US2022349917(TEKTRONIX INC [US])
[0013] In FIG. 1, the triaxial cable 10 has a signal conductor 12 surrounded by a first insulator 14 .
A reference conductor 16 , which this discussion may refer to as the ground, reference or inner conductor, surrounds the first insulator.
A second insulator 18 surrounds the reference conductor, in turn surrounded by a third, or shield, conductor 20 .
A jacket or sheath 22 may encases these components to form the cable.
The lower layers of the cable below the center conductor 12 match the upper layers, as this is a side view of the length of the cable.
US2024029918(NKT HV CABLES AB [SE])
[0003] Submarine power cables may often have an armour comprising a plurality of armour wires.
The armour wires normally extend helically around the single core or multi-core of the submarine power cable.
The armour provides mechanical protection against lateral impacts during installation and operation of the cable. The armour also provides tensional force for the cable laying.
US11531175(SUBCOM LLC [US])
[0002] For portions of a submarine optical communication system, unarmored optical fiber cables may be deployed to deep ocean depths (e.g., 2,000 to 8,000 meters) in traditional applications.
Typically, these cables are suitable for deepwater deployment because there is little to no risk of external aggression or abrasion on the cables at such depths.
Recently, however, numerous fish aggregation (or aggregating) devices (FADs) are being used or employed along planned submarine cable routes in deep waters, which threatens not only the functionality of deepwater cables but also the long-term viability of the submarine optical communication system.