▼ 川内原発を止めてください。
発信者:高木 博史
岐阜県, Gifu
Motoo Hayashi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan
The President of Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.
Yuichiro Ito, Governor of Kagoshima Prefecture
Tamayo Marukawa, Minister of Environmental Issues
I am originally from Kumamoto, although I don't live there currently.
Over the past few days, Kumamoto and surrounding areas have been hit by 2 huge earthquakes and continue to experience hundreds of smaller aftershocks.
As the reports continue, I am overwhelmed and saddened to see the damage that my beautiful hometown has suffered.
Despite this, in Kagoshima prefecture (next to Kumamoto prefecture), Sendai Nuclear Power Plant (which is situated right above the fault line that is likely the hypocenter of the earthquakes) continues to be in operation.
It is not hard to imagine the whole island of Kyushu bathed in radiation in the case that something similar to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant incident should happen.
For the safety and preservation of Kumamoto prefecture and surrounding areas, please make the decision to cease operations at Sendai Nuclear Power Plant immediately.
林 幹夫 経済産業大臣
安倍晋三 首相
伊藤祐一郎 鹿児島県知事
丸川珠代 原子力防災担当大臣
▼ 川内原発を止めてください。
発信者:高木 博史
岐阜県, Gifu
Motoo Hayashi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan
The President of Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.
Yuichiro Ito, Governor of Kagoshima Prefecture
Tamayo Marukawa, Minister of Environmental Issues
I am originally from Kumamoto, although I don't live there currently.
Over the past few days, Kumamoto and surrounding areas have been hit by 2 huge earthquakes and continue to experience hundreds of smaller aftershocks.
As the reports continue, I am overwhelmed and saddened to see the damage that my beautiful hometown has suffered.
Despite this, in Kagoshima prefecture (next to Kumamoto prefecture), Sendai Nuclear Power Plant (which is situated right above the fault line that is likely the hypocenter of the earthquakes) continues to be in operation.
It is not hard to imagine the whole island of Kyushu bathed in radiation in the case that something similar to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant incident should happen.
For the safety and preservation of Kumamoto prefecture and surrounding areas, please make the decision to cease operations at Sendai Nuclear Power Plant immediately.
林 幹夫 経済産業大臣
安倍晋三 首相
伊藤祐一郎 鹿児島県知事
丸川珠代 原子力防災担当大臣