Net Love(PART 1 OF 3)

Subj:Summer is just around the corner!

Date: Thursday, June 23, 2011 3:28:06 PM
Pacific Daylight Saving Time

Hi, Diane.
How's it going?
Summer is just around the corner, I suppose.
I feel great.
How about you?
By the way, I appreciate fine pictures you've sent me so far.

As usual, I've written an article about those nice pictures.
Please click at the following link:

■"Net Travel and Jane"
Thursday, June 23, 2011
We don't have a lot of sunshine today.
no rain, either.
Anyway, it's a good idea for you to stay in the library and to read my blog.
Get a merry-making laugh!
Have a nice day!
Ciao with a lot of love.


Subj:Yes, summer is
just around the corner!
Date: Thu, Jun 23, 2011 4:23 pm.
Pacific Daylight Saving Time
Hi Kato,
Well, it sure feels like summer today.
... guess we'll have to get right out there and enjoy it while it lasts.
Thanks for the notes you sent.
I always find those interesting.
And I DID forget about all those photos I've sent you.
It was good to see them once again.

I don't know if Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre's relationship would have survived the internet.
It seems to me it can actually be a deterrent to relationships.
More face-to-face interactions and time spent in nature would probably do far more for us than anything virtual could ever do.
Don't you agree, Kato?
Especially for the young people of this country (possibly Japan as well) who are growing progressively more obese and sedentary as time goes on.
Having said that, though, I think it's great that so many people are influenced and appreciative of your blog.
It must feel good to be able to make that kind of impact.
Now, off the beach you go, kiddo.
There just may be the perfect woman waiting for you there right now! :)

Love, Diane ~

Kato, are you thinking that you've witten a love letter?

Well..., what do you think, Diane?
I'm asking you, dodo.
Look at the tiny chap below:

Whenever I write you a note, I feel like this chap, you know. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
Very funny...
Diane, you sound sarcastic---if not encouraging. He, he, he, he, he ...
Aa I wrote, you should get out of the library and go to the beach, then you'll find your favorite Marilyn-Monroe look-alike, I suppose.
Do you really think so, Diane?
Yes, I believe so.
Oh, well..., I'll certainly skip to the English Bay on the next sunny day.

Please look pale these days while staying in the library as if you were confined in a jail.

Oh, yes, I'll take your advice. By the way, Diane, talking about the relationship between Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre, I absolutely agree with you. Oh, yes, more face-to-face interactions and time spent in nature would probably do far more for us than anything virtual could ever do.
Do you really agree on that?
Yes, most definitely. You're absolutely right. Especially the young people in Canada as well as in Japan are growing progressively more obese, living in a virtual world and staring at the computer screen all the time. Those kids look like a bunch of fat pigs on the keyboards.
Kato, you're almost copying the life style of such an obese kid.
No, I'm not, Diane. Look at me! I'm not as fat as one of those obese computer nerds. I'm like a skinny Socrates, you know. He, he, he, he, he ...
As far as obesity is concerned, you're for sure like a skinny scarecrow. :) But It seems to me, Kato, you live in a virtual world.
You definitely need more face-to-face interactions. And spend more time in a natural world.
I agree with you, Diane, in general. Yet, I would say, people tend to spend meaningless hours, chit-chating on end. They say, they're having a good time, but when the party is over, they often realize deep inside that they've wasted valuable time in life. Have you ever thought like that, Diane?
Well..., yes, once in a while I feel like that. Meeting some stupid guys in a topsy-turvy party, I felt obliged to talk to some of those morons, though they didn't interest me in any way at all. In such a noisy and monotonous party, I would probably waste my time. It would be better off if I read one of life-improving yoga pages on the net.
You see, Diane. Talking about a seemingly happy couple, they don't really understand each other, even though both of them have face-to-face interactions everyday.
Kato, do you know such a couple?
Oh, yes, I do. I'll show you a most illustrious couple here. Please read the following excerpt:
(To be continued)