

God Is Coming!

2020-06-26 01:47:58 | 英語・英会話

God Is Coming!



Kato, do you believe in God?

Diane, how come you ask me such an eternal question?

Am I offending you by any chance, Kato?

No, you're not.  But they say, don't talk about politics and religion if you get along well with your neighbors.

So, you mind my questioning about God, don't you?

No, Diane, not at all.

But you seem to avoid answering my question.

Well..., tell you the truth, Diane, I believe in many gods.

I'm talking about God, Kato,---not many gods.

I know, but I enjoy Christmas.  I attend the funeral directed by a Buddhist priest as well as marriage ceremonies directed by a Shinto priest.  I also cerebrate the New Year's Day at a Shinto shrine.  Therefore, I'd say, I'm multi-religious.

So, you believe in many gods, don't you?

Yes and no.

What do you mean by that?

I don't think I really believe in a particular god, but I admit that people believe in their own god.  Believing in a god isn't a bad thing at all. (laughx.gif)

Kato, I don't think you're quite serious.

Believe me, Diane, I'm dead serious.

Are you sure?  In any road, how come you've brought up today's religious theme---"God is coming!"

A good question, Diane... Last night, I happened to read a short story written by James Herriot.

Oh... what kind of story is that?

It goes like this...


God is Near!



"You know, Mr. Herriot, it will be my turn next."


"What do you mean?"

"Well, tonight Ben has gone and I'm going to be the next one. I just know it."




"Oh, nonsense! You're feeling a bit low, that's all. We all do when something like this happens."

"I'm not afraid.  I know there's something better waiting for me. I've never had any doubts. But I have only one fear."

"What is it, Miss Stubbs?"

"It's the dogs and cats, Mr. Herriot. I'm afraid I might never see them when I'm gone which worries me so. You see, I know I'll be reunited with my parents and brothers, but ... but ..."

"Well, why not with your animals?"

"That's just it.  They say animals have no souls."

"Who says?"

"Oh, I've read it and I know a lot of religious people believe it."

"Well, I don't believe it.  If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. You've nothing to worry about there."

"Oh, I hope you're right. Sometimes I lie at night thinking about it."

"I know I'm right, Miss Stubbs, and don't you argue with me. They teach us vets all about animals' souls."

"I'm sorry to bore you with this and I'm not going to talk about it again. But before you go, I want you to be absolutely honest with me. I don't want reassurance from you--just the truth. I know you are very young but please tell me.  What are your beliefs? Will my animals go with me?"

"Miss Stubbs, I'm afraid I'm a bit foggy about all this.  But I'm absolutely certain of one thing. Wherever you are going, they are going too."

"Thank you, Mr. Herriot, I know you are being honest with me. That is what you really believe, isn't it?"

"I do believe it.  With all my heart I believe it."


Author Profile: James Herriot


Oh, Kato, this is a nice and lovely story.

I know you love this story.  That's why I've decided to talk about "God is coming!" today.

So, Miss Stubbs believes in God, doesn't she?

Yes, of course, she does.  Miss Stubbs was bed-ridden.  Hanging from the old brass gas bracket on the wall above her head is the following strip of cardboard about eight inches long with plain lettering:




So, Kato, James Herriot is your favorite writer, isn't he?

You're telling me, Diane.  I love his short pooch stories.


All Creatures Great And Small

Documentary Part 1

All Creatures Great And Small

Documentary Part 2

All Creatures Great And Small

Documentary Part 3

All Creatures Great & Small

Set Visit 1985

World of James Herriot


Oh, Kato, you're an enthusiastic fan of James Herriot, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

Miss Stubbs and James Herriot believed in God, but you don't believe in God, do you?

Diane, you aren't self-centered nor self-righteous, are you?

No, I'm not self-centered nor self-righteous.

I thought you were open-minded.

Yes, I'm still open-minded.

Yet you're still asking me such a mind-crashing question, aren't you?

Kato, you're over-reacting.

Then why don't you ask me to take a forest-bathing, instead of asking me about God?


Oh, that's another thing I'm worried about you, Kato.  Don't confine yourself in the library.  Instead, take a stroll in Stanley Park and enjoy forest-bathing.

Diane, focus on the matter in hand.  We're talking about God.

So, Kato, you believe in God or what?

To tell you the truth, Diane, I believe in Providence.

Oh, do you?  But what do you mean by Providence?

Last night I watched the stars in the sky.

Oh, did you?  What happened?

Nothing seemed to happen.  Everything was so quiet and still, but I knew that a traffic cop is working in the whole universe.

Who on Earth is the traffic cop you're talking about?

That traffic cop is Providence.

Kato, I don't understand what you're talking about.

You see, Diane, most of us were sleeping in the middle of night.  Nobody seems to suspect that we are actually moving faster than the fastest vehicle on Earth.

World's Fastest Car 439Km/h!

Are you saying the earth is moving faster than the above car?

Yes, I am.

You must be kidding!

Earth Rotation & Revolution

around a moving Sun

You know what, Diane? ... The Earth is travelling around the Sun at a speed of 29.78 km/s---that is, 107,200 km/h!

No kidding! ... 107,200 km per hour?  That's 244 times as fast as the fastest car on Earth.

That's right!

So what's got to do with Providence?

You see, Diane, the Earth travels at a speed of 107,200 km/h!  Yet no traffic accidents have taken place in the universe since the human beings appeared on Earth, where there are so many traffic deaths everyday.

So, you're saying, there must be a traffic cop in the universe, and this cop is Providence.

You're telling me, Diane.



【Himiko's Monologue】


Well..., what do you think about a traffic cop in the universe?

Do you believe in this traffic cop?

Here is an interesting clip.

Earth Orbit

Do you know that the Earth is rotating at about 2.9 miles (4.64 Km) per second?

The Earth is also travelling around the Sun at a speed of 29.78 km/s---that is, 107,200 km/h!

The Sun is travelling around the Milky Way galaxy at a speed of about 142.9 miles (228.6 Km) per second.

And the Milky Way galaxy (and thus the Sun and the Earth) is travelling---relative to other galaxies---at a speed of about 3,728.23 miles (5,965.23 Km) per second.

Amazing, isn't it?

In any case, I expect Kato will write another interesting article soon.

So please come back to see me.

Have a nice day!

Bye bye ...



If you've got some time,

Please read one of the following articles:


Life or Death

Way to Millionaire

Adele Hugo

Middle Sexes


Hacksaw Ridge

Eight the Dog


Chef Babette


Ramen Boom

from Korea


Crocodile Meat

Killer Floods

Climate of Doubt

Glory of Death

Big Mystery

Hitler and Trump

Hot October

2018 BC Ballot

Bach Collegium Japan

Dolly the Sheep

Golden Shower


Strange Love


Unknown Tragedy

World War B.C.

Mystery of Dimension

Call Girl Mystery

Typhoon & Emperor



Richard III

Savage vs. Civilized

Submerging Island

Adele Hugo

Banana @ Eden



Hi, I'm June Adams.

Kato is a real movie lover, who tries to watch 1001 movies.

As a matter of fact, he has already accomplished his goal.


『Actual List』


Kato watched "The Arabian Nights" or "One Thousand and One Nights" as his 1001st movie.

You might just as well want to view it.





The stories in "the Arabian Nights" were collected over many centuries by various authors, translators, and scholars across West, Central, and South Asia and North Africa.

The tales themselves trace their roots back to ancient and medieval Arabic, Persian, Indian, Egyptian and Mesopotamian folklore and literature.

In particular, many tales were originally folk stories from the Caliphate era, while others, especially the frame story, are most probably drawn from the Pahlavi Persian work Hazār Afsān which in turn relied partly on Indian elements.

What is common throughout all the editions of the Nights is the initial frame story of the ruler Shahryār and his wife Scheherazade and the framing device incorporated throughout the tales themselves.

The stories proceed from this original tale.

Some are framed within other tales, while others begin and end of their own accord.

Some editions contain only a few hundred nights, while others include 1,001 or more.









『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 - 小百合物語』







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2020-06-26 01:24:52 | 健全な批判












外交では、政治的な駆け引きがあるから、おそらく機密情報というのはあると思うわァ~。。。 だから、政府がすべての情報を公開しないということはあっても可笑しくないと思うのよねぇ~。。。

なるほどォ~。。。 つまり、外交的な駆け引きのために公開できない情報もある、とシルヴィーは思っているわけだァ~。。。


機密情報を公開しないのは理解できるけれど、嘘をつくのはダメだよ! 例えば、アメリカがイラクに対して戦争を仕掛けた時、アメリカ政府が「フセインが大量破壊兵器を保有している」と嘘をついたのは 今では世界中の誰もが知っていることだよねぇ~。。。






あのねぇ~、いつの時代にも政府や お山の大将は、自分の権利欲や軍事産業と結びついて私欲をむさぼるために、嘘をついてまで戦争を始めるものなのですよ。。。






My Comment


Directed by Fred Peabody in 2016, this 91-minute documentary exposes government and corporate deception just as the ground-breaking independent journalist I.F. Stone did in the 1960s.

Featuring footage from the last six decdes, the film makes you question what you see and read the news broadcast from mainstream media.

Amazing, provocative and alarming!





あらっ。。。 ケイトーは、ずいぶんと思い切った意訳をしているじゃない!?



もちろんですよ。。。 その証拠ならば捨てるほどありますよ。。。 たまたまバンクーバー市立図書館で借りていた本を読んでいたら次の箇所に出くわしたのですよ。。。








(注: 赤字はデンマンが強調。

『安倍官邸 vs. HNK』
著者: 相澤冬樹
2018年12月30日 第2刷発行
発行所: 株式会社 文藝春秋

あらっ。。。 財務省がうそをつくよう持ちかけ、森友学園側が断っていたのねぇ~。。。

そういうことですよ! 改ざん同様、財務省がいかに行政のルールをねじ曲げていたかを明るみに出す新事実なのですよ。。。 この改ざん問題では野党が かなり激しく政府を追及しているのですよ。。。 大臣の答弁を聞いていると、質問を何とか核心から逸(そ)らせよう、逸らせようと、冷や汗をかきながら 強がって見せているのが マジで分かってしまうのですよ。。。







問題は、こういう政府の嘘の裏では 役人が責任を感じて自殺しているということですよ。。。

あらっ。。。 マジで。。。? 誠実で責任感の強い中堅役人が 罪を背負って自殺しているのォ~?




2019年8月8日 朝刊









『中日新聞 ウェブニュース』より





政府の高官、つまり、局長や長官が嘘をつくと その下の役人がプレッシャーを感じて、責任を追わされる感じで自殺するのですよ。。。 そういう構造が日本政府にはできている!


そういうことですよ。。。 財務省の自殺した役人を含めて、国家公務員がどれぐらい自殺していると思いますか?

そうねぇ~。。。 1年間に 5人ぐらいじゃないのォ~?

もっと多いのですよ。。。 次の統計を見てください。。。






2017年の最新の統計で、国家公務員の災害死と自殺者が 49人。。。 死亡率で17.8%。。。 普通の国民の死亡率が 18.6%だから、災害死を含めた自殺者は、国家公務員も普通の国民もほぼ変わらないのですよ。。。


そうなのです。。。 国家公務員といえば、一応エリートと思われているけれど、真面目で、誠実な正直者ほど、プレッシャーを感じ、責任を感じて自殺してしまう。。。


そういうことです。。。 悪者たちは、そういう人たちを踏み台にして、のさばって生きているのですよ。。。





あなたも 誠実で正直者が馬鹿を見る世の中だと思いますか?

ええっ。。。 「そんなことは、どうでもいいから、他に、もっと楽しいことを話せ!」



シルヴィーさんが出てくる面白い記事は たくさんあります。。。














































『舞踏会 明子』




『美しい日本語 チェーホフ』




















































じゃあね。 バーィ。









■ めれんげさんの『即興の詩』

■ めれんげさんの『極私的詩集』

Jagel - Soft Japanese Bagel

■ "JAGEL - Soft Japanese Bagel"



■ 『ちょっと変わった 新しい古代日本史』

■ 『面白くて楽しいレンゲ物語』


■ 『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 - 小百合物語』

■ 『今すぐに役立つホットな情報』


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