(words and expressions)
《感嘆 なんて~なんだ!(復習)》
What a wonderful woman! なんてすばらしい女性なんだ!
How wonderful! なんてすばらしいのだ!
What +名詞 ! What a beautiful flower! なんて美しい花なんだ
How +形容詞! How beautiful! 何て美しいんだ!
moist (形容詞)湿った、湿っぽい
moisture (名詞)湿気
wet (濡れた)> damp(湿気のある) > moist > dry (乾いた)
For ~ ~にしては
For July it's cool. 7月にしては涼しい
subtle 微妙な
I like the color of your blouse. あなたのブラウスの色はいいですね (直訳)(私はあなたのブラウスの色が好き)
anywhere どこへでも / anyway とにかく
for now とりあえず by the way とにかく
solitary (形容詞)ひとりの=alone
【So that you won't forget~ ~忘れないように】
So that you won't forget we should review. 忘れないように復習したほうがいい
So that you won't forget your umbrella you should put it near the door.
そばに、近くに near the door/ by the door/ next to door/ close to the door
So that you won't be late 遅れないように
So that you will be on time 時間に間に合うように
So that you will be safe 安全なように
So that you will find his house easily you should take a map.
=So that you will look for his house easily you should take a map.
So that you will(またはwon't) 動詞~
So that you will (またはwon't)be+形容詞~
What is the difference between A and B? AとBの違いは何ですか?
Between these two wines, there is a subtle difference.
What is the difference between living in America and living in Japan?
A is bigger than B but not as big as C.
=A is bigger than B but A isn't as big as C.
I use A more than B but not as much as C.
I trust A more than B but not as much as C.
I like listening to movie sound trucks more than Japanese pops but not as much as classical music. I like listening classical music the best.
I eat A more than B but not as often as C.
(頻度を言いたいとき) わたしはAよりBを食べるけどCのほうがもっとしばしば食べる
I drink juice more than coffee but not as often as tea.
I think Brazil team will probably win in the world Cup.
Unfortunately Japan lost in the first round.
win-won-won 勝つ(動詞)
lose-lost-lost 負ける(動詞)
beat-beat-beaten 負かす(動詞)
defeat-defeated-defeated 負かす(動詞)
能動態)Brazil beat Colombia.ブラジルはコロンビアを負かした
受動態)Colombia was beaten by Brazil. コロンビアはブラジルに負かされた
(プリント)So that you won't forget doing your homework.
except for ~以外は
besides ~以外に (例外を言うとき)
beside そばに、となりに
(words and expressions)
《感嘆 なんて~なんだ!(復習)》
What a wonderful woman! なんてすばらしい女性なんだ!
How wonderful! なんてすばらしいのだ!
What +名詞 ! What a beautiful flower! なんて美しい花なんだ
How +形容詞! How beautiful! 何て美しいんだ!
moist (形容詞)湿った、湿っぽい
moisture (名詞)湿気
wet (濡れた)> damp(湿気のある) > moist > dry (乾いた)
For ~ ~にしては
For July it's cool. 7月にしては涼しい
subtle 微妙な
I like the color of your blouse. あなたのブラウスの色はいいですね (直訳)(私はあなたのブラウスの色が好き)
anywhere どこへでも / anyway とにかく
for now とりあえず by the way とにかく
solitary (形容詞)ひとりの=alone
【So that you won't forget~ ~忘れないように】
So that you won't forget we should review. 忘れないように復習したほうがいい
So that you won't forget your umbrella you should put it near the door.
そばに、近くに near the door/ by the door/ next to door/ close to the door
So that you won't be late 遅れないように
So that you will be on time 時間に間に合うように
So that you will be safe 安全なように
So that you will find his house easily you should take a map.
=So that you will look for his house easily you should take a map.
So that you will(またはwon't) 動詞~
So that you will (またはwon't)be+形容詞~
What is the difference between A and B? AとBの違いは何ですか?
Between these two wines, there is a subtle difference.
What is the difference between living in America and living in Japan?
A is bigger than B but not as big as C.
=A is bigger than B but A isn't as big as C.
I use A more than B but not as much as C.
I trust A more than B but not as much as C.
I like listening to movie sound trucks more than Japanese pops but not as much as classical music. I like listening classical music the best.
I eat A more than B but not as often as C.
(頻度を言いたいとき) わたしはAよりBを食べるけどCのほうがもっとしばしば食べる
I drink juice more than coffee but not as often as tea.
I think Brazil team will probably win in the world Cup.
Unfortunately Japan lost in the first round.
win-won-won 勝つ(動詞)
lose-lost-lost 負ける(動詞)
beat-beat-beaten 負かす(動詞)
defeat-defeated-defeated 負かす(動詞)
能動態)Brazil beat Colombia.ブラジルはコロンビアを負かした
受動態)Colombia was beaten by Brazil. コロンビアはブラジルに負かされた
(プリント)So that you won't forget doing your homework.
except for ~以外は
besides ~以外に (例外を言うとき)
beside そばに、となりに