words and expressions
usually たいてい
meditation 瞑想
either way どっちみち、いずれにせよ
descend (動詞)降りる、下りる
stairs 階段
step 段、階段(まっすぐの。)
not yet まだ
Take your time. ごゆっくり
wither しぼむ、枯れる
【feel hot】
After riding your bike do you feel hot? 自転車に乗った後、暑いですか
After riding your bike do you feel tired? 自転車に乗った後、疲れますか
After riding your bike do you feel thirsty? 自転車に乗った後、のどが渇きますか
After riding your bike do you feel sweaty? 自転車に乗った後、汗ばみますか
After weeding are you sweaty? 草刈のあと、汗をかきますか
【should~ ~するほうがいい / don't have to ~ ~しなくてもいい】
We should close the windows and doors. 私たちは窓とドアを閉めたほうがいいです
You don't have to lock the widows. あなたは窓に鍵をかけなくてもいい
During the meeting you don't have to anything. 会議の間、あなたは何も言わなくていい
You don't have to take more ropes because this rope is long enough.
You don't have to wait for me. あなたは私を待たなくていい
You didn't have to go shopping. あなたは買い物に行かなくてよかった
You don't have to worry. あなたは心配しなくていい
I want to wait for my fried. わたしは友達を待ちたい
I want to wait at the station. 私は駅で待ちたい
I want to wait in the station. 私は駅の中で待ちたい
I want to wait in front of the station. 私は駅の前で待ちたい
in front of 前 ⇔ in back of/ behind うしろ
next to = beside となり
【during 名詞 while 動詞】
During the movie 映画の間 During the meeting 会議の間 during construction 工事の間
While driving 運転の間 while playing tennis テニスをしている間
while talking with my friend 友人と話をしている間
while talking to my friend 友人に話している間
while waiting for the train 電車を待っている間
while waiting dinner 夕食を待っている間
while walking near the river 川のそばを歩いている間
while weeding in the garden 庭を除草している間
Do you have any plans in the near future?
This week my schedule is busy. 今週、私の予定は忙しいです
I want to go but I have plans this weekend. 私は行きたいのですが、今週は予定があるのです
【be unlikely~ ありそうもない、起こりそうもない】
Because of her cold, she is unlikely to go to the party.
After her trip, she is likely tired.
I can tell by her behavior she is unlikely to agree with my idea.
According to the news on TV because of the earthquake many people are unlikely to return to their home.
According to the weather forecast it is likely to rain.
Because of her injury she was unlikely to win the game.
【Once いったん】
Once you understand you won't make the same mistake again.
Once you eat this cheese cake you always want to order it.
Once you go to Europe you will want to go there over and over again.
words and expressions
usually たいてい
meditation 瞑想
either way どっちみち、いずれにせよ
descend (動詞)降りる、下りる
stairs 階段
step 段、階段(まっすぐの。)
not yet まだ
Take your time. ごゆっくり
wither しぼむ、枯れる
【feel hot】
After riding your bike do you feel hot? 自転車に乗った後、暑いですか
After riding your bike do you feel tired? 自転車に乗った後、疲れますか
After riding your bike do you feel thirsty? 自転車に乗った後、のどが渇きますか
After riding your bike do you feel sweaty? 自転車に乗った後、汗ばみますか
After weeding are you sweaty? 草刈のあと、汗をかきますか
【should~ ~するほうがいい / don't have to ~ ~しなくてもいい】
We should close the windows and doors. 私たちは窓とドアを閉めたほうがいいです
You don't have to lock the widows. あなたは窓に鍵をかけなくてもいい
During the meeting you don't have to anything. 会議の間、あなたは何も言わなくていい
You don't have to take more ropes because this rope is long enough.
You don't have to wait for me. あなたは私を待たなくていい
You didn't have to go shopping. あなたは買い物に行かなくてよかった
You don't have to worry. あなたは心配しなくていい
I want to wait for my fried. わたしは友達を待ちたい
I want to wait at the station. 私は駅で待ちたい
I want to wait in the station. 私は駅の中で待ちたい
I want to wait in front of the station. 私は駅の前で待ちたい
in front of 前 ⇔ in back of/ behind うしろ
next to = beside となり
【during 名詞 while 動詞】
During the movie 映画の間 During the meeting 会議の間 during construction 工事の間
While driving 運転の間 while playing tennis テニスをしている間
while talking with my friend 友人と話をしている間
while talking to my friend 友人に話している間
while waiting for the train 電車を待っている間
while waiting dinner 夕食を待っている間
while walking near the river 川のそばを歩いている間
while weeding in the garden 庭を除草している間
Do you have any plans in the near future?
This week my schedule is busy. 今週、私の予定は忙しいです
I want to go but I have plans this weekend. 私は行きたいのですが、今週は予定があるのです
【be unlikely~ ありそうもない、起こりそうもない】
Because of her cold, she is unlikely to go to the party.
After her trip, she is likely tired.
I can tell by her behavior she is unlikely to agree with my idea.
According to the news on TV because of the earthquake many people are unlikely to return to their home.
According to the weather forecast it is likely to rain.
Because of her injury she was unlikely to win the game.
【Once いったん】
Once you understand you won't make the same mistake again.
Once you eat this cheese cake you always want to order it.
Once you go to Europe you will want to go there over and over again.