

vs, versus, バーサス

2018-09-23 14:42:14 | 英語特許散策

"[0020] Figure 9: A plot of peak ratio versus time for normal, densified, and pressure densified silica nanoparticles containing ADS832WS. "


"Making the PANI sheet resistance higher by reducing the film thickness is not a good option since thinner films give lower manufacturing yield caused by the formation of electrical shorts. This is demonstrated clearly in Figure 1, which shows the fraction of"leaky"pixels in a 96 x 64 array vs thickness of the
PANI (ES) polyblend layer. Thus, to avoid shorts it is necessary to use a relatively thick PANI (ES) layer with thickness-200 nm. "


"The binding affinity of the test polypeptide is determined by plotting the ratio of bound to free label on the ordinate versus bound label on the abscissa. Binding specificity is determined by competition with cytokines other than TPO. Receptor binding can also be determined by precipitation of the test compound by immobilized MPL receptor (or the ligand-binding extracellular domain thereof). Briefly, the receptor or portion thereof is immobilized on an insoluble support. "

試験ポリペプチドの結合親和性が、縦座標上に遊離ラベルへの結合の割合vs.横座標上に結合されたラベルをプロットすることによって決定される。結合特異性は、TPO よりも他のサイトカインとの競争により決定される。受容体結合はまた、固定されたMPL 受容体(又はそのリガンド-結合細胞及びドメイン)による試験化合物の沈殿により決定され得る。手短に言えば、受容体又はその一部が不溶性支持体上に固定される。

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2018-09-23 14:28:38 | 英語特許散策

"FIG. 11 shows a list of antibody reagents available for lysosomal proteins for utilization of LSD's screened by multiplex technology; 

FIG. 12 shows a calibration curve for [alpha]-glucosidase in a microsphere based assay; 

FIG. 13 shows multiplexed calibration curves in a microsphere based assay; 

FIG. 14A and FIG. 14B show calibration curves of [alpha]-glucosidase using bead technology and measured using Bio-Plex(TM) Protein Array system (Bio-Rad); 

FIG. 15 shows the multiplex technology having at least a 4-plex for LSD's; "






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