早稲田大学 横浜稲門会 ブログ


英語で話そう会 11月例会のご報告

2024年11月14日 22時17分52秒 | 英語で話そう会





Recently, ambulances are being called for minor injuries and illnesses, and used like a taxi, which may delay the response to those who really need the service. Therefore, we discussed if we should charge for calling an ambulance in the November meeting.

We split members in two teams, one for and one against the idea of *charging for calling an ambulance*, and asked each team to come up with three points that support the idea.  We then had a time to ask questions or points that are not clear, also defending their own team.  We had such a lively discussion.

However, I would not like to be carried by the ambulance in any way.

報告:世話人・鈴木 理子

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