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縁起流転水想観  Enryaku-kan

2020-08-15 17:30:24 | 

えんぎ るてん















一定の性のあるにはあらず。因縁因果の理法により、因に応じ、縁が動いて、かりに相をあらわすのみ。これを空の理と云うぞ。         (意訳般若心経)


Engi Ruten



If you teach that teaching here, don't take it as a form. Relationship

If it becomes a shape, it will change to an empty shape, depending on the edge. Also,

I don't think there is a shape, but depending on the edge, it creates a shape and represents a phase. For example,

Look at the water. When it hits the edge of heating, it becomes hot water and becomes steam and melts into the .emptiness

If you sneak in, it will become water again, and it will rain and pour on the ground. Abalone on the edge of cold

It becomes ice and becomes a pillar of frost. It does not change to the nature of the water, it changes only by the edge

You Everything about the world is like this, the book with and without form is united, and everything depends on the cause

Nari The action, the thought, and the deed of the actions of the human mind, the function of knowledge, all this reason.

A person lays, mourns, or rejoices, but within the sex of a person

Not to have a certain sex. According to the causal law, the edge moves according to the cause,

It only shows the phase. This is called      emptiness  theory. ______
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