


Today is not as cold as yesterday.

2016-02-28 21:54:11 | 英語・今日のレッスン


A+be動詞+not+as+形容詞原級+as+B  AはBほど~でない、AはBより~でない
*形容詞の原級とは 形容詞そのままの形 (stronger比較級・ strongest最上級
Today is not as cold as yesterday. 今日は昨日ほど寒くない

A is not as 形容詞 as B. AはBほど~でない
A was not as 形容詞 as B. AはBほど~でなかった
A will not be as 形容詞 as B. AはBほど~にならないだろう(未来)
A has(have) been as 形容詞 as B. AはBほど~ではない(完了形)

Japanese economy has recently not been as good as I thought it would be.
=Japanese economy has recently been worse than I thought it would be.
good-better-best / bad-worse-worst

This perfume was not as fragrant as real roses. この香水は本物のバラほど良い香りではない
=Real roses were more fragrant than this perfume.本物のバラはこの香水より良い香りです
*本物のバラがいい香り という意味では上記2英文は形が違うが、言っている内容は同じ

This restaurant food will not be as delicious as that restaurant.
=That restaurant food will be more delicious than this restaurant.

Since getting up this morning I haven't been as hungry as yesterday.
=Yesterday I was hungrier than since getting up this morning.

This week will not be as busy as last week. 今週は先週ほど忙しくないだろう
=Last week was busier than this week. 先週は今週より忙しかった

(比較 復習)
Tom is 20 years old.  トムは20歳です
Mary is 30 years old.  メアリーは30歳です
Tom is younger than Mary. トムはメアリーより若いです
Mary is older than Tom. メアリーはトムより年上です
Tom is not as old as Mary. トムはメアリーほど年を取っていない
Mary is not as young as Tom. メアリーはトムほど若くない

since last summer 昨年の夏以来
since buying new shoes 新しい靴を買って以来
since I started studying English 私が英語を勉強し始めてから
since she started smoking 彼女がタバコを吸い始めてから
since she stopped smoking 彼女が禁煙を始めてから

* since starting studying/ since starting smoking も文法的には可能だが、発音がやや難しいので主語をつけて since I started studying/ since she started smoking というのが講師のおすすめ
また、since I started to study English も文法的には可能ですが、started +動詞ingと統一して覚える方が混乱しないため 動名詞で覚えるのが講師のおすすめ

Since moving to Tokyo she has never sent me any emails.
Since buying a puppy I've never stayed up late because she cannot sleep well in my living room unless the light off.
=Since I bought a puppy I've never ~ 

stop 動名詞 とstop 不定詞 は意味が変わるので注意
She stopped smoking. 彼女はタバコをやめた。タバコを吸うことをやめた。(禁煙した)
She stopped to smoke.  彼女はタバコを吸うために立ち止まった

同じようにremember, forget, regret, try も 意味が変わります
She remember doing my homework. 私は宿題をしたことを覚えている
She have to remember to do my homework. 私は忘れずに宿題をしなければならない

I forgot reading this book. 私はこの本を読んだことを忘れていた(記憶にない)
I forgot to read this book yesterday. 私はこの本を昨日読むのを忘れた(読もうとしていたが忘れた)

I regret being late the meeting. 私は会議に遅刻したことを後悔している
I regret to say that I can't help you. 残念ながら私はあなたを助けられない

I try doing it. 試しにそれをやってみる
I try to do it. それをしようとする
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