for today 科学に目を向けよう


(旅の相棒募っています 乙女)


2012年04月09日 09時03分05秒 | シノイラニカ

マルタに滞在中に、スーパーではない店に入った。 制服を着た日本の高校生もいて、少しばかりおしゃべりをして、

その店でコゾで買えなかった品を見つけた。 おじさんはとても親切だった。  のも見つけて、

「これ何ですか?」というと、教えてくれました。 可愛くって、いくつか買いました。

「あら、これ、キャロブじゃないの~!」棚のビンを取ってラベルを見る。 ちょうどオランダサヤのような形で、それがジャムになっていた。






The Date-plum is native to southwest Asia and southeast Europe. It was known to the ancient Greeks as "the fruit of the gods" i.e. Dios pyros (lit. "the wheat of Zeus"), hence the scientific name of the genus. Its English name probably derives from Persian Khormaloo خرمالو literally "Date-Plum", referring to the taste of this fruit which is reminiscent of both plums and dates. This species is one candidate for the "lotus tree" mentioned in The Odyssey: it was so delicious that those who ate it forgot about returning home and wanted to stay and eat lotus with the lotus-eaters.[1]




best time for plum tree blossom

2012年04月09日 08時47分23秒 | 日常の発見

Now is the best time for plum tree blossom in near outsuburbs. 

Usually at the season of Dolls festivals,  I could enjoy various colours of flowers' opening such as yellow and purple

on the seat of a train window going down.

Last week, I made a quick decision to go for a walk in a mountaneous place in one morning.

I had a mind to take a walk in an usual course, but I made a mistake and chose  the other course that day.

Looking at the name of the direction, I remembered the name of the mountain  printed in a school news for children's activity in the past.

Having a chance to meet a group of  women who were enjoying  nature observation , walking alone then less than 1 hour,

I stood on  a grand view place at the top of a hilly place. I saw the grand stadium coloured in white over the horizon.

Going back to my house , after  a lunch, oh, how happy I am ,I took a rest in my bathtub.

with my simple english on the occasion when my pc takes asleep .