
Who never feels lonely at all under this endless sky...?

エリソ・ヴィルサラーゼ ピアノリサイタル @すみだトリフォニーホール(11月26日)

2022-11-29 01:11:29 | クラシック音楽

モーツァルト/幻想曲 ハ短調K.396
モーツァルト/ドゥゼードの「リゾンは森で眠っていた」の主題による9つの変奏曲 K.264
モーツァルト/ロンド イ短調 K.511

ショパン/ワルツ第3番 イ短調 作品34-2(プログラムでは「第19番 イ短調」となっていたけれど、実際に演奏されたのは第3番でした)
ショパン/バラード第2番 ヘ長調 作品38


モーツァルト/幻想曲 ハ短調 K.475
モーツァルト/ピアノ・ソナタ第14番 ハ短調 K.457

ショパン/ノクターン第7番 嬰ハ短調 作品27-1
ショパン/ノクターン第8番 変ニ長調 作品27-2
ショパン/バラード第3番 変イ長調 作品47

モーツァルト/ロマンス 変イ長調(アンコール)





- Eliso, you've been playing a lot of Mozart lately - both your concerts with the orchestra and your recent solo program was half of his works. It just so happened that I also switched completely to Mozart; for some reason I can't listen to any other music now. So I'm curious, what are the purely human reasons for your choice?

- It's escapism, trying to get away from everything that's going on - that's what it is in the first place. But also because Mozart is a light, surprisingly kind soul - he combines light with incredible tragedy in his music, and you can probably hear that too. I can't think of a single other composer who could do it in the same way. Of course, Mozart's examples of tragedy are well known - the Requiem or some of his operas. But sometimes in his works one is struck by layers of tragedy that are not at all so obvious or even completely unexpected, and which lie hidden in a thin layer somewhere within his apparently quite bravura concertos or sonatas. And when one suddenly discovers such layers, it arouses inner awe.


- Well, what if a person is under pressure?

- I don't know what to say here. I don't have an answer. There can be all kinds of situations. You just can't betray your culture and your business. Each of us can do too little in other areas - virtually nothing. We are busy with our profession and at this time should be more occupied with it than with other things. Everyone has a civic position. Some express it, some are afraid of it. I choose to play, I have to play. It's within my power, I can't do anything else. But at the same time, I can't demonstrate to perform works that are blatantly pathological and programmatic.

- What do you mean? Let's say some of Prokofiev's works?

- I can't play Prokofiev now. I can play Mozart, but not Prokofiev. But I can and must teach Prokofiev, it's my duty.


- We leave the concert stunned, but unable to understand ourselves and say what changed in us after we listened to the music.

- And why sort yourself out? Maybe we shouldn't look inside ourselves and find out what changes music has made in us. After all, we can't understand everything about ourselves. Something has changed in us, but we can't see it for ourselves. Why shelve it all and try to analyze it all? It's beyond us.

The performer is a bridge that allows the listener to step from his time into the era of the composer. That's why I tell myself that you have to serve the music modestly, honestly, without any fuss and without any doubts about the rightness of your work.

- With your intuition as a musician - and musicians really have a tremendous amount of intuition, I've had to convince myself of that many times - what do you sense? What will happen to all of us?

- The main thing is that the bloodshed must stop, the killing of people - something that cannot be undone. There can be no other way. Otherwise, you know, I'm an incorrigible optimist, and I think everything will be fine in the end.

Интервью с Элисо Вирсаладзе // Interview with Eliso Virsaladze (with subs)
こちらは、2017年のMoscow Philharmonic Societyによるインタビュー。英語字幕の書き起こし記事はこちら。こちらも結構率直な質問がなされています。

- What is your sense of self: are you a Soviet person, Georgian or Russian?
- Oh, you know, I never thought about it. I am very Russian and very Georgian, and in general I am a person who absorbs many cultures into himself, so it’s hard for me to say. When they scold Russia, it hurts me a lot. When they scold Georgia - too. When they scold my school in Munich - even this was unpleasant for me when I worked there. 

- Where do you feel at home?
- Still in Moscow, probably. 

– Was it difficult for you during the Russo-Georgian war? 
- Very hard. It’s hard for me even now because of the events in Ukraine. I have been traveling to Kyiv for the last four years in a row, and I am so delighted with how the public accepts and how they treat Russian performers! And in general to Russia. I don't even want to talk about what binds us, it's not even discussed. During the Russian-Georgian conflicts, they said: “Remember, we loved each other so much! I don't want to discuss it at all, because people are always well disposed towards each other. There must be some kind of conflict that can blow people up. Even in a small family, this can happen - imagine what can happen at the level of a large state! You can provoke anyone to do something. I think that the state makes a lot of mistakes here and should be held accountable for this.

Eliso Virsaladze plays Chopin


