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脳と報酬系 brain and reward system

2024-01-06 18:37:47 | タブレットPC
  • 報酬系(ほうしゅうけい、英: reward system)とは、ヒト・動物の脳において、欲求が満たされたとき、あるいは満たされることが分かったときに活性化し、その個体に快の感覚を与える神経系のことである。
  • 変性意識状態
Brain and reward system
Wilder Penfield
Through his career, he has made a great contribution not only to the development of neurosurgery, which is the basis of today's brain science, but also to the development of neuroscience to this day. He was a pioneer in the surgical treatment of epilepsy and did not undergo general anesthesia during brain surgery, but with local anesthesia at the incision. Such a procedure is possible because the brain itself does not have sensory receptors including pain. Since the patient is conscious during surgery using this procedure, it is possible to identify the function of the local brain by electrical stimulation of the cerebral cortex, and the function should be preserved when determining the excision site of the diseased brain region. It has become possible to determine the area of the cerebral cortex. Since brain surgery is now performed with general anesthesia in order to prioritize the safety of anesthesia worldwide, such surgical procedures are rarely performed, but recently it has improved the safety of anesthesia in general. It has been resurrected with it.
Dwarf in the brain
Dr. Wilder Graves Penfield (1891-1976), an American neurosurgeon, conducted research to better understand how the brain perceives the body while treating patients with epilepsy. Each of the hemispheres has two maps (also known as Penfield's maps).
One is the map of movement, where we manipulate our movements. The other is the sensory map, where the sensory information of the body is processed. The dwarf (homunculus) in the figure on the left is a three-dimensional doll of the map. Looking at the figure, you can see how the brain looks at the body.
There are 12 pairs of special nerves that come directly from the brain. Some of these convey sensory information from the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and others control the muscles of the head and throat. Some supply important organs such as the heart and lungs and various glands.
The reward system is a nerve that activates in the human / animal brain when a desire is satisfied or is found to be satisfied, and gives the individual a sense of pleasure. It is a system.
The desires here are from biological and short-term ones such as thirst, appetite, and desire to regulate body temperature, to higher and social ones such as being praised by others, being loved, and raising children. Even long-term ones are included. Cognitive psychologists argue that in humans, the latter desire plays a more important role in behavioral decisions.
In mammals, the reward system is said to be the dopamine nervous system (also known as the A10 nervous system), which projects from the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain to the cerebral cortex. This is also supported by the fact that most of the addictive drugs such as stimulants and cocaine have a dopamine-activating effect. There is also a report that if an electrode is inserted into the midbrain in an animal and a device is created in which an electric current flows when the individual presses a button, the electrode is continuously pressed.
The function of the reward system plays an important role in learning and adaptation to the environment. For example, we can prioritize work by suppressing short-term desires such as fatigue and hunger by predicting long-term rewards, such as "you will get a bonus when you complete this work." However, when the bonus that was relied on is cut, the reward system is suppressed and it makes me feel uncomfortable. There is also a report that the function of the reward system nervous system affects the plasticity of the cerebral cortex, and the reward system is also important in learning. The word "praise and grow" can say this.
The reward system is activated not only when the desire is satisfied, but also when the person is acting in the hope of getting a reward. For example, when a thirsty person drinks water, the reward system is activated in the brain and a feeling of pleasure is felt. However, if a human finds a vending machine while walking, it can be inferred that he / she can drink water at that point, so the reward system is activated at the time of finding it. Schultz et al. (1993) conducted a similar experiment in monkeys. They created a device that presents a visual stimulus and feeds a few seconds later, accustoming the monkeys to it. At the same time, when electrodes were inserted into dopaminergic cells in the midbrain and activity was recorded, the cells were activated when food came out at the beginning of the experiment, but as they became accustomed to the experiment, visual stimulation was presented. At that time, neural activity was activated.
Altered state of consciousness
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2024-01-06 09:28:57 | タブレットPC
- 宿命転換成る
- かれが知能の目ざましい飛躍に自覚した
- 日本の仏教に成仏法がないことに不思議感じ、成仏法を求めて研究
- キリスト教にキリストがいないのと同じく、成仏法が仏教の重要な要素
- 仏教徒はシャカを教師として崇敬し、成仏法を学び救われると信じる
- かれは仏教の聖職者たちが成仏法の不在に疑問を持っていないことに疑念
- 成仏法を求めて阿含経の中で発見し、日本の仏教が古代中国の仏教を移入した結果理解
- かれは阿含宗を立て、多くの障害に直面するが強い決意を持つ
- 教団は全国に信徒三十数万人あり、大規模な法要や活動を行っている
- かれは著作活動も行い、ベストセラー著者である
- 財産よりも信者たちをかけがえのない財産と考え、健康で幸せな生活を営んでいる
- かれの教団は通信衛星を持ち、巨大な総本山寺院を建設中である
- かれの弟子は数千人で、教済活動や社会奉仕活動を行っている
- かれの人生の歩みが若者たちに望みを与えるものであると述べ、運命を変えられる可能性を強調。
仏教に成仏法がないということは、たとえば、キリスト教にキリストがいな いのと同じことなのである。
なぜかというと、神は人類を救うために、神のひとり子であるキリストをこ の世につかわされた。キリストによって人類は救われる、ということである。 仏教では、シャカその人が人類を救うのではなく、シャカの教えた成仏法によ って人類が救われるのである。 成仏法を学ぶことによって人類は救われるのだ。 だから仏教徒はシャカを偉大なる教師として崇敬するのである。その成仏法が なかったら、仏教の価値はほとんどない。残るのは倫理・道徳の教えだけであ る。倫理と道徳だけでは、人類は救われず、社会も成り立たない。 宗教がぜっ たいに必要である。 そして、仏教を宗教として成立させるのは、成仏法がある からだ。その成仏法が、日本の仏教にはないのである。これほど不思議なこと はない。 日本に仏教が伝来して、およそ一五〇〇年、その間、かぞえきれない 程の天才があらわれているのに、どうしてこの成仏法が行方不明のままなの か?じつに不思議きわまるはなしである。
しかし、ほんとうに仏教を求めようと思ったら、不思議がってばかりはいら れない。 成仏法をさがさねばならぬ。
かれは、仏教の聖職者たちだれ一人としてこれをおかしいと考える者がいな いのも不思議だと思った。一体、どういうことなのだろうか。
かれはしばしば、こういうことを考える自分のほうが異常なのだろうかと 疑った。なんとも思わない伝統仏教の僧侶たちのほうが正常なのだろうかと、 一晩中、 まんじりともせず考えたこともしばしばあった。
しかし、シャカの教えた一番大切なことをそっちのけにしておいて、ただ、 シャカを仏様として礼拝するだけで人が救われるとは、どう考えてもあり得な いことだ。かれは、頭をふって疑惑を払いのけ、成仏法の追求に血まなこにな
仏法がない。これは仏教とはいえぬ。 ぜひとも成仏法をさがし出さねばなら
ぬ」などといっているかれに教える仏教学者も僧侶もいない。異端者だからで ある。だからかれはすべて独学である。難解な専門用語につきあたり、一行の 文章を解くのに数ヶ月もかかることがしばしばあった。それを解くために、何 十冊もの論書や経典を読まねばならぬのである。 また、そういう書物だけでは解けないものがある。インスピレーションでしか解けないものがあるのである。
求聞持聡明法がそのかれを救った。 求聞持法体得ののち、かれの前に立ちは だかる壁は無くなった。難解の経典も、しばらくじっと見つめていると、自然 にその意味が流れこむように理解されてくるのであった。
と同時に、かれは、なぜ日本の仏教が成仏法を持っていなかったかが理解され た。
日本の仏教は大乗仏教であるが、この日本の大乗仏教は古代中国の仏教を そのまま移入したものである。ところが、当時の中国仏教は、すべての経典が 全部、シャカ自身の説いたものであると考える誤りをおかしていた。そして、 その考えの上に立って、あらゆる経典を分類整理し、ランクづけをしたのであ る。その結果、阿含経を最低レベルの経典とし、「小乗経典」と呼び、大乗経 最上のものとした。以来、阿含経は、学ぶに足らぬ経典とされ、だれもか えりみなくなってしまった。ところが、実際は、この阿含経だけがシャカの説 経典だったのである。なんという皮肉であろうか。 中国仏教が最低とした 阿含経だけがシャカの説いた真実の仏教経典であって、最上とした大乗経典は すべてシャカと関わりのない作者不詳の偽作経典だったのである。
シャカの教えた成仏法が、シャカの説いた阿含経のみに記され、 シャカ以外 の人間が書いた偽経の中に書かれていないのは、当然すぎるほど当然であろう。 日本の仏教は、以上のことが明らかになった現在でも、これについては一切、 かぶりである。
かれは、自分の発見したものを、あまねく日本の仏教徒に知らせることが 自分のなすべき義務であり、責任であり、使命であると考えた。それをとると らないはかれらの自由である。 しかし、この真実だけはかれらに告げておかね ばならぬ。それが仏教の聖職者として世に立つ自分の責務である。 そうかれは 考えたのである。
何度か躊躇したのち、かれは阿含宗という一宗を立てることを決心した。 大 きな困難が予想された。 それは、日本中の仏教を敵にまわすことだからである。 しかし、一旦、決意すると、かれは一歩もひかぬ強い性格になっていた。かれ その決心を断行した。予想された障害が、つぎつぎとあらわれた。
ことを、かれらは充分、知っていたからである。 一部の人たちは、マスコミを 煽動して、かれをつぶすことを計画した。
かれの若い頃の前科酒税法違反の暴露戦術に出たのである。これは 今でも、年一、二回、年中行事のようにおこなわれる。仏教宗教のことなど 全く知識のない若い記者などが、かれの敵がわの言い分を鵜呑みにして、かれ 邪教の親玉のごとく考え、正義の使者を気取って書き立ててくるのである。 殊に、かれの教団の大きな行事のある直前には、必ず、そういう記事が出る。 しかし、かれはまことにご苦労な事だと笑って、歯牙にもかけない。
今から三五年前、かれは、ただ一人の弟子をつれて、ほとんど無一文で教団 を始めた。
いま、かれの教団は全国に信徒三十数万人。毎年二月十一日に、京都の 総本山建立地でおこなわれる「火の祭典、阿含宗大柴燈護摩供」には、全国か
五〇万人を越える参拝者が集まる。 本年は、五六万人に達した。この総本山 京都市の中心にあり、広さ約十二万坪 (およそ一〇〇エーカー)に達する。
この山上に、かれは総本山寺院を建立中であるが、これは昭和年代に入って 日本最大の寺院建築である。かれの教団は、現時点に於て、日本で唯一つ、通 信衛星を持つ教団であり、この寺院にはその放送設備が完備されている。この 寺院の建築費は、およそ二五〇億円、ざっと二億ドルである。 土地の評価額も、 大体、おなじ程度と銀行が査定している。
東京の関東別院は、土地、建物、およそ、五〇〇億円、およそ四億ドルの評 価である。その他、日本の各地に、かれの教団はいくつかの道場を持っている。 世間の多くの人びとは、かれが多額の私有財産を持っていると想像している ようだ。しかし、かれも、かれの家族も、全くといっていいほど個人の財産を 持っていない。かれの妻が、歯科医師として開業していた当時に彼女が購入し 木造の貧弱な建物が一棟だけである。評価はおそらく五、六千万円に達する かどうか。 株ブームのこの頃であるが、 株式投資は一切していない。
税務署も世間と同じような想像をしていたようだ。もっとも、そういう趣旨 の投書がいくつかあったらしい。調査にあたったお役人たちは、かなり長い間、
かれとかれの家族がほとんど無資産であることを信じなかった。どこかに隠し 預金があるものと確信していたようである。 しかし、厳重きわまる調査の結果、 それに類したものはどこにもない、と判ったとき、かれらは非常に驚いたよう であった。
かれもかれの妻も、金や物を財産だとは思っていないのである。かれらに限 りなく信頼と期待をよせてくれる信徒たちこそ、かけがえのない財産だと思っ ている。そして、かれは、求聞持聡明法と成仏法の修行により、持って生まれ 能力の何倍もの力を授けられた。
である。そのほとんどがベストセラーに入っている。殊に一九八二年に発行し 「守護霊を持て」シリーズは二〇〇万部を超える大ベストセラーになってい る。昨年末に出版した小説『一九九九年・地球壊滅」は、発売当日に五万部を売り尽くして話題になった。
教団におけるさまざまな仕事のほかに、この著作活動で、かれは毎日、三時 間以上の睡眠をとることができない。 しかし、かれは現在この上なく健康であ る。かれは、ここ三〇年間、毎月数回、各地で行われる教団の例祭に一回も休 んだことがない。一九八五年六月、日本の宗教教団で初めて、中国の北京市、 およびハルビン市において、世界平和を祈る法要を営み、バチカンでローマ法 世界平和を語り合い、サン・クレメンテ教会において世界の宗教史上はじ めてのカソリック・仏教の合同法要を挙行し、FAOに寄進を寄せ、アフリカ のチャドに井戸、トラックを贈る活動を行った。
国内に於ても、東京都内に社会福祉法人特別老人養護施設を建設し、 京都市 に総合病院を持つ。
現在、かれの弟子数千人は、日本各地において、多くの悩む人、病める人の 教済活動をしている。
信者三〇数万人というのは、日本ではさして大きい教団とはいえない。 しか
し、かれの教団の信徒は非常にレベルが高く、殊に若ものたちが多く、活発な 活動で知られている。
以上が、一七歳で結核で倒れ、病弱のため高等教育を受けることが出来 ず、これという学歴を持たない、しかも二〇歳代で前科を持つという汚辱にま みれ、病弱と仕事の失敗のため、三度自殺をはかった一人の若ものが、運命を 変えようと決心してその後たどった人生である。この歩みは、人生に迷い、悩 み、苦しみ、躓いて、いままさに望みを失おうとしている若ものたちに、プレ ゼントするだけの価値があるのではなかろうか?
り出す。 思うままに自分を変え、他人を動かし、集団や環境を、自分の理念の通りに創造して行く、そういう力をあたえるシステムがここにある」
身である。自分の体験を語ることがベストであり、かつ、それが、義務であろ うと思うので、敢えて率直に語らせていただいた。
"The charm of Buddhism: Rising from failure and discovering the method to attain Buddhahood"
"The Miracle of Buddhism: A Life Story of One Person Who Overcame Adversity"
- Fate changes
- He realized a remarkable leap in intelligence.
- Feeling strange that there is no method for attaining Buddhahood in Japanese Buddhism, he began researching in search of a method for attaining Buddhahood.
- Just as there is no Christ in Christianity, Buddhahood is an important element of Buddhism.
- Buddhists revere Shaka as a teacher and believe that one can learn the Dharma of attaining Buddhahood and be saved.
- He doubts that Buddhist clergy do not question the absence of Buddhahood Dharma.
- Discovered in the Agon Sutra in search of the method of attaining Buddhahood, and understood as a result of Japanese Buddhism importing ancient Chinese Buddhism
- He established the Agon sect and faced many obstacles, but with strong determination.
- The cult has over 300,000 members nationwide and holds large-scale memorial services and activities.
- He also writes and is a best-selling author.
- He considers his followers to be more irreplaceable assets than property, and lives a healthy and happy life.
- His cult has communication satellites and is building a huge head temple.
- His disciples number in the thousands and are engaged in teaching and social service activities.
- He said his life path gives hope to young people and emphasized the possibility of changing their destiny.
fate changes
The next thing he realized was a remarkable leap in intelligence.
He found it strange that Japanese Buddhism did not have a method for attaining Buddhahood, so he searched for one.
He said earlier that he entered into the study of all the Buddhist scriptures.
The fact that Buddhism does not have a method for attaining Buddhahood is the same as, for example, Christianity without Christ.
The reason is that God sent his only begotten son, Christ, into this world to save humanity. It means that humanity is saved through Christ. In Buddhism, humankind is not saved by Shaka himself, but by the method of attaining Buddhahood taught by Shaka. Humanity can be saved by learning the Dharma of attaining Buddhahood. That is why Buddhists revere Shaka as a great teacher. Without him, Buddhism would have little value. All that remains is the teaching of ethics and morality. Ethics and morality alone cannot save humanity and create a society. Religion is very necessary to him. And what makes Buddhism a religion is his body, which has the method of attaining Buddhahood. This method of attaining Buddhahood does not exist in Japanese Buddhism. There is nothing more strange than this. It has been about 1500 years since Buddhism was introduced to Japan, and during that time countless geniuses have appeared, so why is this method of attaining Buddhahood still missing?This is a truly mysterious story. .
However, if he really wanted to pursue Buddhism, he would become frustrated with all the doubts. We must search for the method of attaining Buddhahood.
He thought it strange that none of the Buddhist clergy thought this was strange. What exactly is that?
He often wondered if he was abnormal for thinking this way. He would often spend all night wondering if the traditional Buddhist monks who thought nothing of it were normal.
However, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for him to ignore the most important thing that Shaka taught and think that people can be saved simply by worshiping Shaka as a Buddha. He shook his head to dispel his doubts and devoted himself to the pursuit of Buddhahood.
However, it was extremely difficult.
First, he had no Buddhist teacher. ``Japanese Buddhism has developed
There is no Buddhism. This cannot be called Buddhism. We must search for the method of attaining Buddhahood.
There are no Buddhist scholars or monks who can teach him who says, "Nu." He is because he is a heretic. So he is self-taught. Due to the difficult technical terms, it often took several months to unravel a single line of text. In order to solve this problem, one must read dozens of treatises and scriptures. Also, there are some things that cannot be solved with such books alone. There are some things that can only be solved through inspiration.
I didn't make any progress. I spent a lot of time groping aimlessly in the thicket of all the sutras.
He was walking around. He almost despaired many times, but he did not give in.
Gumonji's wise method saved him. After he had mastered the Gumonji Dharma, the wall that stood before him was no longer there. Even if I stared at a difficult scripture for a while, I would naturally begin to understand its meaning.
He finally discovered the method of attaining Buddhahood in a sutra called Agon Sutra. It was hidden in the Agon Sutra under the name ``Shichika Thirty-Seven Dohon''. discover it
At the same time, he understood why Japanese Buddhism did not have a method for attaining Buddhahood.
Japan's Buddhism is Mahayana Buddhism, and this Japanese Mahayana Buddhism is a direct import of ancient Chinese Buddhism. However, Chinese Buddhism at the time made the mistake of thinking that all the sutras had been preached by Shaka himself. Based on this idea, he categorized and ranked all the scriptures. As a result, he considered the Agon Sutra to be the lowest level sutra, calling it the ``Hinayana Sutra,'' and considered the Mahayana Sutra to be the highest. Since then, the Agon Sutra has been considered a sutra worthless to study, and no one has respected him. However, in reality, this Agon Sutra was the only scripture that Shaka preached. How ironic! The Agon Sutra, considered the worst in Chinese Buddhism, was the only true Buddhist sutra preached by Shaka, and the Mahayana Sutra, considered the best, was a fake sutra by an unknown author who had nothing to do with Shaka.
In modern times, research into Sanskrit and Pali progressed, and this error was discovered.
It is only natural that the method of attaining Buddhahood taught by Shaka is recorded only in the Agon Sutra that Shaka preached, and not in the false sutras written by anyone other than Shaka. Even now that the above has become clear, Japanese Buddhism is still a cover-up regarding this matter.
He considered it his duty, responsibility, and mission to make his discoveries known to all Japanese Buddhists. If he takes it, he does not take it, it is their freedom. But he must tell them this truth. That is my responsibility as a Buddhist priest. That's what he thought.
After some hesitation, he decided to establish a sect called the Agon sect. Great difficulties were expected. This is because it would make Buddhism in Japan an enemy. However, once he made up his mind, he became a strong character who never backed down. He carried out his decision. The expected obstacles appeared one after another.
Traditional Buddhists avoided any debate with him. his claim is correct
Because they knew that very well. Some people planned to incite the media and destroy him.
This was a tactic to expose his previous conviction for violating the Liquor Tax Law when he was young. This event is still held once or twice a year as an annual event. Young journalists and others who have no knowledge of the Buddhist religion accept the claims of their enemies at face value, think of them as the leaders of a cult, and pretend to be messengers of justice. In particular, articles like this always appear right before a big event for his cult. However, he laughed and said that it was a real pain, and did not even bother about it.
Thirty-five years ago, he started a cult with almost no money and only one disciple.
His church now has over 300,000 members nationwide. Every year on February 11th, people from all over the country participate in the ``Fire Festival, Agon Shu Daisaito Goma-ku,'' which is held at the headquarters of the temple in Kyoto.
Over 500,000 worshipers gather. This year, the number reached 560,000. This head temple is located in the center of Kyoto City and covers an area of approximately 120,000 tsubo (approximately 100 acres).
On this mountaintop, he is currently constructing the head temple, which is the largest temple building in Japan since the Showa era. His cult is currently the only cult in Japan with a communications satellite, and this temple is fully equipped with its broadcasting equipment. The construction cost of this temple was approximately 25 billion yen, roughly 200 million dollars. Banks estimate that the appraised value of the land is roughly the same.
Kanto Betsuin in Tokyo is valued at approximately 50 billion yen, or approximately 400 million dollars, including land and buildings. Additionally, his cult has several dojos throughout Japan. Many people in the world like him imagine that he has a large amount of private property. However, neither he nor his family own any personal property at all. There is only one modest wooden building that his wife purchased when she was practicing as a dentist. Whether his evaluation will probably reach 50,600 million yen. Although it was the time of the stock boom, I did not invest in stocks at all.
It seems that the tax office had the same idea as the public. However, it seems that there were several letters to that effect. For quite some time, the officials who conducted the investigation
He could not believe that he and his family had almost no assets. It seems that he was convinced that there was a hidden deposit somewhere. However, they seemed very surprised when, after intense investigation, they discovered that nothing like it existed anywhere else.
Neither he nor his wife consider money or things to be assets. They believe that the believers who have unlimited trust and expectations for them are an irreplaceable asset. And through his training in the Law of Pursuit of Purity and the Law of Pursuing Buddhahood, he was endowed with powers many times greater than what he was born with.
Moreover, what more wealth do we need than the joyful life we live, day and night, bathed in the light of Buddha Shaka's wisdom and compassion?
For the past 20 years, he has published two books a year, and this is his 40th book.
It is. Most of them are among the best sellers. In particular, his ``Have a Guardian Spirit'' series published in 1982 has become a huge bestseller, selling over 2 million copies. His novel ``1999 Earth Destruction'', published at the end of last year, became a hot topic of discussion, selling 50,000 copies on the day of its release.
he says.
In addition to his various duties at the church, this writing activity prevents him from getting more than three hours of sleep each day. However, he is currently in excellent health. For the past 30 years, he has never missed a single day because of the cult's annual festivals, which are held several times a month in various locations. In June 1985, for the first time, a Japanese religious order held a memorial service to pray for world peace in Beijing and Harbin, China, held a memorial service to pray for world peace in the Vatican, and held a memorial service to pray for world peace in the Vatican, and held a memorial service to pray for world peace in the Church of San Clemente. They held the first Catholic-Buddhist joint memorial service in history, made a donation to FAO, and worked to donate wells and trucks to Chad in Africa.
Domestically, we have built a social welfare corporation special care facility for the elderly in Tokyo and a general hospital in Kyoto.
Currently, several thousand of his disciples are engaged in evangelism work for many suffering and sick people throughout Japan.
With over 300,000 members, it cannot be called a very large religious organization in Japan. deer
However, the members of his cult are of very high quality, especially many young people, and are known for their active activities.
As a result, he fell ill with tuberculosis at the age of 17, was unable to receive higher education due to his infirmity, had no academic background, was surrounded by the stigma of having a criminal record in his 20s, and was unable to work due to his infirmity. This is the story of the life of a young man who attempted suicide three times because of his misfortune, but decided to change his fate. Isn't this journey worth giving as a gift to young people who are lost, worried, suffering, stumbling, and are about to lose hope in life?
“You can change your destiny at any age. Even at 50, 60, or 70.
is possible. Change your personality, remodel your brain cells, and live the life you want.
Start out. Change yourself as you wish, move others, and create a group.
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2024年1月6日  九星  無料 今日の運命

2024-01-06 08:05:18 | タブレットPC

2024年1月6日  九星  無料 今日の運命
凌犯期間 成の日
名サマンタバドラ (Samanta bhadra) の「サマ 「タ」は「く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。 「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か 起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。 で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。
白象に乗り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。 文殊菩薩のに対して、 (行)をつかさどります。
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Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
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