Oyster Bagel Sandwich (PART 1)


<iframe width="500" height="350" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Ex23wO1RgCw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Denman-san, how come you've picked up "Oyster Bagel Sandwich" as a title for today's article?

The other day, I read your blog and realized that you mentioned it.
Oh ... did I?
Yes, you did. Actually, I wrote an article about it in Japanese. So, I re-write it here in English.

Hi, Mari-chan, how's it going?
I've noticed that you spent so many hours building up your English blog.
So I decide to support you as much as I can, and set up a thread called "Dialogue with Mari" in Denman Blog.
Here is the fourth article for the thread.

■“Bagels@Granville Island”
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/jnICHrdz9IQ?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Granville Island has a bagel shop called "Siegel's Bagels.”

In the above shop, they make “stuffed bagels.”
Mari-chan, have you ever seen “stuffed bagels”?
I've seen those for the first time.


I post the above two pictures for you so that you might as well make stuffed bagels some day.
Mari-chan, I’ll tell you what.
Why don’t you make a Japanese-style stuffed bagel with Satsuma-imo or yam?

Think about your unique filling with one-of-a-king Japanese taste for your stuffed bagels, which your prospective employer would be more than happy to see.
In any case, have a good day.
Bye now.

2014-04-23 09:41
SOURCE: "夢とベーグルとカナダ"

Thanx a million, Denman-san (*^_^*)!!
There will be still eighty-eight more to write so that my readers could read the 100th article!(^^)!
I've seen the thread in your "Denman Blog."

■"Enlarge the above picture!"
■"Biker Babe"
I'm having a hard time in translating your articles.(^_^;)☆☆
"Siegl's Bagels" has really interested me.
I've never eaten a stuffed bagel with smoked meat, though you can easily find bagel-sandwiches with smoked meat.
Please let me know how you like a stuffed bagel with smoked meat when you eat it.(●^o^●)
I'll do my best to make a creative stuffed bagel with one-of-a-king Japanese filling.(*^_^*)
Denman-san, do you have any suggestion?
What kind of filling would Vancouverites accept?
Do you think that Vancouverites could accept Japanese-style filling?
The other day, I happened to find an interesting book on bagels.
Described in the book are "Oyster Bagel Sandwiches."(^^)!
I don't remember which country has those sandwiches.

It looks so delicious!
I'll try to make it some day.
Thank you again, Denman-san, for your support.(^^)!

2014-04-24 00:12
SOURCE: "夢とベーグルとカナダ"

Now, Mari-chan, do you remember the above comment?

Yes, I do. Actually, I made some oyster bagel sandwiches and wrote an article about those.
I know... I know ... I read it a little while ago.

■"Actual Article"

Oh, it looks so delicious.



As soon as I see the above pictures, my stomach starts rumbling and I feel quite hungry.

Oh, do you?
I wish I could fly over to your bagel shop and gobble it up right away.
Denman-san, here is an old saying: "The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives."
Yes, it sounds absolutely right on.
I'll make a special fried oyster bagel sandwich for you when you visit my shop in October.


I can hardly wait.

(To be followed)