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今日の運勢  12月8日  Today's fortune December 8th

2020-12-08 16:23:59 | 運命学



望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じます。



Anniversary of Mitsuo Jusei

A person with a desire visits. Something unexpected happens. Good cause and good effect. The day when we should act in a spiritual manner with the grace of God, parents, society, sentient beings, and things. The good and evil of our actions for the past nine days will cause unexpected good and evil.

A good day to start something.
It will make you feel better and motivated, so you can get good results by boldly challenging things that are at risk or hesitant.
It's a good idea to be confident in yourself and feel a little overkill.

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今日の運勢  12月8日  Today's fortune December 8th

2020-12-08 16:23:59 | 運命学



望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じます。



Anniversary of Mitsuo Jusei

A person with a desire visits. Something unexpected happens. Good cause and good effect. The day when we should act in a spiritual manner with the grace of God, parents, society, sentient beings, and things. The good and evil of our actions for the past nine days will cause unexpected good and evil.

A good day to start something.
It will make you feel better and motivated, so you can get good results by boldly challenging things that are at risk or hesitant.
It's a good idea to be confident in yourself and feel a little overkill.

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