阿閦如来[注 1](あしゅくにょらい)、梵名アクショーブヤ(अक्षोभ्य [Akṣobhya])は、仏教(特に密教)における信仰対象である如来の一尊[3]。東方の現在仏[4]。阿閦仏ともいう[3]。漢訳仏典では阿閦婆などとも音写し、無動(無動如来)[5]、無瞋恚[3]、無怒、不動[6]などと訳す[4]。
「阿閣」とは梵名のアクショービヤ (Aksobhya) を音写したものです。なにごとにも揺り動かされ ない、真の自己確立の徳を象徴する如来です。
昔、大日如来の説法を聞きさとりを求めようと 一念発起し 丘が、その後、瞑志(いかり)に 心を動かされることがなかったことから、阿久菩 薩と呼ばれました。この菩薩はさらに修行を重ね、 さとりを成就して阿閲如来となり、現在も説法を 続けているといわれています。
尊像では、触地印 魔印)を結んでいます。 釈尊が菩提樹の下で瞑想中に、いろんな悪魔が邪 魔をしました。そこで釈尊が右手を伸ばして大地 に接すると、稲妻がひかり雷鳴が轟いて悪魔は退 散したと伝えられています。このことから触地印 は釈迦成道の印であり、阿悶如来は釈尊の降魔成 道の姿とされています。
三昧耶形は五鈷金剛杵。種字はウーン(हूं [hūṃ])[7]。真言はオン・アキシュビヤ・ウン[7]。密号は不動金剛
Ashuku Nyorai [Note 1], Sanskrit name Akṣobhya (अक्षोभ्य [Akṣobhya]), is one of the Buddhas worshiped in Buddhism (especially esoteric Buddhism) [3]. Present Buddha of the East[4]. It is also called Aminbutsu[3]. In Buddhist scriptures translated into Chinese, it is also transcribed as Ajinba, etc., and translated as Mudo (Mudo Nyorai) [5], Mudo [3], Mudo, Fudo [6], etc. [4].
"Akaku" is a transliteration of the Sanskrit name Aksobhya. It is a Tathagata who symbolizes the virtue of true self-establishment that is not shaken by anything.
A long time ago, Oka was called Aku Bosatsu because he was never moved by meditation after listening to Dainichi Nyorai's preaching and seeking enlightenment. It is said that this bodhisattva continued his training, attained enlightenment, and became Asaku Nyorai, and is still preaching his sermons today.
In the statue, the tactile seal (majirushi) is tied. While Buddha was meditating under the Bodhi tree, various demons disturbed him. It is said that when the Buddha stretched out his right hand and touched the earth, lightning flashed and thunder roared, causing the demons to disperse. For this reason, the tactile seal is the seal of Shaka's path to success, and Amon Nyorai is considered to be the figure of Shakyamuni's path to subjugation.
Akin Nyorai (The Five Wisdoms of the Tahoto Pagoda of Rengein Temple)
Sanmaya-gata is a five-pronged vajra pestle. The seed letter is Woon (हूं [hūṃ]) [7]. The mantra is On Akhishbiya Un[7]. The secret number is Fudo Kongo
What is Ashuku Nyorai?
The etymology means "unwavering", and it is said to give you a strong mind that overcomes hesitation without being shaken by things. Ajin Nyorai is a Buddha who embodies the wisdom called "Daienkyochi". “Daien Kagamichi” means a pure heart without knowledge or experience, a pure heart that reflects the truth as it is like a mirror.
In esoteric Buddhism, it is one of the Five Wisdom Nyorai representing the five wisdoms of Dainichi Nyorai, and was considered equivalent to Yakushi Nyorai. Therefore, it is said that there is a merit of curing illness, good health, and extermination of sin.
Statue of Ashuku Nyorai
His left hand holds the edge of his garment, and his right hand is tied in a goma-in that stretches his fingers down. It represents a strong heart that can overcome fear and temptation. There are almost no single statues of Ajin Nyorai.
Mantra of Ashuku Nyorai
On Akishbya Un