


2018-09-27 18:47:24 | 英語特許散策

"Maintenance of animals and experimental protocols were conducted following federal regulations and approved by Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. "

動物および実験プロトコールの維持は、連邦規制に従って行い、Institutional Animal Care and Use Committeeの承認を得た

"[0135] This study complied with the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the University Ethics Committee (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan). All of the subjects provided their written informed consent to participate in the study. 32 patients with clinically defined PD (18 men and 14 women, aged 43-83 [mean±SD, 67.3±9.4] years, see Table 1 for clinical details) were enrolled in this study, who were diagnosed according to the UK Parkinson's Disease Society Brain Bank criteria. "


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2018-09-27 14:31:40 | 英語特許散策

"[0644] Confocal Microscopy: 

[0645] Following treatment fluorescence of cells was observed using an inverted fluorescent confocal microscope (Leica SP5). Confocal images were acquired at the appropriate fluorescence emission peak of the bound high affinity species ( ̃530 nm). Images were uploaded into NIH ImageJ software. The fluorescence intensity of individuals cells from several random fields were measured and corrected for background. "

共焦点顕微鏡観察:処理後、倒立型蛍光共焦点顕微鏡(Leica  SP5)を用いて、細胞の蛍光を観察した。結合した高親和性種の適切な蛍光放出ピーク(約530nm)で共焦点画像を獲得した。NIH  ImageJソフトウェア中に画像をアップロードした。いくつかの無作為の視野からの個々の細胞の蛍光強度を測定し、バックグラウンドについて補正した。

"[0141] Detection of FISH signals from a hybridized and washed sample can be accomplished to allow subsequent analysis in real time, such as by an operator who views fluorescence directly at a microscope, or to allow later analysis, by recording images. Detection generally involves the use of an appropriate source of excitation light for each fluorophore in use in the assay (e.g., light passed through an appropriate filter, or light from a laser of an appropriate wavelength); fluorescently emitted light is then passed through an appropriate filter, and it can be viewed directly by an operator and/or photographed with a camera, such as a film-based or digital camera, which may be connected to a computer. 


"[0142] 3. Enumeration 

[0143] The FISH signals of a plurality of nuclei in the sample are enumerated. In some embodiments, the plurality of nuclei comprises at least 50, 75, or 100 nuclei. Enumeration can be achieved, for example, by making a list containing an entry for each examined nucleus and how many of each of the FISH signals it contained, and/or by counting the number of nuclei that had each observed combination of FISH signal quantities. In some embodiments, such a list can contain possible but unobserved combinations of FISH signal quantities as well. The list can be reorganized by making entries for each observed combination of FISH signal quantities, accompanied by their frequency (see, e.g., Table 2 below). The information obtained by enumerating FISH signals is to be interpreted in view of at least one artifactual deletion frequency, discussed below. "


"To generate an AdSV25 carrying a marker gene, a GFP (green fluorescent protein) expression cassette previously cloned in the plasmid pShuttle (Clontech) was excised with the restriction enzymes I-Ceul and Pl-Scel and ligated into pSV25 (or another of the Ad chimp plasmids described herein) digested with the same enzymes. The resulting plasmid (pSV25GFP) was digested with Swal to separate the bacterial plasmid backbone and transfected into the E1 complementing cell line HEK 293. About 10 days later, a cytopathic effect was observed indicating the presence of replicative virus. The successful generation of an Ad SV25 based adenoviral vector expressing GFP was confirmed by applying the supernatant from the transfected culture on to fresh cell cultures. The presence of secondarily infected cells was determined by observation of green fluorescence in a population of the cells. "

マーカー遺伝子であるGFP(緑色蛍光タンパク質)を保有するAdSV25を作製するために、以前にプラスミドpShuttle(Clontech)にクローニングされた発現カセットを制限酵素I-CeuIおよびPI-SceIで切り出し、同酵素で消化されたpSV25(または本明細書中に記載の別のAd chimpプラスミド)にライゲーションした。得られたプラスミド(pSV25GFP)をSwaIで消化して細菌プラスミド主鎖を分離し、E1補完細胞株HEK 293にトランスフェクトした。約10日後、細胞変性効果が観察された。それは複製ウイルスの存在を示す。GFPを発現するAd SV25ベースのアデノウイルスベクターの作製の成功を、トランスフェクトされた培養由来の上清を新たな細胞培養に加えることによって確認した。該細胞集団中の緑色蛍光を観察することによって二次感染細胞の存在を判定した。

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2018-09-27 13:55:12 | 英語特許散策

"[0221] To generate fully human antibodies to CD27, transgenic or transchromosomal mice containing human immunoglobulin genes (e.g., HCo12, HCo7 or KM mice) can be immunized with a purified or enriched preparation of the CD27 antigen and/or cells expressing CD27, as described, for example, by Lonberg et al. (1994) Nature 368(6474): 856-859; Fishwild et al. (1996) Nature Biotechnology 14: 845-851 and WO 98/24884. As described herein, HuMAb mice are immunized either with recombinant CD27 proteins or cell lines expressing CD27 as immunogens. Alternatively, mice can be immunized with DNA encoding human CD27. Preferably, the mice will be 6-16 weeks of age upon the first infusion. For example, a purified or enriched preparation (5-50 μg) of the recombinant CD27 antigen can be used to immunize the HuMAb mice intraperitoneally. In the event that immunizations using a purified or enriched preparation of the CD27 antigen do not result in antibodies, mice can also be immunized with cells expressing CD27, e.g., a cell line, to promote immune responses. Exemplary cell lines include CD27-overexpressing stable CHO and Raji cell lines. "

CD27に対する完全なヒト抗体を生成するために、ヒト免疫グロブリン遺伝子を含むトランスジェニックマウスまたはトランスクロモソーマルマウス(例えば、HCo12マウス、HCo7マウス、またはKMマウス)を、例えば、Lonberg  et  al.(1994)Nature  368(6474):856-859、Fishwild  et  al.(1996)Nature  Biotechnology  14:845-851、および国際公開公報第98/24884号によって説明されているように、CD27抗原の精製した調製物もしくは富化した調製物、および/またはCD27を発現する細胞で免疫化することができる。本明細書で説明されるように、HuMAbマウスは、免疫原としての組換えCD27タンパク質またはCD27を発現する細胞株のいずれかで免疫化される。代替として、マウスは、ヒトCD27をコードするDNAで免疫化することができる。好ましくは、マウスは、最初の注入時に6~16週齢である。例えば、組換えCD27抗原の精製した調製物または富化した調製物(5~50μg)を使用して、HuMAbマウス腹腔内で免疫化することができる。CD27抗原の精製した調製物または富化した調製物を使用した免疫化によって抗体が得られなかった場合は、免疫応答を促進するために、CD27を発現する細胞(例えば、細胞株)でマウスを免疫化することもできる。例示的な細胞株としては、CD27を過剰発現する安定したCHO細胞株およびRaji細胞株が挙げられる。

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2018-09-27 13:00:52 | 英語特許散策

"As subtle differences in cell cycle activity might escape the "snap shot" detection by this method, efforts were made to enumerate the frequency of cycling cells over a longer period of time. Therefore, 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was administered over a period of 7 days, and the percentage of BrdU+ cells present within the primitive hematopoietic BM sub-populations was assessed (n=4, p=n.s.)."


"Figure 26 shows castration increased numbers of donor derived TN, DP, CD4 and CD8 cells in the thymus. However Figure 23 shows castration does not alter the donor thymocyte proportions of CD4 and CD8 cells. In the periphery, there are very few CD4 or CD8 cells and at the time points considered, there was no increase in these cells with castration. "


"III. Investigation of Binding Site Deletions

[0101] Deletion mutants of HAd-5 E1a transcriptional control region were prepared, and expression of E1a in non-transformed and transformed cells was investigated. The HAd-5 transcription control region contains binding sites for multiple transcription factors, many of which are over expressed in cancer cells. Consequently, the use of transformed cells to study E1a transcription will be affected by aberrant expression of various transcription factors that influence these critical regulatory sequences. To overcome this limitation, we have utilized growth arrested human lung epithelial cell lines to study E1a gene expression and compared these results to E1a expression in a panel of tumor cell lines. Various deletion mutants were generated targeting specifically Pea3 and E2F binding sites. "


  HAd-5 E1a転写制御領域の欠失変異体を作製し、非形質転換細胞および形質転換細胞におけるE1a発現の検討を行った。HAd-5転写制御領域は複数の転写因子の結合部位を含有し、それらの多くは癌細胞で過剰発現される。結果として、形質転換細胞をE1a転写の研究に使用することは、これらの重要な制御配列に影響を与える種々の転写因子の異常発現による影響を受ける。この制限を解決するために、我々は増殖停止させたヒト肺上皮細胞系を使用してE1a遺伝子発現の研究を行い、これらの結果を一連の腫瘍細胞系におけるE1a発現の結果と比較した。Pea3およびE2F結合部位を特に標的として、種々の欠失変異体を作製した。

"Effect of HPV Status on Panitumumab Therapy on Progression- free Survival

The overall survival of HPV positive and HPV negative subjects in the trial was examined. Figures 3 and 4 are Kaplan-Meier survival curves summarizing the results of the study. A comparison of Figures 3 and 4 shows that subjects whose HNSCC tumors were HPV negative that were treated with panitumumab and chemotherapy showed an enhancement in progression-free survival over those subjects whose HNSCC tumors were HPV positive. "



"Preparation of C Dot Immunoconjugates

[0124] Studies were performed to conjugate single chain antibody fragments (scFv)s to the C dot core silica nanoparticles. An scFv that bound matrix metalloproteinase 12 (MMP-12) was expressed in E. coli. The construct contained C-terminal His and FLAG tags for nickel affinity chromatography and immune-detection. A mutant scFv was constructed in which the last amino acid of the polypeptide chain was converted to a cysteine (Cys). The change was confirmed by sequencing the mutant gene. Expression and nickel affinity purification of the wild type scFv and the C-terminal Cys containing mutant was confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), visualized with Coomassie blue stain at a molecular weight consistent with the scFv. Western blot analysis of the scFv SDS PAGE gel was performed with an anti-FLAG tag HRP conjugate. The Western blot analysis confirmed that the identity of the gel band was the scFv."


  一本鎖抗体断片(scFv)をCドットコアシリカナノ粒子にコンジュゲートする検討を行った。マトリックスメタロプロテイナーゼ12(MMP-12)に結合したscFvは、E.coliにおいて発現させた。構築物は、ニッケルアフィニティークロマトグラフィーおよび免疫検出を行うためのC末端HisおよびFLAGタグを含有した。変異体scFvを構築し、この場合、ポリペプチド鎖の最後のアミノ酸をシステイン(Cys)に変換した。この変化は、変異体遺伝子を配列決定することにより確認した。野生型scFv、および変異体を含有しているC末端Cysの発現およびニッケルアフィニティー精製は、scFvと一致する分子量のクマシーブルー染色により可視化した、ドデシル硫酸ナトリウム(SDS)ポリアクリルアミドゲルの電気泳動(PAGE)により確認した。scFv  SDS  PAGEゲルのウエスタンブロット分析は、抗FLAGタグHRPコンジュゲートにより行われた。ウエスタンブロット分析により、ゲルバンドが同一であるものはscFvであることを確認した。

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2018-09-27 12:54:29 | 英語特許散策

"[0097] A lentiviral expression plasmid, pLenti-Hsp70 (F-Luc-2A-TNFα)-RSV (RFP-BSD) (FIG. 17A), which contains the heat-inducible HSP70 promoter driving expression of firefly luciferase (F-Luc) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), and RSV promoter driving expression of red fluorescent protein (RFP) and blasticidin selection marker (BSD), was constructed. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were engineered by transduction with this plasmid construct by lentiviral vector (GenTarget, San Diego, Calif.). Heat-activated gene expression of TNFα was confirmed and optimized in terms of temperature and duration of time using a water bath in vitro. For in vivo study, MSCs transduced with HSP70 (F-Luc-2A-TNFα)-RSV (RFP-BSD) were stereotactically implanted into the brains of athymic nude rats (1×10<6 >cells per rat). 2 days after cell implantation, the area of injection site was heated to 43° C. by HIFU under guidance of MRI for half an hour to induce TNFα expression. The luciferase expression was monitored by bioluminescence after injection of luciferin. After 48 hours, opening of the BBB was confirmed on T1-weighted image after intravenous injection of the MRI contrast agent (Magnevist, 0.125 mmol/kg) by tail veil(*vein). Rats implanted with MSCs-HSP70 (Luc-2A-TNFα) without HIFU treatment and rats implanted with MSCs-HSP70 (Luc-2A-GFP) with HIFU treatment were used as the controls. "

[0057] ホタルルシフェラーゼ(F−Luc)および腫瘍壊死因子アルファ(TNFα)の発現を促進する温熱誘導性HSP70プロモーター、ならびに赤色蛍光タンパク質(RFP)およびブラストサイジン選択マーカー(BSD)の発現を促進するRSVプロモーターを含む、レンチウイルス発現プラスミド、pLenti−Hsp70(F−Luc−2A−TNFα)−RSV(RFP−BSD)(図17A)を構築した。間葉系幹細胞(MSC)を、レンチウイルスベクター(GenTarget、San Diego、CA)を用いて、このプラスミド構築物で形質導入して遺伝子操作した。インビトロにおいて、ウォーターバスを用いて、TNFαの温熱活性化遺伝子発現を確かめ、温度および継続時間について最適化した。インビボの研究について、Hsp70(F−Luc−2A−TNFα)−RSV(RFP−BSD)で形質導入したMSCを胸腺欠損ヌードラットの脳内に定位移植した(ラット1匹あたり1×10 < 6 > 細胞)。細胞移植から2日後、注入部位の領域を、MRIガイド下HIFUによって、30分間、43°Cに加温し、TNFα発現を誘導した。ルシフェラーゼ発現は、ルシフェリン注入後、生物発光によりモニターした。48時間後、MRI造影剤(Magnevist、0.125mmol/kg)を尾静脈より静注した後、T1強調画像上でBBBの開放を確認した。HIFU処置していないMSCs−HSP70(Luc−2A−TNFα)を移植したラット、およびHIFU処置したMSCs−HSP70(Luc−2A−GFP)を移植したラットを、対照として用いた。 

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2018-09-27 12:41:32 | 表現

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