I'm at my friend's house in New Brunswick, Canada. This is my first visit to north America in 15 years. I played golf with my frieds today. I have not played golf for over 10 years. I hit 67 for 9 holes, that is not bad over 10years away from golfing. This area is a very nice and quiet place. There are slow life here. I will enjoy the slow life too for a week here.
- ワクチンを接種しました。 2週間前
- 入間航空祭 1ヶ月前
- 子持ちサンマ 3ヶ月前
- あれっ⁇! もう古希?! 4ヶ月前
- 晴れ風 を飲んでみた 7ヶ月前
- あごひげ 7ヶ月前
- マウイウィンド修行無事終了 9ヶ月前
- ラハイナ 9ヶ月前
- マウイ島には野生のニワトリがいる 9ヶ月前
- ハワイは夏時間なし 9ヶ月前