


Only after you eat your vegetables can you have dessert.

2023-06-05 20:48:53 | 英語・今日のレッスン

のように見える、思える You seem
It seems
It seemed
動転 upset
You seem upset.
It seems upset.

最初それは難しそう------> At first it seemed difficult.

坂本さんは君の答えに動転しているようだ--------> It seems that Mr Sakamoto is upset by / with your answer.

You seem to be asleep.
You seem to like natto.
君は納豆が好きでないらしい------->You seem not to like natto.
You don’t seem like natto.
You seem not to understand it.
You don’t seen to believe me.
You don’t seem to trust me.
It doesn’t seem that you don’t believe/ trust me.

誰も私のことを信じていないようだ--------> It seems that no one believes me.
何もこの状況を助けられない(どうにもならない)------->It seems that nothing can help this situation.

Because of the COVID it seems likely that the price of vegetables will go up/ expensive.
Because of good weather it seems unlikely that the price of vegetables will rise.
H/W it seems likely / unlikely that…..
Because of your mistake
Thanks to your help

She talked to / with me about her trip.
Either way-------->どっちみち
At the party she talked about her trip.
At the party for some reason she didn’t talk to me.
When I met Ms. Shinohara in the hall, after I said to her Good morning, she didn’t say anything (to me.)
She said to me Good morning in French
After the party Ms Shinohara said Good night to everyone except for me.
At the party Ms Shinohara told me her phone number.
At the party Ms Shinohara asked me for my phone number.

Last week my friends and I went to Kyushu to climb mountain.
We were planing on climbing three mountains that they consists100 famous mountains in Japan.
But While climbing Mt Kujyu we had to turn back.
The weather was not very good for our climb, so only on Mt Kujyu did / could / will we have to turn back / give up.
Only during climb of / on Mt. Kujyu

only after~ -------> ~した後(場合)のみ、~して初めて
only after~ +動詞+主語 (倒置法)

夕食を終わらせてはじめて、テレビゲームで遊べる-------> Only after you finish dinner can you play video games.

野菜を食べた後のみ、デザートは食べられる-------> Only after you eat your vegetables can you have dessert.
Only after you eat should you take this kind of medicine.
Only after you know someone very well should you ask this kind of question.
H/W only…..
Not allowed アラウド
Keep out
Have been released/ lifted
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