Beaver Lake (PART 1 OF 3)

Stanley Park

Beaver Lake


Subj:Oh, you made me
nostalgic, kiddo!


Date: Mon, Jul 9, 2012 7:50 pm
Pacific Daylight Saving Time

Hi Kato,
I enjoyed the following article.
■"Halifax to Vancouver"
(July 9, 2012)
Wow! You are really making me nostalgic now.
I do see the similarities between Halifax and Vancouver now that you point them out.
Point Pleasant Park and Stanley Park do share commonalities, as do Lost Lagoon and the Public Gardens in Halifax.

Point Pleasant Park
I wonder if Point Pleasant Park has a real live beaver in one of its lakes?
I went to check out our resident beaver in Beaver Lake yesterday.
Saw his or her lodge, but apparently the beaver doesn't come out and start working until dusk each day.

I enjoyed a wonderful article and photos in Saturday's Vancouver Sun.
It looks like the beaver has been in the lake for four years now, most likely coming from North Vancouver's Capilano Watershed area, braving the currents and freighters in Burrard Inlet and shuffling his or her way up Beaver Creek to the Lake.
One of these days I hope to see the beaver in person.
With this lovely weather, it's easy and fun to take a stroll in Stanley Park more regularly, don't you think?

You're right about preferring the weather here to the weather in Halifax.
But some days I question even that as you can imagine.
I came out here in Vancouver on my own when I was only 21 yrs. old.
I had finished business college and had already had two fairly good jobs, but I was seeking adventure and a westcoast life.
I did stop briefly in Toronto where my older brother lived in a really cool hippie house, and considered living there, but decided to go for bust.

I loved it immediately and made lots of friends.
Eventually my older brother moved out from Toronto and my younger brother moved out from Halifax.
Then my parents decided that, if the kids were all going to live in Vancouver, they should just come out as well.
Except for my older brother, we all settled here in Vancouver, quite happily.
Thanks for this, very well put together kiddo,

Love, Diane ~
SOURCE: "A Thread of Destiny"
(July 24, 2012)

Kato, how come you pasted my old mail up there?

Well... I used the above mail in the article called "A Thread of Destiny," which is well read by the regulars of Ameba Blog (


I see...the article took the 8th position on the above access list, didn't it? And I notice, "Fujiyama Geisha" was at the 12th position.

Yes, it was. You see, all other articles are written in Japanese. It is amazing that articles written in English were well read among the Japanese Net surfers.
So, some of your regulars are fluent in English, aren't they?
No, not necessarily.
Why not?
You see ... most of the Japanese don't speak good English, but they can read the books written in English somehow simply because they've learned English at school for six years or so.
What part of the article attracted the Japanese readers?
I'd say, the lifestyle of hippies and hedonists attracted the Japanese audience.
From Hippies to Hedonists,
in Yorkville, Toronto

<iframe width="500" height="350" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Driving thru Yorkville
<iframe width="500" height="350" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I doubt... because the title ("A Thread of Destiny") doesn't suggest the lifestyle of hippies and hedonists.

You're right...well, maybe, some Net surfers searched Madonna on the Net, and happened to come to the video of Toronto Film Festival in the article.
Madonna's Film Premiere
Toronto Film Festival

<iframe width="500" height="350" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Or some might've searched nightlife in Toronto.
Nightlife in Toronto
<iframe width="500" height="350" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I doubt... Anyway, how come you've brought up Beaver Lake?

'Cause you replied to my mail like this ...
(To be continued)