


How long were you in Tokyo? どのくらい東京には居ましたか

2014-11-09 18:03:51 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

return 返す 
exchange 交換する
I have to return this video by tomorrow. 私はこのビデオを明日までに返さなければならない

(話の途中で話題がずれて、何を話していたか聞くとき)Where were we?  何を話してましたっけ?(どこにいた?)

As you can see. 見てわかるとおり

Too much やりすぎ / 値段が高い
Over the top やりすぎ
Her reaction is over the top. 彼女の反応はやりすぎだ
Her reaction is a little over the top. 彼女の反応はやややりすぎだ

【 a little while ago 少し前 / in a little while 少し後、まもなく】

A little while ago, I got up. 少し前に起きました

Last night, for some reason, about 1 am. I work up suddenly, but in a little while I could go back to sleep.

【慣れている】主語+be動詞+used to+ 名詞または動名詞句

Japanese women aren't used to getting compliments from men.

I'm not used to getting up so early.

I'm not used to Takasaki summers.

注意)be動詞を入れないと違う表現になる I used to work in a factory. 以前、工場で働いていた

【So that you won't 動詞 ~しないように】

So that you won't lose your passport you should put it in your pocket.

So that you won't be late you should take a taxi.

【enough 復習】

enough 名詞  / 形容詞 enough

I have enough money to buy a new car.  私は新しい車を買うのに十分なお金を持っている

I don't have enough money to buy a new car. 新しい車を買うのに十分なお金を持ってない

Is this box big enough to use for the computer? 

【fun/ funny/ enjoyable/ amusing/ interesting 使い分け】

Watching soccer at the stadium is fun.

Watching soccer on TV is enjoyable.

The movie was funny.  / The movie was very funny. / The movie wasn't very funny.
その映画はおかしかった / その映画はとてもおかしかった / その映画はあまりおかしくなかった

The movie was amusing.

The movie was interesting.

His speech was interesting and funny.


turn on  (電気製品の)スイッチを入れる
put back(return)  戻す、返す
pick up 拾う
throw away 捨てる
turn over ひっくり返す
wake someone up  (人を)起こす
plug in  差し込む

Please turn the light on. 電気をつけてください
Please put this book back. この本を返してください
Please pick that eraser up. あの消しゴムを拾ってください
Please throw this garbage away. このごみを捨ててください
Please wake him up by 7.  彼を7時までに起こしてください
Please plug the computer in. コンピューターを差し込んでください

)Please turn the light on. =Please turn on the light.
しかし、代名詞のときは必ず turn it on の形にする


I got an injury.   私は怪我をしました
Did you injury? 怪我をしましたか
Did you hurt your leg?  足は痛みますか?

bandage 絆創膏
injure(d)(動詞)怪我をする   injury(名詞)負傷、けが

It sounds painful. / That sounds painful. 痛そうですね

Sunburn is painful. 日焼けは痛いです
My toothache is painful. 歯痛は痛いです→歯が痛いです (*注意: 日本語で聞くと違和感があるが、意味の原因があるもののときは painfulを使う)

My sore throat is painful. のどが痛い

Did you go to the hospital? 病院へ行きましたか

Did your injury interfere with your trip?

When did your injury happen? いつ怪我をしましたか

That's too bad. それは大変でしたね
How terrible.   それはひどい、大変
Except for that how was your trip? それ以外で旅行はいかがでしたか

How long did you stay in Tokyo?  どのくらい東京に泊まりましたか
=How long were you in Tokyo?  どのくらい東京にいましたか

未来形) How long will you stay in Tokyo?
How long will you be in Tokyo?

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