- 仏教の開祖釈迦は「覚(さと)れる者」となり、悟りを得て煩悩を断ち輪廻の苦から解放されることを解脱とし、成仏と呼ばれる。
- 釈迦の弟子は釈迦の指導を受け、教えを学び、戒・定・慧の修行に努め、阿羅漢と呼ばれる境地に到達した。
- シャカの成仏法には「七科三十七道品」があり、ニルヴァーナの智慧を獲得する修行法として知られる。
- 七科三十七道品には四念住法、四正断法、四神足法、五根法、五力法、七覚支法、八正道法が含まれる。
- 仏陀の成仏法により霊体は悪因縁から解放され、涅槃に入り、これを成仏と呼ぶ。
- 成仏法を修行することで生者は清められ、段階的に悪因・悪業から解脱していき、最終的に仏陀に到達する。
- 死者は自ら修行できないため、成仏法を修行した聖者に供養され、霊的テレパシーによって解脱し安らぎの場に向かう。
- 世界の危機は死者の怨念や悪念が人々の深層意識を動かしているためであり、仏陀の成仏法がその苦しみを救済する力を持つとされる。
- 釈迦の弟子は釈迦の指導を受け、教えを学び、戒・定・慧の修行に努め、阿羅漢と呼ばれる境地に到達した。
- シャカの成仏法には「七科三十七道品」があり、ニルヴァーナの智慧を獲得する修行法として知られる。
- 七科三十七道品には四念住法、四正断法、四神足法、五根法、五力法、七覚支法、八正道法が含まれる。
- 仏陀の成仏法により霊体は悪因縁から解放され、涅槃に入り、これを成仏と呼ぶ。
- 成仏法を修行することで生者は清められ、段階的に悪因・悪業から解脱していき、最終的に仏陀に到達する。
- 死者は自ら修行できないため、成仏法を修行した聖者に供養され、霊的テレパシーによって解脱し安らぎの場に向かう。
- 世界の危機は死者の怨念や悪念が人々の深層意識を動かしているためであり、仏陀の成仏法がその苦しみを救済する力を持つとされる。
- Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, became the ``enlightened one,'' and attaining enlightenment, cutting off earthly desires, and being liberated from the suffering of reincarnation is called liberation, which is called Buddhahood.
- Shakyamuni Buddha's disciples received Shakyamuni's guidance, studied his teachings, and practiced the precepts, determination, and wisdom, and reached the state of being called Arhat.
- Shaka's method of attaining Buddhahood includes the ``Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Paths,'' and is known as a training method for acquiring the wisdom of Nirvana.
- The Thirty-Seven Ways and Principles of the Seven Schools include the Four Minds and Living Laws, the Four Right Dharma Laws, the Four Divine Foot Laws, the Five Root Laws, the Five Power Laws, the Seven Awakenings Laws, and the Eightfold Dao Laws.
- Through the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood, the spiritual body is freed from evil causes and enters Nirvana, which is called Buddhahood.
- By practicing Buddhahood, living beings are purified, gradually freed from evil causes and evil karma, and ultimately reach Buddhahood.
- Since the dead cannot practice on their own, they are offered offerings to saints who have practiced Buddhahood, and through spiritual telepathy they are liberated and go to a place of peace.
- The world's crisis is said to be due to the grudges and evil thoughts of the dead moving people's deep consciousness, and the Buddha's Buddhahood Dharma has the power to relieve such suffering.
- Shakyamuni Buddha's disciples received Shakyamuni's guidance, studied his teachings, and practiced the precepts, determination, and wisdom, and reached the state of being called Arhat.
- Shaka's method of attaining Buddhahood includes the ``Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Paths,'' and is known as a training method for acquiring the wisdom of Nirvana.
- The Thirty-Seven Ways and Principles of the Seven Schools include the Four Minds and Living Laws, the Four Right Dharma Laws, the Four Divine Foot Laws, the Five Root Laws, the Five Power Laws, the Seven Awakenings Laws, and the Eightfold Dao Laws.
- Through the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood, the spiritual body is freed from evil causes and enters Nirvana, which is called Buddhahood.
- By practicing Buddhahood, living beings are purified, gradually freed from evil causes and evil karma, and ultimately reach Buddhahood.
- Since the dead cannot practice on their own, they are offered offerings to saints who have practiced Buddhahood, and through spiritual telepathy they are liberated and go to a place of peace.
- The world's crisis is said to be due to the grudges and evil thoughts of the dead moving people's deep consciousness, and the Buddha's Buddhahood Dharma has the power to relieve such suffering.
パーリ文「中阿含」第百三の kinti sutta につぎのように述べられています。
パーリ文「中阿含」第百三の kinti sutta につぎのように述べられています。
四神足法は、特殊な tapas( 練行)です。神足とは、神通力(超人的能力)のことで、この四神足法は、超自然的な神通力を得るための四種の修行法です。
四神足法は、特殊な tapas( 練行)です。神足とは、神通力(超人的能力)のことで、この四神足法は、超自然的な神通力を得るための四種の修行法です。
成仏法を成就した聖者( 有余依涅槃(うよえねはん)の聖者)の霊的テレパシー(霊力)によって、聖者の悟りをそのまま受け止めて、迷い執念などを離れて、冥界(死者のほんとうの世界=安らぎの場)へ向かうということです。
Shaka's method for attaining Buddhahood: ``Seven Departments and Thirty-Seven Ways''
Training method to acquire the wisdom of Nirvana
``Seven Courses and Thirty-Seven Ways'' or ``Thirty-seven Bodhisattvas''
``Seven Courses and Thirty-Seven Ways'' or ``Thirty-seven Bodhisattvas''
Seven types of systems and 37 types of curriculum for acquiring divine wisdom
Among the Agon sutras that the Buddha preached, we can find sutras and Buddhist scriptures that seem to express Nirvana.
In fact, you can even discover the training methods to acquire the wisdom of Nirvana.
This training method is called the ``Seven Sciences, Thirty-Seven Ways,'' or the ``Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas.'' This consists of seven subjects and 37 types of subjects, which Abbot Kiriyama calls ``seven systems and 37 types of curriculum for acquiring divine wisdom.'' People in the world only know about Mahayana Buddhism, so they hardly know that Buddhism has such sutras.
The kinti sutta in the 103rd chapter of the Pali text ``Naka Agon'' states as follows.
Here, O bhikkhus, the Dharma has been understood and preached to you by Me. In other words, the fourfold meditation, the four right decisions, the four divine feet, the five roots, the five powers, the seven enlightenments, and the eightfold path. Therefore, all bhikkhus should learn this in harmony and without conflict.
The training and practice methods for acquiring wisdom as taught by the Buddha are clearly described here.
The method of training in these seven subjects taught in the Agon Sutra was named by Abhidharma theorist the ``Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Ways'' or the ``Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas.'' It means 37 training methods that lead to satori.
Among the Agon sutras that the Buddha preached, we can find sutras and Buddhist scriptures that seem to express Nirvana.
In fact, you can even discover the training methods to acquire the wisdom of Nirvana.
This training method is called the ``Seven Sciences, Thirty-Seven Ways,'' or the ``Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas.'' This consists of seven subjects and 37 types of subjects, which Abbot Kiriyama calls ``seven systems and 37 types of curriculum for acquiring divine wisdom.'' People in the world only know about Mahayana Buddhism, so they hardly know that Buddhism has such sutras.
The kinti sutta in the 103rd chapter of the Pali text ``Naka Agon'' states as follows.
Here, O bhikkhus, the Dharma has been understood and preached to you by Me. In other words, the fourfold meditation, the four right decisions, the four divine feet, the five roots, the five powers, the seven enlightenments, and the eightfold path. Therefore, all bhikkhus should learn this in harmony and without conflict.
The training and practice methods for acquiring wisdom as taught by the Buddha are clearly described here.
The method of training in these seven subjects taught in the Agon Sutra was named by Abhidharma theorist the ``Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Ways'' or the ``Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas.'' It means 37 training methods that lead to satori.
Four thoughts and thoughts (Shinenjuho)
In the old translation, it is called Shinenjo. It is also called the four thoughts. Four types of introspection and meditation methods for achieving enlightenment. There are four types: shin-nen-ju (self-reflection), sen-en-ju (sensation), mind-remension (shin-nen-ju), and honen-ju (honen-ju).
In the old translation, it is called Shinenjo. It is also called the four thoughts. Four types of introspection and meditation methods for achieving enlightenment. There are four types: shin-nen-ju (self-reflection), sen-en-ju (sensation), mind-remension (shin-nen-ju), and honen-ju (honen-ju).
In the old translation, it is called shijokin. There are four types of training: Dandan, Ritsugidan, Zuigodan, and Shudan.
In the old translation, it is called shijokin. There are four types of training: Dandan, Ritsugidan, Zuigodan, and Shudan.
It is also translated as shiruyi-sho.
The basis for obtaining the four free powers. A training method for four types of ``Yokujinsoku'', ``Gonjinsoku'', ``Shinjinsoku'', and ``Kanjinsoku'' to obtain supernatural power.
It is also translated as shiruyi-sho.
The basis for obtaining the four free powers. A training method for four types of ``Yokujinsoku'', ``Gonjinsoku'', ``Shinjinsoku'', and ``Kanjinsoku'' to obtain supernatural power.
There are five roots: Shinkon, Shojinkon, Nenkokon, Jokon, and Ekon. Root refers to the ability to work freely. A Buddhist monk's faith in the Three Treasures, as well as diligence, thought, jhana (meditation), and wisdom, are practices that demonstrate high ability toward Nirvana.
There are five roots: Shinkon, Shojinkon, Nenkokon, Jokon, and Ekon. Root refers to the ability to work freely. A Buddhist monk's faith in the Three Treasures, as well as diligence, thought, jhana (meditation), and wisdom, are practices that demonstrate high ability toward Nirvana.
Faith (Shinriki), Devotion (Shojinriki), Psychokinesis (Nenriki), Fixed power (Joriki), Wisdom (Eriki) (or Wisdom). Training to gain advanced power that will lead to Nirvana.
Faith (Shinriki), Devotion (Shojinriki), Psychokinesis (Nenriki), Fixed power (Joriki), Wisdom (Eriki) (or Wisdom). Training to gain advanced power that will lead to Nirvana.
Chakuhokakushi, Shojinkakushi, Kikakushi, Kyoankushi, Shakakushi, Jokakushi ) and the seven Nenkakushi. Seven trainings that lead to Nirvana.
Chakuhokakushi, Shojinkakushi, Kikakushi, Kyoankushi, Shakakushi, Jokakushi ) and the seven Nenkakushi. Seven trainings that lead to Nirvana.
The Eightfold Path (also written as the Eightfold Path)
Eight paths to reach the ideal state: ``Shoken'', ``Shoshiyui'', ``Shogo'', ``Shogo'', ``Shogo'', ``Shomyo'', and ``Shojin''''. )・Shonen・Shojo”
Eight paths to reach the ideal state: ``Shoken'', ``Shoshiyui'', ``Shogo'', ``Shogo'', ``Shogo'', ``Shomyo'', and ``Shojin''''. )・Shonen・Shojo”
The above is the ``Seven Departments, Thirty-Seven Ways,''.
The four-spirited meditation method and the five-root method are meditation.
The Fourfold Dharma, the Five Powers, the Seven Awakenings, and the Eightfold Dao are practices and meditations.
Shigami Ashiho is a special type of tapas (training). Kamiashi refers to divine power (superhuman ability), and these four Kamiashi methods are four types of training methods to obtain supernatural power.
The four-spirited meditation method and the five-root method are meditation.
The Fourfold Dharma, the Five Powers, the Seven Awakenings, and the Eightfold Dao are practices and meditations.
Shigami Ashiho is a special type of tapas (training). Kamiashi refers to divine power (superhuman ability), and these four Kamiashi methods are four types of training methods to obtain supernatural power.
Through the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood, the spiritual body is liberated from bad causes, bad karma, and bad thoughts.
A completely liberated spiritual body enters Nirvana.
This is called attaining Buddhahood.
However, even when it comes to attaining Buddhahood, it differs between the living and the dead.
In the case of a living person, you can practice the Shichika Sanju Shichi Dobon (the Shichika Sanju Shichi Dobon) on your own.
Through training, the spiritual body (living person) is purified, elevated, and gradually freed from evil causes and evil karma.
After passing through the sage stages of ``Shudaon'', ``Sidagon'', and ``Anagon'', one reaches the ultimate great sage ``Arahant'' (Buddha).
If you are unable to attain Buddhahood in this life, you will continue to practice the Dharma to attain Buddhahood in the next life, and ultimately you will definitely become a Buddha.
In the case of a dead person, since it is not possible to practice on one's own, a sage who has accomplished the Dharma for attaining Buddhahood should make a memorial service using the Dharma for attaining Buddhahood.
Due to strong grudges and tenacity, hotokes become spirits of unattainable Buddhas, causing spiritual disorders, and are lost when they receive the vibrations of enlightenment emanating from the saints, and are liberated and attain Buddhahood.
However, attaining Buddhahood in this case does not mean that one has been completely liberated from fate, karma, and defilements.
Through the spiritual telepathy (spiritual power) of a sage who has achieved Buddhahood (a sage of Uyoenehan), one can accept the sage's enlightenment as it is, leave one's delusions and obsessions, and go to the underworld (the true state of the dead). It means heading to the world of peace (a place of peace).
This is the ``Buddhist Dharma'' taught by Buddha Shakyamuni.
A completely liberated spiritual body enters Nirvana.
This is called attaining Buddhahood.
However, even when it comes to attaining Buddhahood, it differs between the living and the dead.
In the case of a living person, you can practice the Shichika Sanju Shichi Dobon (the Shichika Sanju Shichi Dobon) on your own.
Through training, the spiritual body (living person) is purified, elevated, and gradually freed from evil causes and evil karma.
After passing through the sage stages of ``Shudaon'', ``Sidagon'', and ``Anagon'', one reaches the ultimate great sage ``Arahant'' (Buddha).
If you are unable to attain Buddhahood in this life, you will continue to practice the Dharma to attain Buddhahood in the next life, and ultimately you will definitely become a Buddha.
In the case of a dead person, since it is not possible to practice on one's own, a sage who has accomplished the Dharma for attaining Buddhahood should make a memorial service using the Dharma for attaining Buddhahood.
Due to strong grudges and tenacity, hotokes become spirits of unattainable Buddhas, causing spiritual disorders, and are lost when they receive the vibrations of enlightenment emanating from the saints, and are liberated and attain Buddhahood.
However, attaining Buddhahood in this case does not mean that one has been completely liberated from fate, karma, and defilements.
Through the spiritual telepathy (spiritual power) of a sage who has achieved Buddhahood (a sage of Uyoenehan), one can accept the sage's enlightenment as it is, leave one's delusions and obsessions, and go to the underworld (the true state of the dead). It means heading to the world of peace (a place of peace).
This is the ``Buddhist Dharma'' taught by Buddha Shakyamuni.
The grudge of the dead moves everyone's deep consciousness.
The reason this world is currently on the brink of destruction is because the vibrations of the grudges and evil thoughts of the dead that fill this world are moving the deep consciousness of everyone.
As a result, humanity is becoming increasingly impulsive, combative, immoral and, as a result, on the verge of genocide of itself.
First, families are starting to fall apart.
Unless we give complete peace to the suffering souls of the dead, there will be no peace for the living.
Buddha Shakyamuni's method of attaining Buddhahood has the power to bring peace and relief to beings (souls) who survive after death with these sufferings.
As a result, humanity is becoming increasingly impulsive, combative, immoral and, as a result, on the verge of genocide of itself.
First, families are starting to fall apart.
Unless we give complete peace to the suffering souls of the dead, there will be no peace for the living.
Buddha Shakyamuni's method of attaining Buddhahood has the power to bring peace and relief to beings (souls) who survive after death with these sufferings.