words and expressions
jade ヒスイ
effective 効果がある
go away (病気が)治る、癒える
invent 発明する
The telephone was invented by Bell. 電話はベルによって発明された
I have no idea. わかりません、思いつきません
【前の previous, former, old, -ex 復習】
The man she was married to before is my friend.
主語 =her ex-husband / her previous husband / her former husband
My old computer is still good for making New Year's cards.
My previous computer was Windows.
* oldはまだ関係があるときに使われる(例:捨てていないコンピューター/ 古い友人でまだ付き合いがある)
She is a former student.
彼女は元生徒です * old studentとは言わない
【Is it new?】
Is it new? (友人が身に付けているネックレスを見て)それは新しいですか?
Are they new? (イヤリングなど複数のとき) それらは新しいですか
For a necklace is new. ネックレスにしては新しいです
It looks expensive. 高そうですね
= Looks expensive.
They look expensive. (複数のもの)それらは高そうですね
Thank you, but it wasn't. ありがとう。でも高くはなかったです
Thank you, but they aren't. ありがとう。でも高くないです
Sounds delicious. おいしそう
Is the treatment effective? その治療は効果がありますか
itchiness (名詞)かゆさ
My itchiness goes away. 私のかゆみはなおる
an allergy アレルギー
skin condition 皮膚の状態
A more effect treatment without steroids will be invented sometime in the future.
(sometime in the future= someday in the future)
I can't stand being late. わたしは遅れることが我慢できません
I can't stand the fact that I sometimes have to stand when I take a bullet train.
I can't stand the cold Takasaki in winter. 高崎の寒さに我慢できない
I can't stand the humid summer of Takasaki.
=I can't stand humid Takasaki summer. 蒸し暑い高崎の夏/ 蒸し暑い夏の高崎に我慢できない
Hang in there. がんばって、がんばれ 体の具合の悪いことに耐えている人へ
Don't give up. あきらめるな、がんばれ /勉強、スポーツ
Keep going. / Keep it up! 続けて頑張れ/ 勉強、スポーツ
I was surprised by the fact that there were so many dolls.
I will be surprised by the fact there are so many dolls.
About how many? だいたいどのくらいの数?
Roughly 1,000 dolls. おおよそ(ざっと)1000体
Do you know why we celebrate dolls festival in March?
Did you go with anyone? 誰かと一緒に行きましたか?
With my husband. 主人と
Did he like (enjoy) it too? ご主人もそれが好きでしたか(楽しみましたか)
Was it crowded? 混んでいましたか
Not as crowded as I expected. 私が予想していたほど混んでいませんでした
Was it near? それは近い?
Not as near as I expected. 私が予想したいたほど近くなかった
I didn't know where is was until I went there.
How much did the ticket cost? そのチケットはいくらでしたか
How was the admission ticket? 入場券はいくらでしたか
How much was the entrance fee. 入場料はいくらでしたか
words and expressions
jade ヒスイ
effective 効果がある
go away (病気が)治る、癒える
invent 発明する
The telephone was invented by Bell. 電話はベルによって発明された
I have no idea. わかりません、思いつきません
【前の previous, former, old, -ex 復習】
The man she was married to before is my friend.
主語 =her ex-husband / her previous husband / her former husband
My old computer is still good for making New Year's cards.
My previous computer was Windows.
* oldはまだ関係があるときに使われる(例:捨てていないコンピューター/ 古い友人でまだ付き合いがある)
She is a former student.
彼女は元生徒です * old studentとは言わない
【Is it new?】
Is it new? (友人が身に付けているネックレスを見て)それは新しいですか?
Are they new? (イヤリングなど複数のとき) それらは新しいですか
For a necklace is new. ネックレスにしては新しいです
It looks expensive. 高そうですね
= Looks expensive.
They look expensive. (複数のもの)それらは高そうですね
Thank you, but it wasn't. ありがとう。でも高くはなかったです
Thank you, but they aren't. ありがとう。でも高くないです
Sounds delicious. おいしそう
Is the treatment effective? その治療は効果がありますか
itchiness (名詞)かゆさ
My itchiness goes away. 私のかゆみはなおる
an allergy アレルギー
skin condition 皮膚の状態
A more effect treatment without steroids will be invented sometime in the future.
(sometime in the future= someday in the future)
I can't stand being late. わたしは遅れることが我慢できません
I can't stand the fact that I sometimes have to stand when I take a bullet train.
I can't stand the cold Takasaki in winter. 高崎の寒さに我慢できない
I can't stand the humid summer of Takasaki.
=I can't stand humid Takasaki summer. 蒸し暑い高崎の夏/ 蒸し暑い夏の高崎に我慢できない
Hang in there. がんばって、がんばれ 体の具合の悪いことに耐えている人へ
Don't give up. あきらめるな、がんばれ /勉強、スポーツ
Keep going. / Keep it up! 続けて頑張れ/ 勉強、スポーツ
I was surprised by the fact that there were so many dolls.
I will be surprised by the fact there are so many dolls.
About how many? だいたいどのくらいの数?
Roughly 1,000 dolls. おおよそ(ざっと)1000体
Do you know why we celebrate dolls festival in March?
Did you go with anyone? 誰かと一緒に行きましたか?
With my husband. 主人と
Did he like (enjoy) it too? ご主人もそれが好きでしたか(楽しみましたか)
Was it crowded? 混んでいましたか
Not as crowded as I expected. 私が予想していたほど混んでいませんでした
Was it near? それは近い?
Not as near as I expected. 私が予想したいたほど近くなかった
I didn't know where is was until I went there.
How much did the ticket cost? そのチケットはいくらでしたか
How was the admission ticket? 入場券はいくらでしたか
How much was the entrance fee. 入場料はいくらでしたか
I can hardly stand his tantrums.