words and expressions
carport カーポート
collapse (動詞)つぶれる、崩壊する
collapse on 何かの上につぶれる
economy collapse 経済破綻
according to~ ~によると
fall- fell- fallen
fall over 倒れる
fall off 下に倒れる
fall on 何かの上に倒れる(落ちる)
remove snow/ shovel snow/ clear snow 雪かき
sidewalk 歩道
pedestrian crossing 横断歩道(信号のない)
pedestrian overpass 歩道橋
guilty 罪悪感のある 罪の意識のある
innocent 無邪気、無実の
I felt guilty. 罪悪感を感じた
Don't feel guilty. 罪悪感を感じないで
lost of my pet ペットを失くす (pet lossは和製英語)
damage 被害 major damage(大被害)⇔ minor damage (軽い被害)
injury 怪我 serious injury(深刻な怪我)⇔ minor injury (軽い怪我、軽症)
Did you any problems or trouble because of the snow?
Her carport collapsed because of the weight of the snow.
Everyone I met who removed the snow complained about back pain.
My carport collapsed on my car. カーポートが壊れて車の上に落ちた
Mine too. わたしのも (Me tooではない)
My car has minor damage. 私の車は軽い損害です
I have minor injury because I fell off bike.
【Everyone I met who removed the snow complained about back pain.】
Everyone I met who removed the snow complained about back pain.
Everyone は (I met) と(who removed the snow) のことを意味している
Everyone I met complained about new sales tax.
Everyone I have met has complained about new sales tax.
【out of~ ~ない】
We are out of~. わたしたちは~がない(なくなる)
We are out of milk. 牛乳がない
= We run out of milk. 牛乳がなくなる
We are almost out of time. ほとんど時間がない
I'm almost out of patience because construction is very noisy near my house.
words and expressions
carport カーポート
collapse (動詞)つぶれる、崩壊する
collapse on 何かの上につぶれる
economy collapse 経済破綻
according to~ ~によると
fall- fell- fallen
fall over 倒れる
fall off 下に倒れる
fall on 何かの上に倒れる(落ちる)
remove snow/ shovel snow/ clear snow 雪かき
sidewalk 歩道
pedestrian crossing 横断歩道(信号のない)
pedestrian overpass 歩道橋
guilty 罪悪感のある 罪の意識のある
innocent 無邪気、無実の
I felt guilty. 罪悪感を感じた
Don't feel guilty. 罪悪感を感じないで
lost of my pet ペットを失くす (pet lossは和製英語)
damage 被害 major damage(大被害)⇔ minor damage (軽い被害)
injury 怪我 serious injury(深刻な怪我)⇔ minor injury (軽い怪我、軽症)
Did you any problems or trouble because of the snow?
Her carport collapsed because of the weight of the snow.
Everyone I met who removed the snow complained about back pain.
My carport collapsed on my car. カーポートが壊れて車の上に落ちた
Mine too. わたしのも (Me tooではない)
My car has minor damage. 私の車は軽い損害です
I have minor injury because I fell off bike.
【Everyone I met who removed the snow complained about back pain.】
Everyone I met who removed the snow complained about back pain.
Everyone は (I met) と(who removed the snow) のことを意味している
Everyone I met complained about new sales tax.
Everyone I have met has complained about new sales tax.
【out of~ ~ない】
We are out of~. わたしたちは~がない(なくなる)
We are out of milk. 牛乳がない
= We run out of milk. 牛乳がなくなる
We are almost out of time. ほとんど時間がない
I'm almost out of patience because construction is very noisy near my house.