side attendant of Shaka Nyorai, and is often enshrined as a triad, but in some cases he is enshrined alone. As a bodhisattva who controls training with the wisdom of Monju Bosatsu, it is said to play the role of practicing the teachings of Buddhism grasped with clear wisdom. In addition, along with the spread of the Lotus Sutra, which preaches the salvation of women, many women gained faith.
By the way, there is Fugen Enmei Bosatsu, a Buddha derived from Fugen Bosatsu, who has the benefit of life extension.
It is said to have the benefits of protecting women, protecting trainees, prolonging life from illness, and increasing happiness. It is also the guardian deity of the year of the dragon and snake.
Statue of Fugen Bosatsu
It is commonly seen riding a white elephant. If you are riding an elephant with 3 or 4 heads, there is a high possibility that it is a statue of Fugen Enmei Bosatsu.
Mantra of Fugen Bosatsu
Ong Sanmaiyah Satvan