


That is an expensive looking car. あれは高価に見える車です

2016-02-21 19:57:29 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

errand  用足し、お遣い、用事


I'm a big fan of Matt Damon.  私はマッドデイモンの大ファンです
This kind of movie is my cup of tea. このような映画はわたしのお気に入りです

It's not my cup of tea. それは私の好みでありません
=It's not my favorite.

Did you go with anyone? 誰かと一緒に行きましたか?
*Who did you go? 誰と一緒に行きましたか? この表現より↑の表現の方が丁寧

【Did you go with anyone? 誰かと一緒に行きましたか?】

Did you buy anything? 何かを買いましたか?
(What did you buy? よりも↑の方が丁寧な言い方)

Did you go anywhere last week?  先週、どこかへ行きましたか
(Where did you go last week? よりも↑の方が丁寧な言い方)

No, nowhere. いいえ、どこも行きませんでした

3分の1(1/3) one third
I bought this book for one third of the original price at a second hand shop.

【~ish っぽい・およそ・~ごろ】
bluish 青みがかった、青っぽい
Her eyes are greenish. 彼女の瞳は緑っぽい
at 10:30ish 10時半ごろ
We are having our meeting at 10:30ish. 私たちは定例会を10時半ごろに行います

【5 minute break】
lip stick リップステック (lips stickにはならない)
three day holiday. 3日間の休み (three days holidayにはならない)
convenience store. コンビニエンスストア (conveniences storeにはならない)
This is a two man job. これは男性2人の仕事です(two men jobにはならない)

【Are you finished with the scissors. ハサミを使い終わりましたか】

Are you finished with 名詞?
Are you finished 動名詞?

Are you finished with the scissors. (finishを形容詞として使っている)
=Are you finished using the scissors?
=Have you finished using the scissors?  (現在完了形)

Are you finished with your coffee?
Are you finished having your coffee? コヒーを飲み終わりましたか
Are you finished washing the dishes? お皿を洗い終わりましたか
=Are you finished doing the dishes?
Are you finished doing the laundry? 洗濯は終わりましたか
Are you finished doing your homework? 宿題は終わりましたか
=Are you finished with your homework?
Are you finished running your errands? お使いは終わりましたか

【That is an expensive looking car. あれは高価に見える車です】

That car looks expensive. あの車は高そうに見える(高価に見える)

There was an expensive looking car in front of his house yesterday.
*上記の表現は一人の人が見た情報を他の人に伝えるときに使う。(この場合 The car looked expensive.とは言えない)

I asked a kind looking woman for help.

Before my flight I bought an interesting looking book at the airport, but I thought it was boring while I read it so I thew it away.

宿題 上記のような 形容詞+looking+名詞 のような例文を作る 

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