


2018-09-26 21:20:11 | 英語特許散策

"[0065] As used herein, the term “dilution series” is intended to include a series of descending concentrations of a particular sample (e.g., cell lysate) or reagent (e.g., antibody). A dilution series is typically produced by a process of mixing a measured amount of a starting concentration of a sample or reagent with a diluent (e.g., dilution buffer) to create a lower concentration of the sample or reagent, and repeating the process enough times to obtain the desired number of serial dilutions. The sample or reagent can be serially diluted at least 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 100, 500, or 1000-fold to produce a dilution series comprising at least 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50 descending concentrations of the sample or reagent. For example, a dilution series comprising a 2-fold serial dilution of a capture antibody reagent at a 1 mg/ml starting concentration can be produced by mixing an amount of the starting concentration of capture antibody with an equal amount of a dilution buffer to create a 0.5 mg/ml concentration of the capture antibody, and repeating the process to obtain capture antibody concentrations of 0.25 mg/ml, 0.125 mg/ml, 0.0625 mg/ml, 0.0325 mg/ml, etc. "

[0038] [0065]本明細書で用いられる「希釈系列」の語は、特定の試料(例えば、細胞可溶化物)又は試薬(例えば、抗体)の一連の下降性の濃度を含むことが意図される。希釈系列は、測定した量の出発濃度の試料又は試薬を希釈剤(例えば、希釈バッファー)と混合してより低濃度の試料又は試薬を作り出し、このプロセスを所望の数の系列希釈を得るのに十分な回数繰り返す一プロセスによって作成されるのが典型的である。試料又は試薬を、少なくとも2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、15、20、25、30、35、40、45、50、100、500、又は1000倍連続的に希釈して、少なくとも2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、25、30、35、40、45、又は50の下降性の濃度の試料又は試薬を含む希釈系列を作成することができる。例えば、出発濃度1mg/mlの捕獲抗体試薬の2倍系列希釈を含む希釈系列は、ある量の出発濃度の捕獲抗体を等量の希釈バッファーと混合して、0.5mg/ml濃度の捕獲抗体を作り出し、このプロセスを繰り返して、0.25mg/ml、0.125mg/ml、0.0625mg/ml、0.0325mg/mlなどの捕獲抗体の濃度を得ることにより作成することができる。 

"[0069] The term “sample” as used herein includes any biological specimen obtained from a patient. Samples include, without limitation, whole blood, plasma, serum, red blood cells, white blood cells (e.g., peripheral blood mononuclear cells), ductal lavage fluid, nipple aspirate, lymph (e.g., disseminated tumor cells of the lymph node), bone marrow aspirate, saliva, urine, stool (i.e., feces), sputum, bronchial lavage fluid, tears, fine needle aspirate (e.g., harvested by random periareolar fine needle aspiration), any other bodily fluid, a tissue sample (e.g., tumor tissue) such as a biopsy of a tumor (e.g., needle biopsy) or a lymph node (e.g., sentinel lymph node biopsy), a tissue sample (e.g., tumor tissue) such as a surgical resection of a tumor, and cellular extracts thereof. In some embodiments, the sample is whole blood or a fractional component thereof such as plasma, serum, or a cell pellet. In preferred embodiments, the sample is obtained by isolating circulating cells of a solid tumor from whole blood or a cellular fraction thereof using any technique known in the art. In other embodiments, the sample is a formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tumor tissue sample, e.g., from a solid tumor of the stomach or other portion of the gastrointestinal tract." 

[0069]本明細書で用いる「試料」の語は、患者から得た任意の生物学的検体を含む。試料は、制限なく、全血、血漿、血清、赤血球、白血球(例えば、末梢血単核細胞)、管洗浄液、乳頭吸引液、リンパ(例えば、播種されたリンパ節の腫瘍細胞)、骨髄吸引液、唾液、尿、糞便(すなわち、大便)、痰、気管支洗浄液、涙液、細針吸引物(例えば、ランダム乳輪周囲細針吸入(random  periareolar  fine  needle  aspiration)によって収集したもの)、任意の他の体液、組織試料(例えば、腫瘍組織)、例えば、腫瘍(例えば、針生検)又はリンパ節(例えば、センチネルリンパ節生検)の生検、組織試料(例えば、腫瘍組織)、例えば、腫瘍の外科切除、並びにこれらの細胞抽出物が含まれる。いくつかの実施形態において、試料は全血又はその分画構成成分、例えば、血漿、血清、若しくは細胞ペレットである。好ましい実施形態において、試料は、固形腫瘍の循環細胞を、全血又はその細胞分画から、当技術分野において知られている任意の技術を用いて単離することによって得られる。他の実施形態において、試料は、例えば、胃又は消化管の他の部分の固形腫瘍からの、ホルマリン固定パラフィン包埋(FFPE)腫瘍組織試料である。

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2018-09-26 19:11:27 | 英語特許散策

"[0135] SpA also functions as a B cell superantigen by capturing the Fab region of VH3 bearing IgM, the B cell receptor (Gomez et al., 2007; Goodyear et al., 2003; Goodyear and Silverman, 2004; Roben et al., 1995). Following intravenous challenge, staphylococcal Protein A (SpA) mutations show a reduction in staphylococcal load in organ tissues and dramatically diminished ability to form abscesses (described herein). During infection with wildtype S. aureus, abscesses are formed within forty-eight hours and are detectable by light microscopy of hematoxylin-cosin stained, thin-sectioned kidney tissue, initially marked by an influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs). On day 5 of infection, abscesses increase in size and enclosed a central population of staphylococci, surrounded by a layer of eosinophilic, amorphous material and a large cuff of PMNs. Histopathology revealed massive necrosis of PMNs in proximity to the staphylococcal nidus at the center of abscess lesions as well as a mantle of healthy phagocytes. The inventors also observed a rim of necrotic PMNs at the periphery of abscess lesions, bordering the eosinophilic pseudocapsule that separated healthy renal tissue from the infectious lesion. Staphylococcal variants lacking Protein A are unable to establish the histopathology features of abscesses and are cleared during infection. "

[0128] SpAはまた、VH3を持つIgMのFab領域、B細胞受容体を捕捉することによりB細胞超抗原として機能する(Gomez et al., 2007; Goodyear et al., 2003; Goodyear and Silverman, 2004; Roben et al., 1995)。静脈内投与の後、ブドウ球菌プロテインA (SpA)変異は、器官組織においてブドウ球菌負荷の低減を示し、(本明細書において記述される)膿瘍形成能を劇的に弱めた。野生型黄色ブドウ球菌による感染の間に、膿瘍は48時間以内に形成され、ヘマトキシリン・エオシン染色し、薄切片にした腎臓組織の光学顕微鏡検査によって検出可能であり、病初では多形核白血球(PMN)の流入が目立つ。感染5日目に、膿瘍はサイズが増大し、好酸球性の無形性物質の層および大きなPMNカフで囲まれた、中心のブドウ球菌集団を含んでいた。病理組織診断によって、膿瘍病変部の中心にあるブドウ球菌巣のすぐ近くでのPMNの大量壊死および一面の正常食細胞が明らかになった。本発明者らはまた、正常腎組織を感染病変部と区別する好酸球性の偽被膜に隣接する、膿瘍病変部周辺の壊死PMNの縁を観察した。プロテインAを欠いたブドウ球菌変種は、膿瘍の組織病理学的特徴を確立することができず、感染の間に除去される。 

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2018-09-26 16:10:04 | 英語特許散策

"[00368] Patients in this study should be (i) age > 40 with any extent resection(*"extent of resection"?);(ii) age 18-39 with incomplete resection (post-op MRI showing > 1cm residual disease, based on the maximum dimension of residual T2 or FLAIR abnormality from the edge of the surgical cavity either laterally, antero-posteriorally, or supero-inferiorally) or (iii) age 18-39 with neurosurgeon- defined GTR but the tumor size is > 4 cm (the maximum preoperative tumor diameter, based on the axial and/or coronal T2 or FLAIR MR images). All patients should be > 18 years old. "

本研究の患者は、(i)年齢≧40歳  任意の切除範囲で;(ii)年齢18-39歳   完全な切除で(術後MRI  外観>1cm  残留疾患、術後空洞の端から、どちらか側方に、前側後側に又は上外下方に、残存T2又はFLAIR異常の最大寸法に基づく)又は、(iii)年齢18-39歳、神経外科医定義GTRで、しかし腫瘍の大きさは≧4cm(軸及び/又は冠状T2又はFLAIR  MR画像に基づく最大術前腫瘍直径)。全患者は、≧18歳であるべきである。

"[0179] We also conducted a multivariate analysis of the effect of anti-VEGF therapy (e.g., anti-VEGF antibody therapy, e.g., bevacizumab therapy) in combination with RT and chemotherapy on OS in order to account for known clinical prognostic covariates (e.g., age, corticosteroids, extent of resection, gender, Karnofsky Performance Score (KPS), methylation status of O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter, mini-mental state examination score (MMSE), recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) class, and WHO performance score). This analysis was performed using a multivariate Cox proportional hazard (PH) model fitted to OS for patients with PN and non-PN subtype glioblastoma tumors, as defined by Phillips. The multivariate Cox PH indicates that anti-VEGF therapy resulted in a significant OS benefit for patients having PN subtype glioblastoma, but not for patients having non-PN subtype glioblastoma (FIG. 3). Specifically, for patients having PN subtype glioblastoma, median OS in the treatment arm was 17.1 months compared to 12.2 months in the placebo arm, with a HR equal to 0.42 (95% CI=0.24-0.72; p=0.002) (FIG. 4A). For patients having non-PN subtype glioblastoma, HR was equal to 1.03 (95% CI=0.76-1.39; p=0.863) (FIG. 4B). "

0163] 既知の臨床的な予後共変量(例えば、年齢、コルチコステロイド、切除範囲、性別、Karnofskyパフォーマンススコア(KPS)、O−6−メチルグアニン−DNAメチルトランスフェラーゼ(MGMT)プロモーターのメチル化状態、簡易知能試験スコア(MMSE)、再帰分割分析(RPA)クラス、及びWHOパフォーマンススコア)を考慮するために、RT及び化学療法と併用する抗VEGF治療(例えば、抗VEGF抗体治療、例えば、ベバシズマブ治療)のOSに対する効果について多変量解析も行った。この解析は、Phillipsが定義するようなPN型及び非PN型サブタイプの膠芽腫腫瘍患者のOSに適合させた多変量Cox比例ハザード(PH)モデルを使用して実施した。多変量Cox PHは、抗VEGF治療は、PNサブタイプの膠芽腫患者には有意なOS利益をもたらしたが、非PNサブタイプの膠芽腫患者には利益がなかったことを示す(図3)。具体的には、PNサブタイプの膠芽腫患者では、治療群のOS中央値は17.1か月(プラセボ群では12.2か月)、ハザード比は0.42(95% CI=0.24〜0.72;p=0.002)であった(図4A)。非PNサブタイプの膠芽腫患者では、HRは1.03であった(95% CI=0.76〜1.39;p=0.863)(図4B)。 

"A method for forming an anastomosis between two viscera is also provided in accordance with the teachings of the present invention. Generally, a pair of magnet assemblies is provided having a construction as described above. One magnet assembly is placed into one viscera and the other magnet assembly is placed into the other viscera such that the pair of magnet assemblies are magnetically attracted and compress the tissue of the two viscera between the magnet assemblies. A portion of the tissue of the two viscera located within the axial openings is excised. The tissues of the two viscera are affixed together, thereby forming a secure anastomosis. "


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2018-09-26 15:56:37 | 英語特許散策

"[0403] In Phase I, our Specific Aim is to test the feasibility of using our device to diagnose amputation site healing capacity in a pilot clinical study. As part of this assessment, we gather data from numerous amputation patients with the purpose of training a diagnostic machine learning algorithm for diagnosing the healing potential in various amputation scenarios. Humans are an appropriate model for this stage of testing because the device is rapid, non-invasive and imaging studies can be performed in routine care settings such as the bedside or pre-operatively. "

[0403] フェーズIでは、我々の具体的な目的は、パイロット臨床試験で切断部位の治癒能力を診断するために我々の器具を使用する可能性を試験することである。この評価の一環として、我々は、様々な切断シナリオにおける治癒能力を診断する機械学習診断アルゴリズムをトレーニングする目的で、多数の切断患者からデータを収集する。器具は迅速で非侵襲的であり、ベッドサイドや術前のような日常のケア環境でイメージ検査を行うことができるため、人間はこの試験の適切なモデルである。 

"[0020] Alternatives described herein can be used to identify and/or classify the severity of decubitus ulcers, hyperaemia, limb deterioration, Raynaud's Phenomenon, chronic wounds, abrasions, lacerations, hemorrhaging, rupture injuries, punctures, penetrating wounds, cancer, or any type of tissue change, wherein the nature and quality of the tissue differs from a normal state. The devices described herein may also be used to monitor healthy tissue, facilitate and improve wound treatment procedures, for example allowing for a faster and more refined approach for determining the margin for debridement, and evaluate the progress of recovery from a wound or disease, especially after a treatment has been applied. In some alternatives described herein, devices are provided that allow for the identification of healthy tissue adjacent to wounded tissue, the determination of an excision margin, the monitoring of the recovery process after implantation of a prosthetic, such as a left ventricular assist device, the evaluation of the viability of a tissue graft or regenerative cell implant, or the monitoring of surgical recovery, especially after reconstructive procedures. Moreover, alternatives described herein may be used to evaluate the change in a wound or the generation of healthy tissue after a wound, in particular, after introduction of a therapeutic agent, such as a steroid, hepatocyte growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, an antibiotic, or regenerative cells, such as an isolated or concentrated cell population that comprises stem cells, endothelial cells and/or endothelial precursor cells. "


"[0212] Certain alternatives may also be used in providing intra-operative management of plastic surgery tissue transfer and reconstructive procedures. For example, in the case of breast cancer patients, treatment may involve a total mastectomy followed by breast reconstruction. Complications for breast reconstruction have been reported to be as high as 50%. The devices described herein can facilitate evaluation of both tissue that is ready to receive the graft, and the graft tissue itself. The evaluation in these alternatives looks at the health and quality of the tissue and the blood perfusion and oxygenation using the methodologies discussed above. "


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2018-09-26 15:50:20 | 英語特許散策

"[00085] The term "diagnosis" refers to a relative probability that a subject has a disorder such as cancer. Similarly, the term "prognosis" refers to a relative probability that a certain future outcome may occur in the subject. For example, in the context of the present disclosure, prognosis can refer to the likelihood that an individual will develop cancer, have recurrence, or the likely severity of the disease (e.g., severity of symptoms, rate of functional decline, survival, etc.). The terms are not intended to be absolute, as will be appreciated by any one of skill in the field of medical diagnostics. [00086] ''Biopsy" or "biological sample from a subject" as used herein refers to a sample obtained from a subject having, or suspected of having a disease, e.g., a CLL-1 associated disorder. The sample can also be a blood sample or blood fraction, e.g., white blood cell fraction, serum, or plasma. In some embodiments, the sample may be a tissue biopsy, such as needle biopsy, fine needle biopsy, surgical biopsy, etc. The sample can comprise a tissue sample harboring a lesion or suspected lesion, although the biological sample may be also be derived from another site, e.g., a site of suspected metastasis, a lymph node, or from the blood. In some cases, the biological sample may also be from a region adjacent to the lesion or suspected lesion. "

[0076] 本明細書の中で使用される「生検材料」または「対象からの生物学的試料」とは、疾患、たとえばCLL-1関連障害を有する、または有することが疑われる対象から得られる試料をいう。試料はまた、血液試料または血液画分、たとえば白血球画分、血清または血漿であることができる。いくつかの態様において、試料は、組織生検材料、たとえば針生検材料、細針生検材料、外科生検材料などであってもよい。試料は、病変または疑われる病変を有する組織試料を含むことができるが、生物学的試料は、別の部位、たとえば、転移が疑われる部位、リンパ節または血液に由来するものであってもよい。いくつかの場合、生物学的試料は、病変または疑われる病変に隣接する領域からのものであってもよい。 

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2018-09-26 14:24:47 | 英語特許散策

"As can be seen from the above description, digital eyewear is a rapidly evolving field with from the early innovation of digital eyewear with eye tracking capabilities thru Lewis (Ί 85 filed Feb 2008), to eyewear with more complex lenses and communication/display capabilities (Lewis '556, filed Nov 2009), to more enhancements and capabilities (Lewis '594, filed April 201 1 ). As technology progresses to make sensors, cameras, processors, and circuitry smaller, more and more capabilities become possible to implement using digital eyewear. This enhanced digital eyewear can be used to solve important areas ranging from superior vision enhancement and mobile advertising, to use in dental/medical procedures and physical and Internet navigation. The application and value of the enhanced eyewear is increased even further when combined with augmented reality, social networking, messaging, and communications. "

[0040] 上記の説明から分かるように、デジタルアイウエアは、Lewisによる視標追跡能力を備えたデジタルアイウエアの初期の革新(2008年2月に出願の’185)から、より複雑なレンズ及び通信/表示機能を備えたアイウエア(2009年11月に出願されたLewisの’556)へ、更なる向上及び能力(2011年4月に出願されたLewisの’594)への急速に発展する分野である。技術が、センサ、カメラ、プロセッサ、及び回路をより小さくするように発展すると共に、ますます多くの能力が、デジタルアイウエアを用いて実現できるようになる。この改善されたデジタルアイウエアは、優れた視力改善及びモバイル広告から、歯科/医療処置並びに物理的及びインターネットナビゲーションにおける使用にわたる重要な領域を解決するために用いることができる。改善されたアイウエアの用途及び価値は、拡張現実感、ソーシャルネットワーキング、メッセージング、及び通信と組み合わされた場合に、更に一層向上される。 

"[0055] In a rapidly evolving field such as genomics, it is not reasonable to expect doctors to be able to follow every new discovery and translate research into easily ordered diagnostic tests. By codifying tests and securely associating descriptions and recommendations for use, this gives doctors a simple method for specifying tests. Furthermore, allowing industry and regulatory organizations to certify and co-sign tests gives doctors confidence that the tests that they order have been peer-reviewed and will produce medically-relevant results; "


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2018-09-26 13:48:54 | 英語特許散策

"[0004] The clinical course of TNBC is associated with a high probability of distant metastases, especially to the lung and brain. Currently, there are no targeted therapies for this breast cancer subtype and the only treatment option is chemotherapy. Even though several studies suggest that TNBC is a highly chemosensitive disease, prognosis still remains poor with a shorter disease free interval after initial therapy and a more aggressive clinical course in the metastatic setting. Most patients receive anthracyclines and taxanes in the adjuvant setting and no further standard of care therapy exists for patients with metastatic TNBC. However, emerging data suggest that platinum salts (ie, cisplatin and carboplatin) are highly active in early and advanced TNBC, and therefore widely used in the clinical setting. Median survival for metastatic TNBC is approximately 1 year, making TNBC a disease with high unmet medical need. Additional cancers with high unmet patient needs also include patients with pancreatic cancer (especially patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma) or endometrial carcinoma. There exists a need for developing novel combination therapies that can be used to treat cancer. "

[0004] TNBCの臨床経過は、遠位、特に肺および脳への転移率が高いことに関係する。現在のところ、この乳がんサブタイプを標的とした療法はなく、唯一の治療選択肢は化学療法である。TNBCは化学感受性が高い疾患であることを示唆する研究はいくつかあるが、予後は依然として悪く、初期療法後の無病期間は短く、転移型では侵襲性のより高い臨床経過をたどる。ほとんどの患者は、アジュバント療法としてアントラサイクリンおよびタキサンを投与されており、転移型TNBCの患者にはこれ以上の標準治療法はない。しかし、新たに得られたデータによって、白金塩(すなわち、シスプラチンおよびカルボプラチン)が早期および進行型TNBCにおいて活性が高いことが示唆され、したがって、臨床の場において広く使用されている。転移型TNBCの生存期間中央値は約1年で、TNBCは未だ満たされていない医療ニーズが高い疾患となっている。未だ満たされていない患者のニーズが高い他のがんにはまた、膵臓がん(特に、膵臓腺癌の患者)または子宮内膜癌の患者が含まれる。がんの治療に使用することができる新規組み合わせ療法を開発することが必要とされている。 

"[0012] Those of the above methods that allow for iterative rounds of mutation and selection are mimicking in vitro mechanisms usually ascribed to the process of evolution: iterative variation, progressive selection for a desired the activity and replication. However, none of the methods so far developed have provided molecules of comparable diversity and functional efficacy to those that are found naturally. Additionally, there are no man-made "evolution" systems which can evolve both nucleic acids and proteins to effect the full range of biochemical and biological activities (for example, binding, catalytic and regulatory activities) and that can combine several processes leading to a desired product or activity. 

[0013] There is thus a great need for an in vitro system that overcomes the limitations discussed above. "

[0012] 上述の方法のうち反復的な突然変異および選択ラウンドを可能にするものは、反復的変動、所望の活性に対する進歩的選択および複製という通常進化プロセスに原因があるとされるインビトロ機序を模倣している。しかしながら、これまで開発されてきた方法のいずれも、天然に見出されるものに匹敵する多様性および機能的有効性をもつ分子を提供していない。さらに、(例えば結合、触媒および調節活性といった)生化学および生物学的活性の全範囲をもたらすべく核酸とタンパク質の両方を進化させることができかつ所望の生成物または活性を導く複数のプロセスを組合せることのできる人工の「進化」システムは全く存在していない。 

[0013] かくして、以上で論述した制限を克服するインビトロシステムに対する高いニーズが存在する。 

"The prevalence of neurological and psychiatric disorders is increasing worldwide. Up to one billion people suffer from debilitating neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, with almost seven million people dying every year. "Neurological disorders: public health challenges" World Health Organization, 2006. Neurological and psychiatric disorders are prevalent in all countries, often without regard to age, sex, education or income. However, as many neurological disorders are correlated with increased age, as the global population ages, the impact of these disorders becomes more evident. 

Despite the availability of treatments for some of these diseases, first line therapies (such as L-DOPA for Parkinson's) are often burdened by unfavorable side effects, or may lack efficacy. For instance, there is currently no approved treatment for the cognitive deficits in schizophrenia despite the high unmet medical need."

[0002] 神経障害および精神障害の患者数は、世界中に拡大している。最大10億の人々が、衰弱性神経疾患、例えばアルツハイマー病およびパーキンソン病に罹患し、同時に毎年ほぼ700万の人々が亡くなっている。「Neurological disorders: public health challenges」 World Health Organization, 2006。神経障害および精神障害は、多くの場合年齢、性別、教育または収入に関係なく、あらゆる国に広がっている。しかしながら、多くの神経障害は加齢と相関するため、世界的な人口高齢化が進むにつれて、これらの障害の影響はより明らかになる。 

"[0007] While pump type delivery systems have been utilized to solve a number of patient needs, manually operated syringes and injection pens often remain a preferred choice for drug delivery as they now provide integrated safety features and can easily be read to identify the status of drug delivery and the end of dose dispensing. However, manually operated syringes and injections pens are not universally applicable and are not preferred for delivery of all drugs. There remains a need for an adjustable (and/or programmable) infusion system that is precise and reliable and can offer clinicians and patients a small, low cost, light weight, simple to use alternative for parenteral delivery of liquid medicines. "

[0007] ポンプ式送達システムは、様々な患者ニーズを解決する為に利用されてきたが、手動操作式のシリンジ及び注射ペンも、薬剤送達の為の好ましい選択肢として存続している場合が多く、これは、それらのシリンジ及び注射ペンが、現在では、統合的な安全機能を提供しており、且つ、薬剤送達の状態、及び用量の定量供給の終了を識別する為の読み取りが容易に可能である為である。しかしながら、手動操作式のシリンジ及び注射ペンは、あらゆる用途に適用可能というわけではなく、あらゆる薬剤の送達に好ましいわけではない。そこで、精度及び信頼性が高く、液状薬剤の非経口送達の為の小型で低コストで軽量で使いやすい選択肢を医療従事者及び患者に提供しうる、調節可能(且つ/又はプログラム可能)な輸液システムが依然として必要とされている。 

"Figure 3 illustrates a decision tree of a partial Patient Conversation Model (PCM) in accordance with one or more examples of the present disclosure. A medical decision can be context-dependent. Context can be patient specific. Context can be collected and summarized by asking questions of a patient at a previous point of time to the point in time at which the context is used. For example, context used during detection (1 10 shown in Figure 1 ) and treatment (1 1 1 shown in Figure 1) can be collected prior to that point in a clinical workflow (104 shown in Figure 1), such as during admission (109 shown in Figure 1 ), or during a preceding medical process and/or care episode. Figure 3 shows the partial PCM represented in a decision tree. The decision tree can include a number of decision nodes 364 corresponding to questions, and branches, e.g., 366 and 368, corresponding to answers associated with the question. A medical guidelines portion 332 can be derived from medical guidelines or rules. A practical guidelines portion 360 can be developed based on practical experience, and a patient needs and preferences portion 362 can be developed based on patient needs. "

[0067] 図3は、デシジョンツリーで表現された部分的なPCMを示している。このデシジョンツリーは、質問に対応する複数の決定ノード364、及び、該質問に関連する答えに対応する枝(たとえば366及び368)を含むことができる。医療ガイドライン部332を、医療ガイドラインまたはルールから得ることができる。実務ガイドライン部360を実際の経験に基づいて作成することができ、患者ニーズ及び嗜好部362を患者のニーズに基づいて作成することができる。 

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2018-09-26 12:02:25 | 英語特許散策

"Modification of peptides with non-toxic, non-immunogenic polymers may offer certain advantages. If modifications are made in such a way that the products (polymer-peptide conjugates) retain all or most of their biological activities the following properties may result: epithelial penetration capability may be enhanced; the modified peptide may be protected from proteolytic digestion and subsequent abolition of activity; affinity for endogenous transport systems may be improved; chemical stability against stomach acidity may be imparted; the balance between lipophilicity and hydrophobicity of the polymers may be optimized. Proteinaceous substances endowed with the improved properties described above may be effective as replacement therapy following either oral or parenteral administration. Other routes of administration, such as nasal and transdermal, may also be possible using the modified peptide. "

本発明およびその好適な実施例の詳細な説明 非毒性、非免疫性重合体でペプチドを変性する結果、いくつかの利点が得られる。生成物(重合体-ペプチド接合物)が、その生物学的活性の全てまたは殆どを保つような方法にて変性を行うならば、次のような特性が得られる。即ち、生体の上皮への侵入機能が向上する。変性したペプチドは、タンパク質分解消化およびその後の活性の損失から保護される。生体内在性輸送搬送系統への同化性が増す。胃内の酸性に対する化学的安定性が向上する。重合体の親油性と親水性が最適な均衡状態となる。タンパク質性物質は、上述の改良された特性が付与されたときに、経口投与または非経口投与の後に、代替治療方法として効果的である。また、変性ペプチドを使用して、鼻および皮膚のようなその他の経路を通じての投与も可能である。

"[0153] The following materials were used in this example to examine spectral changes in typical in vivo endogenous fluorescent materials. "


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