


This is the first time for us to sit next to each other.

2019-07-13 20:30:11 | 英語・今日のレッスン

(席替えをした後の会話)あなたの隣に座るのは初めてです。----->This is the first time for me to sit next to you.
私たちが隣同士に座るのは初めてです。-----> This is the first time for us to sit next to each other.
鳩に餌をあげるのは子どもの時以来初めてです------>This is the first time for me to feed pigeons since I was a child.
海で泳ぐのは子どもの時以来(初めて)です-----> This is the first time for me to swim in the sea/ ocean since I was a child.
映画館で映画を見るのは結婚して以来です----> This is the first time for me to see movies at a movie theater since I got married.
凧あげをするのは子どもの時以来です-----> This is the first time for me to fly a kite since I was a child.
運転するのは交通事故以来です-----> This is the first time for me to drive (a car) since my traffic accident.

【something came up.】
ちょっと用事ができました------> Something came up.
予定があります------> I have plans.
(何かを断るとき)ごめんなさい、用事があります-----> I'm sorry. I have plans.

このクラスの後、何か予定がありますか-----> Do you have any plans after this class?
いいえ------> No. (I don't.)
ランチしませんか-------> Would you like to have lunch (with me)?
それはいいですね-----> Yeah, sounds great!

【Even : ~でさえ、~すら、~までも】

子どもでさえこのコンピューターを使うことができる------> Even a child can use this computer.
彼女はデザートさえ食べなかった-----> She didn't eat even her dessert.
彼女は私のパーティーへ来なかっただけでなく電話すらしなかった-----> Not only did she not come to my party but she didn't even call.
旅の間、私はよい友人ができた、でも空港では皆急いでいたのでさよならを言う機会すらなかった------> During my trip, I made good friends but at the airport, everyone was in such a hurry, we didn't even have a chance to say Good bye.
------> I didn't even have much time to sleep last weekend because I had to catch up on some work.
わたしはレモンを買う十分なお金すら持っていなかった-----> I didn't even have enough money to buy a lemon.
私は彼に手紙を送りましたが彼は返信すらしませんでした-----> I sent a letter to him but he didn't even reply (me).
わたしが子どもの時、祖父は重い病気でした、でも私は「さようなら」を言う機会すらなく彼は亡くなってしまいました-----> When I was a child, my grandfather was very sick, but I didn't even have a chance to say "Sayonara" but he passed away.
昨日、叔母の葬式のあと、わたしは動揺していたので昼食を半分しか食べられなかった、しかし、他の人たち、80歳の叔母の友人さえ、全部食べていた。------> Yesterday, after my aunt's funeral ceremony, I only ate half of my lunch because I was very upset, but everyone else even my aunt's 80 year-old-friend could eat all.
-----> My mother-in-law is 90 years old but she can cook, clean, hear clearly, she can even read newspapers without glasses.
-----> You and Ms. Yamaguchi became a bad relationship. Did she come to your party last night?
彼女はワインまで持ってきてくれたんですよ-----> She even brought a bottle of wine.
月曜でさえこのレストランは混んでいます-----> Even on Mondays, this restaurant is crowded.
交通はますます悪くなっています、午前6時半でさえ道路はすでに混んでいます-----> Traffic is getting worse and worse even at 6:30 am, streets are already crowded.

早い時間でさえ-----> even early hours

Try that! ----> やってみて

*管理人Mayは一緒に英語を学習している数人の友人たちとBasic Grammar in Use というすべて英語で書いてあるテキストブックの問題をやっています。
ちょうど、They are sitting next to each other. という問題を解いたあと、next to each other. を当てられて答えました。


#1. A is not as 形容詞 as B.
今日は暑いですが昨日ほど暑くはない----> Today is hot, but (it's )not as hot as yesterday.

#2. 掃除に関すること
拭く-----> wipe
掃く-----> sweep
ほうき----> broom
床を拭く-----> mop
モップ------> mop

#3. 久しぶり、~ぶり、 ~して以来
2週間ぶりです(私たちが会ってから)----> It's been 2 weeks (since we met.)
私はあなたに2週間会っていなかった------>I haven't seen you for 2 weeks.
彼は彼の誕生日以来飲んでいない------> He hasn't drunk since his birthday.

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