


2016年12月22日 | こども危機
 ◆ 教員がしなくても良い仕事リスト(英国)
(1) 集金業務
(2) 欠席した生徒がどこにいるか探すこと
(3) 写真のコピー
(4) ただ写すだけのタイピング
(5) 定型の手紙の作成
(6) クラス名簿の作成
(7) 記録の作成
(8) 教室の飾り付け
(9) 出席数の分析
(10) 試験結果の処理
(11) 生徒のレポートの校正
(12) 職業体験の指揮
(13) 試験の指揮
(14) 試験監督

(15) 教員の担当を管理すること
(16) 電子機器のトラブルに対処すること
(17) 新しい電子機器を注文すること
(18) 用具の注文
(19) 在庫調査
(20) 用具リストの作成、用具の準備、議論、維持
(21) 議事録作成
(22) 入札業務
(23) 個人的なアドバイスをすること
(24) 生徒のデータを管理すること
(25) 生徒のデータをを入力すること
 労働党政権下の英国では2003年より教師が本来の仕事に専念できるように多様な活動に従事する学校職員(support staff)を教員(teaching staff)と同数雇い入れ教員との協業を計ったという
 ※『Raising standards and tackling workload:a national agreement』
・ Collecting money
・ Chasing absences
・ teachers will need to inform the relevant member of staff when students are absent from their class or from school;
・ Bulk photocopying;
・ Copy typing;
・ Producing standard letters
・ teachers may be required to contribute as appropriate in formulating the content of standard letters;
・ Producing class lists
・ teachers may be required to be involved as appropriate in allocating students to a particular class;
・ Record keeping and filing
・ teachers may be required to contribute to the content of records;
・ Classroom display
・ teachers will make professional decisions in determining what material is displayed in and around their classroom;
・ Analysing attendance figures
・ it is for teachers to make use of the outcome of analysis;
・ Processing exam results
・ teachers will need to use the analysis of exam results;
・ Collating pupil reports;
・ Administering work experience
・ teachers may be required to support pupils on work experience (including through advice and visits);
・ Administering examinations
・ teachers have a professional responsibility for identifying appropriate examinations for their pupils;
・ Invigilating examinations
・ Administering teacher cover;
・ ICT trouble shooting and minor repairs;
・ Commissioning new ICT equipment;
・ Ordering supplies and equipment
・ teachers may be involved in identifying needs;
・ Stocktaking;
・ Cataloguing, preparing, issuing and maintaining equipment and materials;
・ Minuting meetings
・ teachers may be required to communicate action points from meetings;
・ Co-ordinating and submitting bids
・teachers may be required to make a professional input into the content of bids;
・ Seeking and giving personnel advice;
・ Managing pupil data
・ teachers will need to make use of the analysis of pupil data;
・ Inputting pupil data
・ teachers will need to make the initial entry of pupil data into school management systems.

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