The name of the sword is "Aruya Acharanata Vijaya Rajibuya", and it is officially called the Holy Fudo Majesty King.
The Buddhas always try to take us sentient beings on the path of Satori by taking various means. However, some sentient beings are kind and stubborn.
Dainichi Nyorai teaches and guides the hard-working sentient beings who cannot be rescued by such ordinary methods in the form of mercy to scold them. ’”, Dainichi Nyorai changes to Fudo Myoo and appears with a phase of anger. Anger is actually a mercy.
It is said to be the guardian deity born in the year of the rooster.
不動明王の真言には以下のようなものがある。 一般には、不動真言の名で知られる、小咒(しょうしゅ)、一字咒(いちじしゅ)とも呼ばれる真言が用いられる。
- 「ノウマク サンマンダ バザラダン カン」
- (namaḥ samantavajrānāṃ hāṃ)
- (すべての諸金剛に礼拝する。ハーン。)
- 「ノウマク サラバタタギャテイビャク サラバボッケイビャク サラバタタラタ センダマカロシャダ ケンギャキギャキ サラバビギナン ウンタラタ カンマン」
- (namaḥ sarvatathāgatebhyaḥ sarvamukhebhyaḥ sarvathā traṭ caṇḍamahāroṣaṇa khaṃ khāhi khāhi sarvavighanaṃ hūṃ traṭ hāṃ māṃ)
その中間に位置する、慈救咒 (じくじゅ)と呼ばれる真言も知られる。
- 「ノウマク サンマンダ バサラダン センダンマカロシャダ ソハタヤ ウンタラタ カンマン」[3]
- (namaḥ samantavajrānāṃ caṇḍa-mahāroṣaṇa sphoṭaya hūṃ traṭ hāṃ māṃ. [4])
- (すべての諸金剛に礼拝する。怒れる憤怒尊よ、砕破せよ。フーン、トラット、ハーン、マーン。)
- 不動根本印
- 不動剣印
The mantras of Fudo Myoo are as follows. In general, the mantras known as Fudo Shingon, also known as Shoshu and Ichijishu, are used.
"Noumak Sanmanda Bazaradunkan"
(Namaḥ samantava jrānāṃ hāṃ)
(Worship all Kongo. Hahn.)
In addition, there is a long mantra called Kakaishu.
"Noumak Sarabatata Gateibaku Sarabata Bokkeibyaku Sarabata Tarata Sendama Karoshada Kengaki Gaki Saraba Biginan Untarata Kanman"
(Namaḥ sarvata thāgate bhyaḥ sarvamu khebhyaḥ sarvathā traṭ caṇḍamahā roṣaṇ a khaṃ khāhi khāhi sarvavig hanaṃ hūṃ traṭ hāṃ māṃ
The mantra called Jikuju, which is located in the middle, is also known.
"Noumak Sanmanda Basaradan Sendan Makaroshada Sohataya Untarata Kanman" [3]
(Namaḥ samantava jrānāṃ caṇḍa-mahāroṣaṇa sphoṭaya hūṃ traṭ hāṃ māṃ. [4])
(Worship all the Kongo. Angry wrath, crush. Hoon, Trat, Khan, Man.)
(Seed character) is Kang (हां, hāṃ) or Kangman (ह्म्मां, hmmāṃ).
Immovable root mark
Immovable sword mark
Zanmai Yagata
Sanmai Yagata is a sword (Kurikara sword) or a search.