The diamond layer can be doped or undoped, polycrystalline, nanocrystalline, or ultrananocrystalline.
The silicon layer can be doped or undoped, polycrystalline, monocrystalline, etc. The diamond quality can have Raman half-height-peak-width of ≤20 cm<−1>, ≤15 cm<−1>, ≤10 cm<−1>, or ≤7 cm<−1>.
[0169] A Bruker Avance 500 spectrometer was used for the 170 measurements.
Bruker Avance 500分光計を、17O測定に使用した。
Experimental settings were: no sample spinning, spectral width 10 kHz, 90°pulse, acquisition time 25 ms, and 256 scans.
CD3CN contained in a capillary coaxially inserted in the 5 mm tube containing the experimental sample was as used to carry out the field-frequency lock.
The experimental solutions were enriched in 170 isotope (to 3 %) by adding 170 enriched water (10 % H2170) to improve the detection sensitivity.
The linewidth at half height of the water 170 signal was measured, and this value was used to calculate 170-transverse relaxation rate measuring (R2 = π x linewidth at half height).
The water exchange correlation time (τΜ ) was estimated from the analysis of the temperature dependence (between 15-80 °C) of the transverse relaxation rate for the four samples dispersed in 170-water using the Swift and Connick theory (Swift et al, 1962, J Chem Phys 37: 307).
At 27 °C, the re values for the four samples were as follows. Oxidized graphite = 200 ns, oxidized graphene nanoplatelets = 500 ns, reduced graphene nanoplatelets = 350 ns and graphene nanoribbons = 400 ns.
[0179] The method to estimate the light collection or sampling volume of the confocal Raman microspectrometer uses a small (1-2 μm<3>) collection volume to insure adequate resolution to collect Raman spectra from small or thin microscopic structures, such as individual collagen fibers.
In short, polystyrene beads of 1.0 μm diameter (Polysciences, Warrington, Pa.) were moved through the focused laser beam, and the Raman signal was collected as a function of the bead position relative to the center of the laser focus.
The step resolution of the microscope stage in the horizontal plane was 1 μm. Vertical displacement proceeded in 1.1 μm steps.
The position is optimized to obtain the maximal Raman signal of the bead. Lateral resolution is determined by alternately measuring the Raman signal of the central position and one of eight positions in the X or Y direction from the center of the bead using 1- or 2-μm steps.
The intensity of the strong 1004 cm<−1 >polystyrene Raman band is measured as a function of the distance to the laser focus in both the planar directions and the axial direction.
The result for each direction is then fitted with a Gaussian function, and the diameter of the focused beam is determined from the full width at half-maximum intensity (FWHM).
For both lateral directions, the diameter is about 1 μm while the axial direction is 2 μm. The sampling volume is calculated to be about 2 μm<3>.
A related-art grating spectrometer may have a resolution of 3 pixels / nm but not a known good dispersion (in nm/μm) .
Other features and requirements that are to be achieved with the present device may include, for example, a large aperture to maximize S/N. Spectral resolution may be Δλ300/5 = 60.
There may be a sufficient number of grating grooves, N, (in grating 14) to achieve a λ/Δλ ≤ n-N resolution that is greater than the one given by the image of the slit + MDD + optical fiber on the CCD pixels, where n is the order of the observed grating spectrum.
Blazing of the grooves may be consistent with the desired observation order.
Observation order and spectral- and detector-range may be provided to minimize interference among different orders at the detector array 19. There may be diffraction-limited resolution and focusing on the PDs (photo diodes) .
The overall small overall volume may enable wafer-level, high-volume and low-cost fabrication. Detection of spectral MDD emission may be in the 200-400 nm range.
In the fabrication of the present device, the specifications noted here may be for a differential MDD 17 design in a 100 x 100 micron channel, to operate in air, and be duty-cycled as much as possible but able to follow GC peaks of >15 ms half-width.
Measurements may include MDD impedance, current or voltage and an optical output into 3-8 channels selected via interference filters .
[00.135} Estimated Resolution: Axial resolution can be estimated by the MS width-half maximum ("FWH " ) of the penetration depth distribution and the lateral resolu tion can be determined from the FWHM of the radial scattering PDF.
Estimated values using MCRT can be plotted (e.g., FIG, 18). Spatial resolution can degrade with depth (e.g., Table I ).
However, over superficial depths, the estimated spatial resolution about <1 ΟΟμι<η>can be sufficient to evaluate thin caps that can be most clinically relevant.
At. deeper depths (abou >1 0μπι). resolution approximately about !00-200(um can be sufficient to evaluate large necrotic cores of highest, significance.
[0059] As illustrated by FIGS. 8 and 9 , the battery management system can include an LED as a light source 802 coupled into an optical fiber 806 which is coated with a gas-specific coating 808, 909 disposed along the length of the optical fiber or disposed at the end time of the optical fiber.
The sensing layer 808, 909 has one or more optical properties that change in the presence of a specific gas. The input light produced by the LED is preferably broad band light with a certain center wavelength and FWHM (Full-Width Half-Maximum).
The presence of the gas changes the transmission properties of the gas-specific coating 808, 909 on the fiber 806 in a certain spectral range.
Depending on the nature of the sensing layer 808, 909 the presence of the gas can either increase or decrease the absorption in this spectral range according to some embodiments.
1)スペクトル半値幅: spectral radiation bandwidth
半値全幅(はんちぜんはば)(FWHM、Full Width at Half Maximum)
半値半幅(HWHM、Half Width at Half Maximum)
2)半値幅:half width
3)半値幅(はんちはば、half width)は、山形の関数の広がりの程度を表す指標。半値全幅 (はんちぜんはば、full width at half maximum, FWHM) と、その半分の値の半値半幅 (half width at half maximum, HWHM) とがある。単に半値幅と言うと半値全幅のことが多い。(半値幅、Wikipedia)
4)Full width at half maximum, Wikipedia
"In a distribution, full width at half maximum (FWHM) is the difference between the two values of the independent variable at which the dependent variable is equal to half of its maximum value. In other words, it is the width of a spectrum curve measured between those points on the y-axis which are half the maximum amplitude.
Half width at half maximum (HWHM) is half of the FWHM if the function is symmetric.
FWHM is applied to such phenomena as the duration of pulse waveforms and the spectral width of sources used for optical communications and the resolution of spectrometers.
The term full duration at half maximum (FDHM) is preferred when the independent variable is time."