


2018-09-21 22:21:46 | 英語特許散策

"[0210] When the cancer cell-specific anti-podocalyxin antibody is bound to latex particles and mixed with a sample, the antibody-bound latex particles aggregate in the presence of cancer specific podocalyxin. The concentration of an antigen can therefore be determined by exposing the sample to a near infrared light and quantitatively determining the resulting aggregated mass by measurement of absorbance (turbidimetry) or measurement of a scattered light (nephelometry). "


"(1) an agglutination reaction method in which a moesin or a partial peptide thereof (antigen) is coated on the surface of blood cells or gelatin particles and a biological sample is then added thereto, thereby inducing antigen-antibody reaction to form aggregates
(2) a double immunodiffusion method (DID: Ouchterlony method) in which an extract containing a moesin or a partial peptide thereof and a biological sample are dispersed in an agar gel to induce precipitation reaction; 
(3) methods in which, after immobilizing a purified moesin or a partial peptide thereof onto a plate and then adding thereto a biological sample to allow it to react with the thus immobilized moesin or partial peptide thereof, 
i) a secondary antibody bound with an enzyme is further allowed to react and the resulting substrate coloration is detected using a spectrophotometer (ELISA method); 
ii) a secondary antibody bound with a fluorescent dye is further allowed to react and the resulting fluorescence is measured (fluoroimmunoassay: FIA); or 
iii) a secondary antibody bound with a chemiluminescent substance is further allowed to react and the resulting chemiluminescence is measured (chemiluminescence immunoassay: CLIA); "


(2)モエシンまたはその部分ペプチドを含む抽出液と生体試料とを寒天ゲル内で拡散させて沈降反応を起こさせる二重免疫拡散法(DID:double immune diffusion:オクタロニー法);





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2018-09-21 22:10:54 | 英語特許散策

"The phrase"render the aggregate visible"refers to techniques whereby a nonvisible aggregate is made visible to the eye, visible under a microscope, or visible by absorbance. A variety of approaches are contemplated, including but not limited to attaching or decorating aggregate with particles with specific absorption characteristics, such as gold colloids, particles carrying color-generating entities, etc. "

[0047] “凝集体を見えるようにする”という句は、見えない凝集体を目に見えるよう

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2018-09-21 21:51:43 | 英語特許散策

"[0232] BMPs promote the growth and differentiation of a number of types of cells. Differentiation hay be monitored using, for example, luminescence reporters for alkaline phosphatase or calorimetric reagents such as Alcian Blue or PNPP (Asahina et al. (1995) Exp. Cell Res. 222:38-47; Inada et al. (1996) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 222:317-322; Jortikka et al. (1998) Life Sci. 62:2359-2368; Cheng et al. (2003) J. Bone Joint Surgery 95A:1544-1582). "

[0239] BMPは、多くのタイプの細胞の成長および分化を促進する。分化は、例えば、アルカリホスファターゼのための発光レポーター、またはアルシアンブルーもしくはPNPPなどの熱量測定試薬を用いて、モニタリングすることができる(Asahinaら(1996)Exp.Cell Res、222:38〜47;Inadaら(1996)Biochem.Biophvs.Res.Commun.222:317〜322;Jortikkaら(1998)Life ScL 62:2359〜2368;Chengら(2003)J.Bone Joint Surgery 95A:1544〜1552)。 

"[0089] A sample may be applied directly in the compartment containing the assay reagents, or the sample may pass through the sample application chamber/inlet channel before entering the compartment(s) containing the assay reagent(s). When the sample passes through one or more components before reaching the assay compartment(s), substantially all of the sample may pass through and thus remain substantially intact upon reaching the assay compartment(s). Alternatively, only portions of the sample may reach the assay compartment. In one embodiment, this may occur simply because of size, weight, and/or volume restrictions in the compartments upstream of the assay compartment(s); in another embodiment, the microfluidics device may contain one or more structure(s) present in the sample application chamber, the inlet channel, a compartment upstream of the assay compartment(s), and/or any connection therebetween that allows for separation of certain components of a sample from a whole sample and/or delivery of said components to the assay compartment(s). "

[0074] 試料は、測定試薬を含有する区画に直接適用してもよく、或いは試料は、測定試薬を含有する区画に入る前に試料適用室/入口経路を通過してもよい。試料が、測定区画に到達する前に1以上の成分中を通過するとき、実質的に全ての試料が通過してもよく、測定区画に到達したときに実質的に無傷のままに残る。或いは、試料の一部のみが、測定室に到達してもよい。1つの実施態様において、このことは、測定区画の上流の区画におけるサイズ、重量及び/又は体積の制約だけが原因で起こり得る。もう1つの実施態様において、マイクロ流体デバイスは、試料適用室、入口経路、測定区画の上流の区画、及び/又はこれらの間の接続中に存在し、試料の或る成分の全試料からの分離及び/又はこの試料の測定区画への伝達を可能にする1以上の構造を含有していてもよい。 

"Materials. AR42J cells were obtained from ATCC (Rockville, Md.). GLP-1, exendin-4 and exendin 9-39 (the GLP-1 receptor antagonist) were from Bachem (Torrance, Calif.). Anti-insulin and anti-glucagon antibodies were from Linco (Charles, Mo.). Anti-rat ERK1/2 antibody (ERK1-CT) and Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) were purchased from Upstate Biotechnology Incorporated (Lake Placid, N.Y.). Insulin radioimmunoassay reagents were from Peninsula Laboratories (Belmont, Calif.). Protein measurement reagents were obtained from Bio-Rad (Hercules, Calif.). "

材料。AR42J細胞は、ATCC(Rockville、MD)から得られた。GLP-1、exendin-4およびexendin-9-39(GLP-1レセプターアンタゴニスト)は、Bachem(Torrance、CA)からであった。抗インスリン抗体および抗グルカゴン抗体は、Linco(Charles、MO)からであった。抗ラットERK1/2抗体(ERK1-CT)およびミエリン塩基性タンパク質(MBP)は、Upstate  Biotechnology  Incorporated(Lake  Placid、NY)から購入された。インスリンラジオイムノアッセイ試薬は、Peninsula  Laboratories(Belmont、CA)からであった。タンパク質測定試薬は、Bio-Rad(Hercules、CA)から得られた。

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2018-09-21 21:28:40 | 英語特許散策

"[0004] As described, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 5,512,432 to LaPierre et al., an agglutination test method has been developed and successfully commercialized, which method employs gel or glass bead microparticles contained within a small column, referred to as a microcolumn or a microtube. The said microcolumn or microtube is arranged as one of a plurality of columns formed in a transparent card or cassette format wherein multiple such tubes containing reagents are molded into a single consumable. A reagent, such as anti-A, is dispensed in a diluent in the microcolumns of the card or cassette and test red blood cells are placed in the reaction chamber above the column. The column, as part of the entire card or cassette, is then centrifuged. The centrifugation accelerates the reaction, if any, between the red blood cells and the reagent, and also urges any cells toward the bottom of the column. In the meantime, the glass beads or the gel material acts as a filter, and resists or impedes downward movement of the particles in the column. As a result, the nature and distribution of the particles in the microcolumn provides a visual indication of whether any agglutination reaction has occurred, and if such a reaction has occurred, the strength of the reaction based on the relative position of the agglutinates in the column."

[0004] 上記のように、例えば、米国特許第5,512,432号(LaPierreら)では、凝集試験方法が開発され、商業化に成功している。この方法は、マイクロカラム又はマイクロ管と称される小型カラム内に収容されるゲル又はガラスビーズ微粒子を使用する。このマイクロカラム又はマイクロ管は、透明なカード又はカセット形式で形成された複数のカラムのうちの1つとして配列され、試薬を収容する複数のこのような管は、単一の消耗品へと形成される。抗Aなどの試薬は、カード又はカセットのマイクロカラム内の希釈剤中に分注され、検査用赤血球は、カラムの上の反応チャンバに配置される。次いで、カラムは、カード又はカセットの全体の一部として遠心分離される。遠心分離は、存在する場合、赤血球と試薬との間の反応を加速させ、またカラムの底部に向かうよういずれかの細胞を付勢する。同時に、ガラスビーズ又はゲル材料が、フィルターとして機能し、カラム内の粒子の下方への移動に抵抗し、これを阻害する。結果として、マイクロカラム内の粒子の性質及び分布は、何らかの凝集反応が生じたかどうか、そしてそのような反応が生じた場合には、カラム内における凝集の相対位置に基づいて反応の強度の視覚指標を提供する。

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2018-09-21 21:17:19 | 英語特許散策

"[0033] “Amount effective” is any amount of a composition that produces one or more desired immune responses. This amount can be for in vitro or in vivo purposes. For in vivo purposes, the amount can be one that a health practitioner would believe may have a clinical benefit for a subject in need thereof. In embodiments, therefore, an amount effective is one that a health practitioner would believe may generate an antibody response against any antigen(s) of the inventive compositions provided herein. Effective amounts can be monitored by routine methods. An amount that is effective to produce one or more desired immune responses can also be an amount of a composition provided herein that produces a desired therapeutic endpoint or a desired therapeutic result. Therefore, in other embodiments, the amount effective in one that a clinician would believe would provide a therapeutic benefit (including a prophylactic benefit) to a subject provided herein. Such subjects include those that have or are at risk of having cancer, an infection or infectious disease. Such a subjects include any subject that has or is at risk of having any of the diseases, conditions and/or disorders provide herein. "


"[0358] An ongoing dose escalation trial was performed to evaluate the safety and maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of samalizumab in patients with relapsing or refractory B-CLL or Multiple myeloma (MM) using a modified Fibonacci design of three patients per cohort. Cohorts were to be expanded to six patients if dose-limiting toxicities (DLT) occurred. Study patients received a single intravenous dose per 28 day cycle and optional additional intravenous doses of samalizumab at 28 day intervals. A total of seven cohorts have been evaluated, ranging from 50 mg/m<2 >to 600 mg/m<2 >per treatment cycle. The study has assessed in the patients, among other things, complete blood counts, computed tomography (CT) scans, standard safety evaluations, pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) measurements of the antibody; and whether an anti-samalizumab antibody response has been generated in the patients. "


"[0201] One of the animals receiving AAV-RHM4-1-FIX developed an inhibitor against the human factor IX transgene product, which is a well-documented phenomenon that occurs in approximately 20% of macaques treated with a human FIX vector owing to small amino acid differences between the human and macaque proteins. The loss of expression in one animal treated with RHM4-1 was due to the development of an antibody response against the human transgene. The second RHM4-1- treated animal expressed FIX levels around 2-fold higher compared to the AAV8-treated macaques. "

[0201] AAV−RHM4−1−FIXを注入した固体のうちの1体がヒト第IX因子導入遺伝子産物に対する阻害因子を生じさせたが、これは十分に実証された現象であり、ヒトとマカクザルのタンパク質におけるアミノ酸のわずかな相違を原因として、ヒトFIXベクターで処理したマカクザルの約20%に発生する。RHM4−1で処理した1体において発現がなかったのは、ヒト導入遺伝子に対する抗体反応が発生したからであった。RHM4−1で処理した第2の個体は、AAV8で処理したマカクザルと比較して約2倍のFIX濃度を発現した。 

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2018-09-21 19:03:02 | 英語特許散策

"[0089] The fluorescence intensity for each cycle in the high speed, one-step reverse transcription real-time PCR was as shown in FIG. 7. When the initial concentrations of norovirus G1 and G2 genes are the same, similar sigmoid curves are obtained without depending on the type of reverse transcriptase used, and the number of cycles in which the fluorescence intensity rapidly amplified and rose was the same for both of the norovirus G1 and G2 genes. 

[0090] Next, high-speed, one-step reverse transcription real-time PCR was performed by changing the initial concentrations of the RNA of norovirus G1 and G2 genes. As shown in FIG. 8, the number of cycles in which fluorescence intensity rapidly amplified and rose varied depending on the initial concentration of the norovirus G1 gene. The number of cycles in which rapid amplification and rise of the fluorescence intensity are observed is in the order of highest to lowest initial concentration of RNA. Accordingly, the initial concentration of RNA can be generally quantified through Ct value, which is the number of cycles in which fluorescence intensity rapidly amplifies and rises. 

[0091] However, the amplification curve for the norovirus G1 gene shown in FIG. 8 confirms that the baseline is an upward-sloping curve in such a manner that the fluorescence intensity amplifies gently in accordance with thermal cycling, and then the fluorescence intensity rapidly increases from a certain number of cycles. Accordingly, it is difficult to estimate an accurate Ct value by using a usual method in which a certain level of fluorescence intensity is defined as the threshold and the number of cycles that provides a fluorescence intensity higher than the threshold is defined as the Ct value. "

[0075] 高速なOne-step逆転写リアルタイムPCRにおけるサイクル毎の蛍光強度は、図7に示す通り、ノロウイルスのG1遺伝子及びG2遺伝子の初期濃度が同一であれば、逆転写酵素の種類に依存せず同様のシグモイド曲線を描き、蛍光強度が急激に増幅して立ち上がるサイクル数はそれぞれ一致した。 

[0076] 次に、ノロウイルスのG1遺伝子及びG2遺伝子のRNAの初期濃度を変化させて、高速なOne-step逆転写リアルタイムPCRの検討を行ったところ、図8に示す通り、ノロウイルスのG1遺伝子及びG2遺伝子のそれぞれについて、初期濃度に依存して蛍光強度が急激に増幅して立ち上がるサイクル数が変化した。この蛍光強度が急激に増幅して立ち上がるサイクル数は、RNAの初期濃度の順に並んでおり、そのため、蛍光強度が急激に増幅して立ち上がるサイクル数であるCt値により、RNAの初期濃度の定量が一般的に可能である。 

[0077] ただし、図8に示す、ノロウイルスのG1遺伝子に対する増幅曲線においては、サーマルサイクルに合わせ、なだらかに蛍光強度が増幅する形でベースラインが右肩上がりとなり、あるサイクル数から急激に蛍光強度が増加することが確認された。そのため、ある一定値の蛍光強度を閾値として、それを超えるサイクル数をCt値とする通常の方法では、正確なCt値を見積もることが困難である。 

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2018-09-21 16:17:26 | 英語特許散策

"[0017] This phenomenom is also observable by vigorously shaking a closed containing having a base material, such as a liquid soap formulation, and the color change indicator of this invention. When this is done, a color is developed due to the increased concentration of oxygen in the liquid soap. This color dissipates slowly after the container is allowed to rest as the oxygen slowly leaves the liquid soap. The reducing agent eventually overcomes the oxygen concentration in the liquid soap and reduces the oxidized dye back to the colorless state. "


"To provide a detecting means, the second antibody will preferably have an associated enzyme that will generate a color development upon incubating with an appropriate chromogenic substrate. Thus, for example, one will desire to contact and incubate the second antibody-bound surface with a urease or peroxidase-conjugated anti-human IgG for a period of time and under conditions which favor the development of immunocomplex formation (e. g. , incubation for 2 hr at room temperature in a PBS- containing solution such as PBS/Tween). "


"[0211] The nature of final products in accordance with the invention dictates a number of parameters including, amongst others, the type of oligoester to be used, whether a single type of oligoester is used or whether it is mixed with other oligoesters of the present invention, the amount of oligoesters in accordance with the present invention which will be used, and the type and amount of additional ingredients. For example, in a topical pharmaceutical preparation, it may be desirable to omit coloring agents. However, in a hair dye, a nail polish or a blush, for example, pigments, dyes or colors, or materials which will develop color at some point in time during or after application may be specifically contemplated. The type and amount of pigment in a hair dye may be very different than the type and amount of pigment in a blush. "

[0123] 本発明による最終生成物の性質は、特に、使用されるオリゴエステルの種類、1種類のオリゴエステルが使用されるかまたは本発明の別のオリゴエステルと混合されるか、使用される本発明によるオリゴエステルの量、ならびに追加成分の種類および量などの多くのパラメータに影響を与える。たとえば、局所医薬品では、着色剤を省略すると望ましい場合もある。しかし、毛髪染料、ネイルポリッシュ、またはほお紅では、たとえば、顔料、染料、または着色料、あるいは適用中または適用後にある時間経過した後に発色する材料が特に意図されうる。毛髪染料中の顔料の種類および量は、ほお紅中の顔料の種類および量と大きく異なることがある。 

"[0037] As summarized above, the subject invention provides nucleic acid compositions encoding rapidly maturing chromo/fluoroproteins and mutants thereof, as well as fragments and homologues of these proteins. By rapidly maturing chromo/fluorescent protein is meant a protein that is colored and/or fluorescent, e.g., it may exhibit low, medium or high fluorescence upon irradiation with light of an excitation wavelength. Furthermore, since the protein is rapidly maturing, it achieves its final chromo/fluorescent properties in less than about 72 hours, sometimes less than 48 hours, and sometimes less than 24 hours. In certain embodiments, the protein may mature in a period of less than 20 hours, e.g., 18 hours, 16 hours, 14 hours, 12 hours, 10 hours, 8 hours, etc. "


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2018-09-21 13:12:44 | 英語特許散策

"TMB is a substrate for horseradish peroxidase often used in ELISA. Reaction between the substrate and immobilized horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated to antibodies in the ELISA wells produces a blue colored solution. After reaching the desired color intensity, the reaction is terminated by addition of the stop solution (acidic), which changes the solution color from blue to yellow. Thus, the reactions were stopped after the incubation by adding 50 μL per well of kit-supplied Stop Solution to each well and the absorbance read at 450 nm. "

TMBは西洋ワサビペルオキシダーゼの基質であり、ELISAにおいて使用されることも多い。ELISAウェルにおける、基質と、抗体にコンジュゲートしている固定化した西洋ワサビペルオキシダーゼ(HRP)との間の反応により、青色を呈した溶液が生じる。所望の呈色強度に達した後、停止溶液(stop solution)(酸性)を添加することによって反応を終了させると溶液の呈色が青色から黄色に変化する。したがって、インキュベーション後に各ウェルにキットに含まれているStop Solutionをウェルあたり50μL添加することによって反応を停止させ、450nmにおける吸光度を読み取った。 

"A typical calibration curve was obtained using a sandwich ELISA assay developed to detect Nodal (detection limit 50 pg/well) (See FIG.22). The assay used monoclonal anti- Nodal antibody (designated 3D1) to coat an ELISA dish to capture rNodal (recombinant Nodal) from solutions with different concentrations of rNodal and a second, rabbit monoclonal anti-Nodal antibody to detect the captured rNodal. The resulting captured rNodal-antibody complex was then detected with an anti-rabbit antibody conjugated to horseradish peroxidase and a QuantaRed enhanced chemifluorescent horseradish peroxidase substrate. "

[0178] Nodalを検出するために開発されたサンドイッチELISA(検出限界50pg/ウェル)用いて典型的な較正曲線を得た(図22を参照)。アッセイは、様々な濃度のrNodal(組換えNodal)を伴った溶液からrNodalを捕捉するためにELISAディッシュに被覆するための抗Nodal抗体(3D1と名付けられた)と、捕捉されたrNodalを検出するための二次ウサギモノクローナル抗Nodal抗体とを使用した。次いで、西洋ワサビのペルオキシダーゼに結合した抗ウサギ抗体とQuantaRed増強化学蛍光西洋ワサビペルオキシダーゼの基質とによって、得られた捕捉されたrNodal/抗体複合体を検出した。 

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2018-09-21 12:50:49 | 英語特許散策

"[0062] In an embodiment wherein the first differential indicator system comprises a fermentable carbohydrate and a pH indicator, the first detectable color may be a colored zone associated with the pH indicator proximate (i.e., adjacent) a colony of microorganisms capable of converting the carbohydrate to one or more acidic products. Thus, as the acid products accumulate in the colony and/or the nutrient medium surrounding the colony, a colored zone, resulting from the interaction of the acidic products with the pH indicator, forms proximate the colony and, in some instances, may also color the colony. The size of said acid zone may be controlled by the use of a buffer in the nutrient medium, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,601,998. "

[0061] 第1の鑑別指示薬システムが発酵性炭水化物及びpH指示薬を含むような実施形態では、第1の検出可能な色は、炭水化物を1つ以上の酸性生成物に変換することが可能な微生物のコロニーに近接(すなわち隣接)したpH指示薬と関連した発色領域であってよい。したがって、酸生成物がコロニー及び/又はコロニーの周囲の栄養培地中に蓄積するにしたがって、酸性生成物とpH指示薬との相互作用によって生じる発色領域がコロニーに近接して形成され、場合によってはコロニーも着色する。前記酸領域のサイズは、米国特許第5,601,998号に述べられるような栄養培地中の緩衝溶液の使用によって調節することができる。 

"The object underlying the invention is achieved by mixing a sample with a first chromomeric substrate specific for the first proteolysis coagulation factor and with a second chromomeric substrate specific for the second proteolysis coagulation factor, wherein the first chromomeric substrate has a chromospheres whose absorption maximum differs by at least 100 nm from the absorption maximum of the chromospheres of the second chromomeric substrate. The resulting chromomeric signals can be separated spectrally and can be determined photo metrically, independently of one another, at different wavelengths. "

[0012] 本発明の根底にある目的は、第一のタンパク質分解性凝固因子に特異的な第一の発色性基質及び第二のタンパク質分解性凝固因子に特異的な第二の発色性基質とをサンプルと混合することによって達成され、ここで前記第一の発色性基質は、第二の発色性基質の発色団の吸収極大とは少なくとも100nm異なる吸収極大を有する、発色団を有する。結果として生じる発色シグナルは、スペクトル的に分離することが可能で、互いに独立して、異なる波長で測光的に決定することができる。 

"The mAbs can also be made detectable by coupling them to a phosphorescent or a chemiluminescent compound. The presence of the chemiluminescent-tagged peptide is then determined by detecting the presence of luminescence that arises during the course of a chemical reaction. Examples of particularly useful chemiluminescers are luminol, isoluminol, theromatic acridinium ester, imidazole, acridinium salt and oxalate ester. Likewise, a bioluminescent 

compound may be used to label the peptides. Bioluminescence is a type of chemiluminescence found in biological systems in which a catalytic protein increases the efficiency of the chemiluminescent reaction. The presence of a bioluminescent protein is determined by detecting the presence of luminescence. Important bioluminescent compounds for purposes of labeling are luciferin, luciferase and aequorin. 

In yet another embodiment, colorimetric detection is used, based on chromogenic compounds which have, or result in, chromophores with high extinction coefficients."




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2018-09-21 11:33:29 | 英語特許散策

"[0171] As a carrier to support the cells and/or tissues on the surface, microcarrier and glass bead composed of various polymers, ceramic bead and the like can be mentioned. As examples of the polymers, vinyl resin, urethane resin, epoxy resin, polystyrene, polymethylmethacrylate polyester, polyamide, polyimide, silicon resin, phenol resin, melamine resin, urea resin, aniline resin, ionomer resin, polycarbonate, collagen, dextran, gelatin, cellulose, alginates, mixtures thereof, and the like can be used. The carrier may be coated with a compound that enhances cell adhesion or release of substance from the cells. "

[0091] 細胞及び/又は組織を表面上に担持させる担体としては、種々の高分子から構成されたマイクロキャリアやガラスビーズ、セラミックスビーズ等が挙げられる。当該高分子の例としては、ビニル樹脂、ウレタン樹脂、エポキシ樹脂、ポリスチレン、ポリメチルメタクリレートポリエステル、ポリアミド、ポリイミド、シリコン樹脂、フェノール樹脂、メラミン樹脂、ユリア樹脂、アニリン樹脂、アイオノマー樹脂、ポリカーボネート、コラーゲン、デキストラン、ゼラチン、セルロース、アルギン酸塩及びこれらの混合物等が使用できる。当該担体は、細胞の接着を高める、或いは細胞からの物質の放出を高める化合物でコートされてもよい。

"[0056] In the antibody drug, the anti-LR11 antibody may be used as a carrier for carrying a radioisotope, an anti-cancer agent, a toxin, or the like (hereinafter, sometimes collectively referred to as “anti-cancer agent or the like”). In this case, the anti-LR11 antibody serves as a carrier for transporting an anti-cancer agent or the like to malignant tumor cells (target cells) expressing a target molecule (LR11). As the anti-cancer agent or the like to be carried by the anti-LR11 antibody, a radioisotope is preferably used, and <90>Y (yttrium 90) or <13>I (iodine 131) is suitably used. "


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