


2014年07月19日 | 人権
 ◆ 国連自由権規約委員会 特定秘密保護法に意見 

On Human Security
Japanese Association for the Right to Freedom of speach (JRFS)
NGO in Special Consultative Status with the ECOSOC

Tsuneko Kakiuchi
General Secretary

October 24, 2013

I am Tsuneko Kakiuchi, General Secretary of Japanese Association for the Right to Freedom of Speech. I am a nurse by profession.
Tomorrow, on October 25th, Japanese Government is going to decide the introduction of the Bill for the Protection of National Secrets to the Diet during the current session. This bill is intended to concretize the ambition of the Abe Cabinet to re-establish the prewar Imperial Headquarters commanded by the Emperor end the government. The Government intends to get the bill voted with another bill establishing the Japanese version of the National Security Council.
These two bills, if passed, will allow the integration of Japanese Self-defense Forces into the U.S. Armed Forces through sharing of strategies and information and eventually lift the constitutional ban on the exercise of the right to collective self-defense.
Japan has not ratified any of the human rights convention protocols regarding individual complaint system. In addition, the Public Office Election Law severely restricts election campaigns and the National Public Service Law prohibits political activities of public servants. This considerably hampers
democracy from functioning in Japan. If the National Secret Protection Law is adopted, the freedom of speech will be further affected.
The National Secret Protection Law will give the government the power to decide what is a “national secret” to be protected while denying the right to know of the population and the freedom of press of the media. A violation of this law could be punishable by 10 years of imprisonment. Moreover, the right of the Diet members to investigate into state affairs as well as the lawmaking power of the
Diet will be considerably limited. It would eventually destroy democracy and the basic human rights of the Japanese people in a blunt violation of the Japanese Constitution.
For many years, the Japanese Government has been hostile to the international covenants on human rights and continued to oppress conscientious citizens. It has neglected the recommendation of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights insisting on the promotion of transparency of all necessary information concerning the problems related to the safety of nuclear facilities and
the prevention of nuclear accident and development of plans to quickly cope with such accidents. As a result, following the great earthquake of March 11, 2011,
TEPCO nuclear reactors exploded in Fukushima. In spite of this, the Government did not hesitate to argue back against the recommendations made by the special rapporteur Mr. Anand Grover at the Human Rights Council meeting held in May this year.
It is not possible to improve the situation in Fukushima unless the Japanese Government ratifies the protocol on individual complaint mechanism, establish the separation of justice from other powers and abrogate the two repressive laws restricting citizen’s political activities. The radiation continues to spread on global scale and might cause a global ecological catastrophe due to earthquakes
and typhoons.

There is a growing threat that over 10 million residents of Tokyo become radiation refugees. We urge the United Nations to press Japanese Government to ratify he protocol on individual complaint and establish the political rights of Japanese people for the sake of “human security”.
 ※自由権規約委員会第5回日本政府報告書審査 最終見解(勧告) 2008年10月
『今 言論・表現の自由があぶない!』(2014/7/17)
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