

Bay High School Million Band の部員達!

2014-12-13 18:50:47 | Bay High School 'Mil
Bay High School Million Band のクリスマス会での一枚の写真です。
 This photograph is one piece of the Christmas event of the bay high school.
 I like this photograph. I think the originality of the member of the bay high school to be one piece showing.
It is a good photograph.


They prepared for Christmas event.They understand what they prepare for happily.

We took a picture. We attached a hat of Santa to the bass drum.This is a group photo of a tenth grader and a elventh grader.

By the way, the bay high school million dollar band seemed to parade of Christmas in local Panama City Frorida.


Thought to see many photographs,; but ...
 A photograph of the departure of the parade is wonderful. However, I did not yet notice.


 The man of adult behind a clarinet player is short sleeves, shorts how. Children are light clothes.


 The guard is sleeveless. The man taking the photograph behind is short sleeves.


 It means that Florida is not so cold in winter. Wife Kelly of Nic wrote that an atmosphere of Christmas of Panama City was different from Chicago. When she opened a window while running a car in Panama City, She wrote even if she heard music on Christmas. I thought she opened a window, and why she did that it became cold simply then.


 That means, is it to be considerably hot in the summer?


 Temperature of today's Ichikawa-city Chiba is 37.4 degrees by Fahrenheit.

市川市80周年記念演奏 感想

2014-12-09 08:42:01 | 雑記

Ichikawa-shi of the 80th anniversary concert was written in the blog.

そこで書かれている所を英語に直しました。(Please Click)
Two copies of choruses of the junior high student, stage drill (a show to make a performance while playing a musical instrument, and to make various formation, and to enjoy music visually.) of the Ichikawa Subaru high school Generally, I was said to be marching, and) was the best part.
I thought that it was a theme song of Frozen which one trumpet player had begun to sing suddenly, but I was good at this and was much than a karaoke of me better at the stage drill of the high school student in particular when impressed.
It was one scene which I was made to feel to be when the whole was filled with youth as for their performance, and oneself got old.

第24回Joint Concert 演奏会

2014-12-08 00:40:02 | 演奏会

12月27日(土)第24回ジョイントコンサートを開催します。場所は市川市文化会館大ホールです。開場 15:30 開演 16:00です。
市川昴高校吹奏楽部は、ラッキードラゴン 第五福竜丸の記憶 福島弘和(Hirokazu Fukushima)作曲を演奏します。また、2年バンドでは、Philip Sparke - Harlequin を演奏します。 Euphonium Soloは本校の卒業生である武藤 卓君が、受け持ちます。武藤君はフランスのリヨンで学んで来ました。日本管打コンクールでは1位なしの3位になりました!!その演奏は、素晴らしいという一言です。是非とも聞きに来て下さい。

We have the 24th joint concert on Saturday, December 27. The place is Ichikawa-city Cultural Center coliseum.
The Ichikawa Subaru high school brass band club plays Lucky Dragon. Hirokazu Fukushima (Hirokazu Fukushima) composition. In addition, I conduct Philip Sparke - Harlequin in the band for second grade. Suguru Muto who is the graduate of the school takes charge of Euphonium Solo. Muto learned in Lyon, France. In the Japan Wind instrement Percussion contest without the first place came third! the performance is splendid. Please come to hear it.


2014-12-06 21:34:45 | 演奏会
