words and expressions
Just talking to myself. 独り言です
This room air conditioner is quieter than the third floor's. この部屋の冷房は3階のものより静かです
It's exactly ten. ちょうど10時です
It's only ten. Let's have coffee./ Shall we have come coffee? まだ10時です。コーヒー飲んでいきましょう
She is only 17. 彼女はまだ17歳です
Today is only Monday. We don't have to finish this job until this Friday.
It's only November. I don't have to start making my New Year Cards until the end of December.
Fortunately, my husband won a mopping robot called Braava in a drawing.
Congratulations. おめでとう
Is it quiet? それは静かですか
It can tell how big the room is. それは部屋の大きさが分かる
How long does it take for it to clean a room? それは部屋を掃除するのにどのくらいかかりますか
If you bought it, do you know how much it would be/ cost?
One of the interesting things about using this device was our dogs barked at it.
【One of the interesting things about~】
One of the interesting things about taking a train called Yurikamome is the fact that there aren't any driver on it.
One of the interesting things about using my smartphone as a camera.
One of the interesting things about living in Takasaki is thanks to the Shinkansen, it is convenient to Tokyo.
A + B = C , A plus B equals C / A plus B is C
A × B = C , A times B is C
A − B = C , A minus B is C
4÷2 = 2 4 divided by 2 is 2
2 into 4 is 2 (4÷2=2と同じ意味だが、2が4の中にいくつ入っているか、という考え方)
1/3 (3分の1) one third
2/3 (3分の2) two thirds
We have 10 chairs. We need 4 more chairs. 私たちは10脚の椅子があります。あと4脚必要です
I need some more of your advice to solve this problem. 私はこの問題を解決するためにもういくつかあなたのアドバイスが必要です
I need 3 more meters of rope. 私はあと3メーターのロープが必要です
I need 4 more batteries. 私はあと4つ電池が必要です
We need 3 more pairs of socks to travel. 旅行をするためにあと3足の靴下が必要です
We need 3 more pairs of socks for my trip. 旅のためにあと3足の靴下が必要です
I need five thousand more yen. あと5千円必要です
This book is getting more and more interesting. この本はますます(どんどん)面白くなっている
Your son is getting taller and taller. あなたの息子さんはどんどん背が高くなっていますね
My English is getting better and better. 私の英語はますますよくなっている
My hair is getting longer and longer. 私の髪はどんどん長くなっている
This manual is getting more and more complicated. この説明書はますます複雑になっている
The gasoline is getting more and more expensive. ガソリンはどんどん(値段が)高くなっている
The smartphones are getting cheaper and cheaper. スマホはどんどん安くなっている
This book is getting less and less interesting. この本は次第に(どんどん)面白くなくなっている
This suitcase is getting heavier and heavier. このスーツケースはどんどん重くなっている
上記を参考に ①more and more 形容詞 ② less and less 形容詞 ③ 形容詞er+形容詞er ④ 形容詞ier +形容詞ier(happier and happier など) の4つの例文を作る
words and expressions
Just talking to myself. 独り言です
This room air conditioner is quieter than the third floor's. この部屋の冷房は3階のものより静かです
It's exactly ten. ちょうど10時です
It's only ten. Let's have coffee./ Shall we have come coffee? まだ10時です。コーヒー飲んでいきましょう
She is only 17. 彼女はまだ17歳です
Today is only Monday. We don't have to finish this job until this Friday.
It's only November. I don't have to start making my New Year Cards until the end of December.
Fortunately, my husband won a mopping robot called Braava in a drawing.
Congratulations. おめでとう
Is it quiet? それは静かですか
It can tell how big the room is. それは部屋の大きさが分かる
How long does it take for it to clean a room? それは部屋を掃除するのにどのくらいかかりますか
If you bought it, do you know how much it would be/ cost?
One of the interesting things about using this device was our dogs barked at it.
【One of the interesting things about~】
One of the interesting things about taking a train called Yurikamome is the fact that there aren't any driver on it.
One of the interesting things about using my smartphone as a camera.
One of the interesting things about living in Takasaki is thanks to the Shinkansen, it is convenient to Tokyo.
A + B = C , A plus B equals C / A plus B is C
A × B = C , A times B is C
A − B = C , A minus B is C
4÷2 = 2 4 divided by 2 is 2
2 into 4 is 2 (4÷2=2と同じ意味だが、2が4の中にいくつ入っているか、という考え方)
1/3 (3分の1) one third
2/3 (3分の2) two thirds
We have 10 chairs. We need 4 more chairs. 私たちは10脚の椅子があります。あと4脚必要です
I need some more of your advice to solve this problem. 私はこの問題を解決するためにもういくつかあなたのアドバイスが必要です
I need 3 more meters of rope. 私はあと3メーターのロープが必要です
I need 4 more batteries. 私はあと4つ電池が必要です
We need 3 more pairs of socks to travel. 旅行をするためにあと3足の靴下が必要です
We need 3 more pairs of socks for my trip. 旅のためにあと3足の靴下が必要です
I need five thousand more yen. あと5千円必要です
This book is getting more and more interesting. この本はますます(どんどん)面白くなっている
Your son is getting taller and taller. あなたの息子さんはどんどん背が高くなっていますね
My English is getting better and better. 私の英語はますますよくなっている
My hair is getting longer and longer. 私の髪はどんどん長くなっている
This manual is getting more and more complicated. この説明書はますます複雑になっている
The gasoline is getting more and more expensive. ガソリンはどんどん(値段が)高くなっている
The smartphones are getting cheaper and cheaper. スマホはどんどん安くなっている
This book is getting less and less interesting. この本は次第に(どんどん)面白くなくなっている
This suitcase is getting heavier and heavier. このスーツケースはどんどん重くなっている
上記を参考に ①more and more 形容詞 ② less and less 形容詞 ③ 形容詞er+形容詞er ④ 形容詞ier +形容詞ier(happier and happier など) の4つの例文を作る