Potential of aromatherapy

aromatherapy and golf and movie


2016年02月15日 | 雑記
Need to be in Love

The hardest thing I’ve ever done is keep believing
There’s someone in this crazy world for me
The way that people come and go through temporary lives
My chance could come and I might never know

チャンスはあるのかもしれないけれど それがいつかは私にはわからない

I used to say ”No promises Let’s keep it simple”
But freedom only helps you say Goodbye
It took a while for me to learn that nothin’ comes for free
The price I’ve paid is high enough for me

いつも言うの 「約束なんてしないで ややこしいことはやめよう」

I know I need to be in love
I know I’ve wasted too much time
I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world
And fool enough to think that’s what I’ll find

わかってるの 恋をしなきゃいけないって
わかってるの 日々を無駄にしすぎたって
わかってるの このほんとに不完全な世界に完璧を求めているって

So here I am with pockets full of good intentions
But none of them will comfort me Tonight
I’m wide awake at four a.m. without a friend in sight
Hanging on a hope but I’m alright.......

そのくせどれにも満足できずに 今夜はさびしい
午前四時だというのに一人で起きていて そばにはだれもいない
希望にしがみついている私 でも大丈夫

I know I need to be in love
I know I’ve wasted too much time
I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world
And fool enough to think that’s what I’ll find