2626 静岡の宣伝、生シラス 梅ちりめん 郵便局へいったついでに用宗港へ寄って、今、旬の生シラスを手に入れた、醤油とおろし生姜に会いますね。私は、酢醤油をかけて、丼で食べる。有れば、生桜エビも混ぜて。薬味にネギなどを散らすと良いですね。また、ついでに、梅ちりめんも買ってみた。いわしの稚魚(駿河湾用宗産)、梅を主体にオキアミや昆布や桜エビを混ぜてあるという。これは、多分、この辺りでしか作っていないものだと思う。シラスは、例年になく豊漁だとか。

Passport (original) Visa during the remaining period of validity is visa field blank page that continuously for more than 18 months is three or more pages
Copy of passport Data surface (A4)
Application form The distribution at the window at the time of application application form sample
English curriculum vitae The distribution at the window at the time of application resume sample
ID photo Color 3x4cm (taken within 3 months) one
English letter of recommendation (not copy) And fill in the details of the letter travel purposes from affiliation (company-size-company seal, job title by pressing the mark. Use the paper with a letterhead)
Invitation (copy not accepted) Letter from the local guarantor (Indonesian / English) * In the case of the company and that the destination is in the Japanese company. Applicant's name, purpose of entry, that the stay has been described. Issuance date, the issuer name, has indicated job title company mark (rubber stamp) which is are pressed. Use the paper with a letterhead.
Round-trip ticket copy (E ticket Allowed) Yes in one way if the return path open Allowed 12 months or more of the permission has come out that the ticket number is entered
Visa issuance authorization Permission from Jakarta Immigration Bureau (copy available)
Stay possible dates 1 month to 24 months (extendable at the local immigration office)
Visa fee ¥ 5,650 (within six months) ¥ 10,750 (within 12 months) ¥ 18,410 (within 24 months)
Acquisition dates Two days later of the application date (Saturday, Sunday and holidays the two countries is not included)
Visa validity period The entry within 90 days
ビザ 宣伝 用宗